June 30, 2019 Bulletin
Prayer Requests & Updates New requests and updates: Cindy Goff fell last week and broke her hip. She had surgery this past Monday and had to have a total hip replacement. She is Wheeling Hospital and is requesting no visitors at this time. Ty Kildow (a friend of Sally McDiffitt) has been diagnosed with lymphoma. Bunky Loy was in a car accident and injured his knee this past week....
Read MoreJune 23, 2019 Bulletin
Prayer Requests & Updates New requests and updates: Laken Bailey (Skip & Linda Gooch’s grandson) had his tonsils removed this past Friday. Louise Craft’s latest surgery was a success! She is now able to eat solid food. This past week she was moved to a skilled nursing home in Zelienople, PA. Wayne Patton has not been feeling well. Mike Slatt received his biopsy results and...
Read MoreJune 16, 2019 Bulletin
Prayer Requests & Updates New requests and updates: Kenneth Hawk (an inmate currently doing bible correspondence) has requested prayers. He is having bladder & prostate problems. Amy Nestor is struggling with anxiety and is requesting prayers. On-going prayers needed: Marge Bailey (Greg Vicker’s Mom), Jeff Bigler, Eva Craft, Bob Digiandomenico, Carol Frye, Randy Gallagher,...
Read MoreJune 9, 2019 Bulletin
Prayer Requests & Updates New requests and updates: Jeff Bigler has been battling a sinus infection. Louise Craft is back at the James Cancer Center Hospital. Stephanie Gaston (Mike & Terrie Gaston’s daughter in law) is now home from the hospital. Ernie Pyatt (Lisa Chapman’s brother) is out of the ICU and recovering. Jim Yontz had a heart catheterization done this past...
Read MoreJune 2, 2019 Bulletin
Prayer Requests & Updates New requests and updates: Donna Hirauk received her test results back from her colonoscopy this past week. The mass is pre-cancerous and she will be having it removed at the James Cancer Center in the near future. Riley McDiffitt will be moving to Morgantown, WV to pursue a degree at WVU. Please keep Riley in your prayers. Helen Wallace (Lisa Swallie’s...
Read MoreMay 26, 2019 Bulletin
Prayer Requests & Updates New requests and updates: Marge Bailey (Greg Vickers mother) had a successful cardio procedure done last week in Morgantown to get her out of A-Fib. Since going home, she has fallen several times and was admitted to Wheeling Medical Park last Friday with a sub-dermal hematoma. She is now in Cumberland Nursing Home forew therapy. Brian Heid (Terry Lively’s...
Read MoreMay 19, 2019 Bulletin
Prayer Requests & Updates New requests and updates: Louise Craft is in the James Cancer Center at OSU with stage 4 colon cancer. She is hoping to go to a step down facility soon. Eva Craft (Louise Craft’s mother in law) is currently a patient at OSU Medical Center in Columbus. They are hoping to find a nursing home placement when she is discharged. Please keep Pat Corder’s...
Read MoreMay 12, 2019 Bulletin
Prayer Requests & Updates New requests and updates: Louise Craft’s test results showed that she has colon cancer. She will begin treatments as soon as her body is able to handle them. Her address is on the bulletin board. Debbie Hatcher has been sick with bronchitis. Ed Hirauk’s leg has been bothering him. Pat Rice has been having back problems. On-going prayers needed:...
Read MoreMay 5, 2019 Bulletin
Prayer Requests & Updates New requests and updates: Louise Craft had surgery to remove a mass & infection in her colon at the James Cancer Center in Columbus this past week. Isaac Huffman has a severe sinus infection and walking pneumonia and this has postponed his surgery for his tubes being put in his ears. Tim Mortin (an elder where HP & Eddie Roberts attend). On-going...
Read MoreApril 28, 2019 Bulletin
Prayer Requests & Updates New requests and updates: Linda Carpenter had exploratory heart catheterization done this past Monday. Joe Jones (works for Joe Stenger) is in need of prayers as he is very sick. On-going prayers needed: Larry Barbe (Angel Baker’s Dad), Dee Dee Detling (a friend of Janet Lallathin), Bob Digiandomenico, Alicia Estadt, Stanley Frakowski (Sandy...
Read MoreApril 21, 2019 Bulletin
Prayer Requests & Updates New requests and updates: Larry Barbe (Angel Baker’s Dad) has Mantel Cell Leukemia and needs our prayers. His address is posted on the bulletin board. On-going prayers needed: Bob Digiandomenico, Alicia Estadt, Stanley Frakowski (Sandy Nolte’s father), Carol Frye, Randy Gallagher, Adam Gooch, Dorothy Heil, Wayne Henthorn, Isaac Huffman, Scott...
Read MoreApril 14, 2019 Bulletin
Prayer Requests & Updates New requests and updates: George Voscavitch is in Petersons Hospital. On-going prayers needed: Bob Digiandomenico, Alicia Estadt, Stanley Frakowski (Sandy Nolte’s father), Carol Frye, Randy Gallagher, Adam Gooch, Dorothy Heil, Wayne Henthorn, Isaac Huffman, Scott Judge (Jamie Judges’ brother, lung surgery), Charles & Peg Lucas, Vince Magnone...
Read MoreApril 7, 2019 Bulletin
Prayer Requests & Updates New requests and updates: Randy Gallagher is back at Park Health. Adam Gooch’s surgery went well this past Wednesday. Alicia Estadt has been suffering migraines and will be seeing a neurologist in Morgantown. Wally McCabe Sr. (Wally McCabe’s Dad) had successful open heart surgery. Chris Perkins was baptized at the Woodsfield church, but suffered a...
Read MoreMarch 31, 2019 Bulletin
Prayer Requests & Updates New requests and updates: Randy Gallagher does not have an abscess near his lung as they previously thought. He is improving. Joanne Gaston (Mike Gaston’s Mom) has been placed on hospice care. Micah Fuchs (Belmont Church of Christ) has been sick since the end of January. He’s been to Cleveland Clinic twice, but still has not received any answers....
Read MoreTransitions and A New Season
On Sunday, March 17, 2019 Brad Schrum announced that he, Amanda, and their family would be moving to Morgantown, West Virginia to serve as the preaching minister for the Morgantown Church of Christ, beginning in June. Brad will continue to minister and preach in St. Clairsville until the end of May. The elders also announced that Keaton Forsythe has decided to begin a new full time job...
Read MoreMarch 17, 2019 Bulletin
Prayer Requests & Updates New requests and updates: Rich Daley is now home. He will be going back to the hospital daily for IV antibiotics. Lucielle Howell (Pat Leiffer’s aunt) suffered a massive stroke two weeks ago. She has been unresponsive since the stroke. There is nothing more the doctors can do and she is in hospice care. Isaac Huffman (Leslie Huffman’s son) will be...
Read MoreMarch 10, 2019 Bulletin
Prayer Requests & Updates New requests and updates: Rich Daley is in Wheeling Hospital (room 464) with a tear in his colon. Isaac Huffman (Leslie Huffman’s son) will be having his tonsils & adenoids taken out and tubes put in his ears on March 22nd. Warren Lallathin (Janet Lallathin’s Dad) was moved to Emerald Point this past Monday. Pam Moore has been sick. Donna Morris...
Read MoreMarch 3, 2019 Bulletin
Prayer Requests & Updates New requests and updates: Dee Bigler has been having problems with her blood pressure. Gail Bigler has been having stomach issues. Sam Burkhart is now home. Edna Campbell (Nancy Stonebraker’s sister) is now in Park Health. Rich Daley is in Wheeling Hospital (room 464) with a tear in his colon. Isaac Gaston (Emma Gaston’s Dad) left this past Monday...
Read MoreFebruary 24, 2019 Bulletin
Prayer Requests & Updates New requests and updates: Joann Gaston (Mike Gaston’s Mom) has been moved from the ICU to a regular room. She has no feeding tube and her bloodwork is showing slow improvement. Isaac Huffman (Leslie Huffman’s son) will be having his tonsils & adenoids taken out and tubes put in his ears on March 22nd. Warren Lallathin (Janet Lallathin’s...
Read MoreFebruary 17, 2019 Bulletin
Prayer Requests & Updates New requests and updates: Joann Gaston (Mike Gaston’s Mom) is in the hospital with an infection, UTI and a large kidney stone. Skip and Linda Gooch left for Las Vegas this past week. Dennie & Kathy Green left for Florida last week and will be gone for several weeks. Isaac Huffman (Leslie Huffman’s son) will be having his tonsils & adenoids...
Read MoreFebruary 10, 2019 Bulletin
Prayer Requests & Updates New requests and updates: Stanley Frakowski (Sandy Nolte’s father) had a mini stroke and is in East Ohio Regional Hospital in Martins Ferry. Randy Gallagher is in Wheeling Hospital (room 525) with pneumonia. Dennie & Kathy Green left for Florida yesterday and will be gone for several weeks. On-going prayers needed: Ashli Allen, Jack Bailey,...
Read MoreFebruary 3, 2019 Bulletin
Prayer Requests & Updates New requests and updates: Mary Bass was admitted to Wheeling Hospital with pneumonia and a severe UTI. She is in room 521. Mason Bittinger (Stephanie Bittinger’s son) had tubes put in his ears this past Wednesday. Everything went great and his is recovering at home. Ken Frye has swelling behind the right eye that he recently had cataract surgery on. Tyson...
Read MoreJanuary 27, 2019 Bulletin
Prayer Requests & Updates New requests and updates: Allison Bilyeu (Joy Yontz’s granddaughter) is recovering from surgery to remove 4 wisdom teeth. Nancy Hudson has been sick. Karen Thomas did not get good results back and was to consult with doctors this past Thursday. Eliana Schrum has been sick. On-going prayers needed: Ashli Allen, Jack Bailey, Margaret Bailey, Jim Bass,...
Read MoreJanuary 20, 2019 Bulletin
Prayer Requests & Updates New requests and updates: Scott Chapman’s surgery went well. He is recovering at home. Bob Digiandomenico will be having tests on his pancreas and he continues to have heart problems. Pat Rice is on antibiotics and recovering at home. On-going prayers needed: Ashli Allen, Jack Bailey, Margaret Bailey, Jim Bass, Mary Bass, Rae Ann Beatty, Stephanie...
Read MoreJanuary 13, 2019 Bulletin
Prayer Requests & Updates New requests and updates: Echo Duffy (Caleb Hayes’ fiancée`) is studying to be a nurses aid and has asked for prayers. Mike Fetzer (Dennie & Kathy Green’s son in law) had outpatient surgery to repair a heart abnormality. Ken Frye had cataract surgery this past Thursday. Charlotte Patton has been sick. Pat Rice is recovering from an intestinal...
Read MoreDecember 30, 2018 Bulletin
Prayer Requests & Updates New requests and updates: Jack Bailey (Greg Vicker and Nettie Hartung’s stepfather) is recovering from successful open heart surgery. Mary Bass has been moved to room 112 at Forest Hills. Ken Frye had cataract surgery this past Thursday. Randy Gallagher was moved to Park Health this past Monday. Austin Green (Dennie Green’s father) had a stroke. He has...
Read MoreDecember 23, 2018 Bulletin
Prayer Requests & Updates New requests and updates: Ashli Allen had a tricuspid heart valve replaced Monday and is experiencing a setback as her heart isn’t producing enough conductivity to sync up to beat & she may need a pacemaker. Mary Bass is in the hospital with several health problems that made it difficult for her to walk. Jeff Cross (Darin & Kim Clark’s...
Read MoreDecember 16, 2018 Bulletin
Prayer Requests & Updates New requests and updates: Mary Bass was taken to the ER this past Tuesday with blood pressure problems stemming from a UTI. When she got home, she fell and hit her head and had to be taken back to the ER. She currently home and doing ok. Stephanie & Andy Benham have both been sick. Alicia Estadt is in Wheeling Hospital with a bacterial infection. Carol Frye (Ben...
Read MoreDecember 9, 2018 Bulletin
Prayer Requests & Updates New requests and updates: Rece Hannahs is recovering from respiratory infection. Brenda McCreary has shingles. Ernie Pyatt (Lisa Chapman’s brother) had a heart catheterization this past Friday. Bill Rice has not been feeling well. Isabelle and Eliana Schrum have been sick. Mike Slatt had a biopsy done and received a cancer free result. He will have another...
Read MoreDecember 2, 2018 Bulletin
Prayer Requests & Updates New requests and updates: Ruth Borovich (Tina Hayes’ mom) has been in East Ohio Regional Hospital. Mike Slatt had a biopsy done and is waiting for the results. John Sowinski is now home recuperating. Greg Vickers is traveling in Houston. Vera White (family friend of Terry Lively & mother of Lisa Swallie) passed away on Thanksgiving morning. Her funeral was...
Read MoreNovember 25, 2018 Bulletin
Prayer Requests & Updates New requests and updates: Jeff Bigler is now home recuperating. Scott Chapman recently found out he has prostate cancer. He had a PET scan done this past Tuesday and it revealed there is not additional cancer. Julie Nowakowski was taken to the hospital last week due to chest pains. Clyde Prince (Cedar Avenue Church of Christ) is in Forrest Hills nursing home in...
Read MoreNovember 18, 2018 Bulletin
Prayer Requests & Updates New requests and updates: Jeff & Gail Bigler have not been feeling well. Scott Chapman recently found out he has prostate cancer. He will be having a PET scan done Tuesday to check for more cancer. Ernie Pyatt (Lisa Chapman’s brother) is in Wheeling Hospital with heart problems. Mike Slatt has a small spot of cancer on his bladder. He has pre-op on the...
Read MoreNovember 11, 2018 Bulletin
Prayer Requests & Updates New requests and updates: Rae Ann Beatty (Bill & Pat Rice’s daughter) is home recovering from surgery. Jack Bailey (Nettie Hartung & Greg Vicker’s stepdad) is in Country Club Nursing Home in Bellaire. He will be having open heart surgery on his aortic valve. His tests revealed he also has several blockages. He is also having issues with brain stem...
Read MoreNovember 4, 2018 Bulletin
Prayer Requests and Updates New requests and updates: Rae Ann Beatty (Bill & Pat Rice’s daughter) returned to Cleveland Clinic this past Monday due to a surgical sponge and a towel marker left in her neck. She will need surgery again to have those items removed. Scott Chapman had testing done and will get the results November 7th. Sue Daley fell last Sunday. She is ok, just...
Read MoreOctober 28, 2018 Bulletin
Prayer Requests & Updates: New requests and updates: Rae Ann Beatty (Bill & Pat Rice’s daughter) was taken to the ER this past Wednesday due to swelling of her incision. Scott Chapman had testing done this past Wednesday. HP & Edie Roberts have left for Florida. Carl & Nancy Stonebreaker recently left for Florida. On-going prayers needed: Jack Bailey, Margaret Bailey,...
Read MoreOctober 21, 2018 Bulletin
Prayer Requests & Updates New Requests & Updates: Rae Ann Beatty (Bill & Pat Rice’s daughter) is now home recuperating. Ruth Borovich, Tina Hayes’ mother recently fell and broke her right hip. Josephine Nestor (Greg Nestor’s Grandmother) is in East Ohio Regional Hospital with pneumonia. Erin Shankle (Jerry & Pam Moore’s daughter) had melanoma cancer on her...
Read MoreOctober 14, 2018 Bulletin
Prayer Requests & Updates: New requests and updates: Rae Ann Beatty (Bill & Pat Rice’s daughter) had neck surgery this past Thursday. Geri Nagy (Kim Clark’s Mom) had aortic valve surgery this past Tuesday and is recovering. Erin Shankle (Jerry & Pam Moore’s Daughter) has melanoma cancer on her back. She will be consulting with doctors to find out what stage it is in....
Read MoreOctober 7, 2018 Bulletin
Prayer Requests & Updates New requests and updates: Jim Bass fell last Saturday. He is stoved up and in a lot of pain. Caleb Hayes has been diagnosed with abdominal migraines. Elsie Isiminger (Brenda McCreary’s mother) is now at home under hospice care. Warren Lallathin (Janet Lallathin’s Dad) is having a procedure tomorrow (Oct 8th) in Zanesville to fix his recurrent urinary...
Read MoreSeptember 23, 2018 Bulletin
Prayer Requests and Updates New requests and updates: Brenda Carter (our cleaner from Top Notch Cleaning) is having back surgery on Thursday at Wheeling Medical Park. Kim Clark is recovering at home. Dean Dunfee (from Centervillle), is recovering from a toe infection. Oak Forrest Church of Christ in Goldsboro, NC (connection to Joe Stenger) has several members who have sustained damage from the...
Read MoreSeptember 16, 2018
Prayer Requests & Updates New requests and updates: Nathan Barbe (Angel Baker’s nephew) is in Pittsburgh Children’s Hospital following appendix surgery. He has an abscess forming and may require a additional surgery. Kim Clark’s heart surgery went well and she is recovering. Quentin Clark had to evacuate due to the hurricane. Bill White (Corey Hayes’ uncle) has several...
Read MoreMay 20, 2018
Prayer Requests & Updates New requests and updates: Margaret Bailey (Nettie Hartung and Greg Vickers’ mom) is undergoing testing before having a heart filter placed. Chris Corder (Pat & Jim’s nephew) had a recent liver transplant and is having complications. Joe Hamm is recovering from a colonoscopy. Donna Hirauk has a cyst on her spine and it is causing her problems. Logan McDiffitt...
Read More10.22.17 Bulletin News
New requests & updates: Brady Bisbocci (John & Joy Patton’s son-in-law) is improving a little, but still has a long road. Ted Huntsman is now home. Surgery will be too risky, but they continue to treat his infection with antibiotics. On-going prayers needed: Terry Barriklow (friend of the Greens, heart attack), Jim Bass, Mary Bass, Gail Bigler (stomach problems), Charles Boger, Joe...
Read MoreOctober 1, 2017
Prayer Requests New requests & updates: Terry Barriklow (friend of the Greens) had a heart attack and complications. Barbara Brewer (Leslie Judge’s mother) received a good report on her cancer follow up. Clara Helms is recovering at home from a hip replacement. Darlene Hill (Sam Miller’s friend) is in a coma following her brain surgery. Ted Huntsman has been moved to Barnesville...
Read More9.3.17 Bulletin News
New requests & updates: Charles Boger was admitted to the hospital last week with stomach problems, but is now home and doing better. Garret Duncan (Stephanie Benham’s cousin’s son) is now home following his ATV accident. Donna Morris is still at Forest Hills recuperating from her broken ankle & wrist . Emily Schmidli had a set back with her back and will require more surgery....
Read More8.27.17 Bulletin News
New requests & updates: Delores Burkhart is having back & leg problems. Clyde Carpenter was in the Columbus Hospital last week. Garret Duncan (Stephanie Benham’s cousin’s son) had an ATV accident and is on a vent with two brain bleeds and a broken vertebrae in his neck. He’s only 18. Donna Morris is recuperating from her broken ankle & wrist at Forest Hills. Joe...
Read More8.20.17 Bulletin News
New requests & updates: Jason Harris (Bill & Pat Rice’s son-in-law) is back in the states. Ed and Donna Hirauk both have been down with colds. Ted Huntsman is home but not doing well. Elmer and Eileen LaRue are not doing well. Elmer had a major stroke and Eileen was recently in the hospital with heart problems. Emily Schmidli is home, but will have to have another surgery soon. Kelly...
Read More8.13.2017 Bulletin News
New requests & updates:, Christopher Bailey (Nettie Hartung’s son) and his children are going through some difficult times. Rylind Higgins had his tonsils and adenoids removed and tubes put in his ears last Wednesday. Ted Huntsman is having a rough time due to his cancer treatments. Emily Schmidli is now home from the hospital. Lori Witchey (Barb Tetlow’s daughter) is fighting...
Read MoreEPIC: VBS 2017

VBS 2017: Epic Bible Stories Join us from Sunday August 6 thru Wednesday August 9 at 6:30-8:30 each night for an exciting time of learning about some of epic block buster stories in the bible. There are classes, activities, crafts, and snacks for Age 3-Grade 6. There will be a great class & discussion for the adults too! On Wednesday night, we will condensed class rotation and a brief slide...
Read More7.23.2017 Bulletin News
New requests & updates: Jim Bass fell and broke his hand. Mary Bass no longer needs oxygen support. Carol Frye will be staying with her brother while awaiting a bone marrow transplant. Ted Huntsman fractured his back again and is having a rough time with his chemo treatments. Ruth Lallathin Morrow will start treatments soon for recently diagnosed cancer. Carol Roberts (HP & Edie’s...
Read More7.16.17 Bulletin News
New requests & updates: Doug Frye has been admitted to Wheeling Hospital for a potential infection in his knee following a motorcycle accident last week. Paul Huffman’s sister (Crystal) who recently had a baby, is in Ruby Memorial Hospital with a severe infection. Peg Lucas (Jody Vickers & Mary Zink’s mother) is in Park Health recovering following surgery on her ankle. Carl...
Read More7.9.2017 Bulletin News
New requests & updates: Randy Gallagher broke several bones in his foot. Katie Gaston is in Haiti on a ten day mission trip. Dorothy McCluskey (Brad Schrum’s grandmother) has a cracked arm. With her arm in a sling, she’s unable to walk. Emily Schmidli had her back surgery on Monday. Due to her severe pain, she was placed in the ICU for several days. Bill Rice has not been feeling well...
Read More7.2.17 Bulletin News
New requests & updates: Carol Frye’s (Ben’s mother) fever is down and she is out of ICU. She is back at the James Cancer Center. Brent Hatcher is doing well following his hip replacement surgery. Nils Niemeyer is doing well following his heart surgery. Pat Rice has not been feeling well. Emily Schmidli’s surgery was postponed until July 3rd. Mitzi Wright (Keaton’s grandmother) is...
Read More6.25.17 Bulletin News
New requests & updates: Brady Blacker is now home. He will continue to be on medication for several weeks for lymes disease. Carol Frye’s (Ben’s mother) leukemia is in remission, a bone marrow transplant is in the near future. Nils Niemeyer will be having heart surgery 6/25. Emily Schmidli will be having her next surgery on June 27. On-going prayers needed: Christy Abels (friend...
Read More6.11.17 Bulletin News
New requests & updates: Marilyn Boger is now home, but continues to need prayers. Brent Hatcher will be having hip replacement surgery on June 28. Layah Schmidli had been in the hospital being treated for pneumonia, dehydration and croup. She is now home and doing well. On-going prayers needed: Jim Bass, Mary Bass, Charles Boger, Barbara Brewer, Kevin Davis, Mae Deller, Tom Denney, Karen...
Read More5.21.17 Bulletin News
New requests & updates: Marge Bailey, (Greg Vickers & Nettie Hartung’s mother) is in the hospital with pneumonia. Mae Deller is in EORH. Emily Schmidli’s surgery last Thursday went well at Children’s Hospital in Columbus. She will be there for 3-4 months. Jim Strauss is recovering from knee surgery. Phyllis Thomas (Joy Yontz & Sue Biesel’s mother) is doing some...
Read More5.7.17 Bulletin News
New requests & updates: Scarlet James (Nettie Hartung’s 2yr old niece) had a large tumor removed from her colon. There have been additional complications and follow-up testing. Donna Morris was in the hospital last week. She is now home. Wayne Patton’s sister Carol (in Florida) may be facing surgery soon. Martha Reed (Nancy Miller’s mother) underwent surgery for a broken...
Read More3.19.17 Bulletin News
New requests & updates: Doug Elerick’s (friend of Janet Lallathin) cancer has spread. Clark Green’s surgery to remove a kidney stone was postponed. He has an infection that needs healed first. Frosty Lee (Joyce Slatt’s brother-in-law) is in the hospital with breathing problems. Laura Maiorana (friend of Joe Ham) has cancer and has only been given 6-12 months to live. Dorothy...
Read More3.12.17 Bulletin News
New requests & updates: Doug Elerick completed radiation and three rounds of chemo and will be having tests to see how he is progressing. Elliana George (7 months old, related to Christy Fisher) has a cancerous tumor behind her eye. Bill Miller, who used to worship with us before moving to Indiana, fell and broke his femur. He is in rehab. Bill Rice has been struggling with high blood sugar....
Read More2.26.2017 Bulletin News
New requests & updates: Dominic Alexander (a 7 year old friend of Xander Davis) is back in the hospital undergoing chemo. Mary Bass will be seeing a cardiologist on March 7. Tom Denney’s surgery for a cochlear implant has been postponed because an EKG revealed some heart complications. RJ & Andrea Nolte are in need of prayer. On-going prayers needed: Sharon Baranich, Jim Bass, Bryan...
Read More2.19.2017 Bulletin News
New requests & updates: Mary Bass saw a pulmonologist on Friday and will be seeing a cardiologist on March 7. Steve Lattocha saw a urologist for a second opinion. Sundy (pronounced Sunday) Stanford (Bruce’s sister-in-law) had open heart surgery recently. Carl Stonebraker was in the hospital for an asthma attack. Donna Hirauk has a kidney stone. On-going prayers needed: Kate Bain, Sharon...
Read More2.12.17 Bulletin News
New requests & updates: Marilyn Boger has a bad cold. Kevin Davis (Chris’s dad) has cancer, but has been given a good prognosis. Dillon Freeman (friend of Carol Kovachic) is having surgery on a broken foot. Eleanor Palimetakis had a pacemaker put in. Bill Rice has been sick. On-going prayers needed: Kate Bain, Sharon Baranich (Jessica Crawford’s mother), Jim Bass, Mary Bass,...
Read More1.29.17 Bulletin News
Prayer Requests New requests & updates: Kate Bain is back in the hospital. She is requesting no visitors. Mary Bass has been in EORH with pneumonia and congestive heart failure. She’s doing a little better. Wayne Henthorn (Lisa Gallagher’s dad) is in the hospital (requests no visitors). Ted Huntsman was in the hospital for a few days, but is now home. Eleanor Palimetakis is home...
Read More1.22.17 Bulletin News
Prayer Requests New requests & updates: Sharon Baranich (Jessica Crawford’s mother) is in the hospital at OVMC. Bryan Beisel (Susan’s husband) was in the hospital in Florida. He is now home. Mary Bass has been moved to Park Health Center room 204. Randy Gallagher is now home from the hospital. He is still on antibiotics for the infection in his foot. Caleb Hayes has gastritis...
Read More1.15.17 Bulletin News
Prayer Requests: Kate Bain is now home. Mary Bass has been taken off the ventilator and is now in a regular room. Maureen McBride is having a lot of back pain. She is undergoing tests. Brenda McCreary has a ruptured ear drum. On-going prayers needed: Jim Bass, Charles Boger, Barbara Brewer, Tom Denney, Karen Dunfee, Alicia Estadt, Joann Gaston, Willy Glasgow, Austin Green, Starling Green,...
Read More1.1.2017 Bulletin News
Prayer Requests New requests & updates: Mary Bass has the flu. Tom Denney (Homer & Linda’s son) will be having a cochlear implant on Feb. 21 at WVU hospital in Morgantown. He is to have a CAT scan & physical on Feb. 7. Austen Inherst (11 years old) had to have a partial amputation of his finger. Eleanor Palimetakis is in the Health South Rehab center after having some health issues....
Read More12.25.16 Bulletin News
Prayer Requests New requests & updates: Ashley Gaston lost a family member last week. Austin Green (Dennie’s dad) is in a rehab facility in Florida with blood pressure issues. Starling Green (Dennie’s uncle from Duncan Falls) is having liver and pancreas problems. Caleb Hayes has been having stomach issues. Austen Inherst (11yr old student) smashed his finger. On-going prayers...
Read More12.4.16 Bulletin News
Prayer Requests New requests & updates: Gregg Voscavitch is schedule to have significant surgery sometime the beginning of this month. Charles Boger’s lungs are clear and the pneumonia is gone. Please keep both Gregg and Charles in your prayers. On-going prayers needed: Jim Bass, Mary Bass, Bryan Biesel, Barbara Brewer, Carolyn Campbell, Karen Dunfee, Jan Ehni, Alicia Estadt, Joann...
Read More11/27/16 Bulletin News
Prayer Requests: Isaac Huffman (Jerry & Pam Moore’s grandson) has pneumonia. Charlotte Patton has a sinus infection and cough. Becky Thomas & Mark Smiggle (friends of Karen Thomas) are in serious condition following a recent car accident. On-going prayers needed: Jim Bass, Mary Bass, Bryan Biesel, Charles Boger, Barbara Brewer, Carolyn Campbell, Karen Dunfee, Jan Ehni, Alicia...
Read More11.13.16 Bulletin News
Prayer Requests: Mary Bass’ cataract surgery on Wednesday went well. Bryan Biesel is recovering from his surgery on Tuesday. Alicia Estadt is now home. Pat Rice has not been feeling well. On-going prayers needed: Jim Bass, Charles Boger, Barbara Brewer, Karen Dunfee, Joann Gaston, Willy Glasgow, Nancy Hendershot, Dorothy Heil, Kyle Hope, Chad Huntsman, Ted Huntsman, Janie Judge, Kevin Kalany,...
Read More11.6.16 Bulletin News
PRAYER REQUESTS: New requests & updates: Mary Bass has cataract surgery on Wednesday. Bryan Biesel has surgery on Tuesday. Charles Boger is scheduled to return home today. Mae Deller had been at EORH with breathing problems. Alicia Estadt is the hospital with an infection. Willy Glasgow’s heart is improving (though he still has a blood clot). Molly Leonard’s (the Burkhart’s...
Read More10.30.16 Bulletin News
Prayer Requests New requests & updates: Charles Boger has been moved to Forest Hills. Peg Lucas (Jodi Vicker & Mary Zink’s mother) had surgery on Tuesday to relieve pressure on her spine. Alicia Estadt had a port put in last Tuesday. Eleanor Palimetakis was hospitalized for a couple of days after suffering a slight stroke. Rita Yontz (Jim’s mom) has serious kidney issues,...
Read More10/23/16 Bulletin News
New requests & updates: Charles Boger had hip surgery last week. John Burghy had cancer removed from the side of his face. Alicia Estadt is to have a port put in November 10. Willey Nice is having back problems and is also undergoing several tests. Bill Rice had skin cancer removed. John Sambuco had a knee replacement on Tuesday. On-going prayers needed: Jim Bass, Charles Boger, Bryan...
Read More10/9/16 Bulletin News
Prayer Requests: Barbara Brewer’s (Leslie Judge’s mom) recent scan showed that things are stable at this time. Doug Elerick (friend of Janet Lallathin) is undergoing tests. Alicia Estadt went to Cleveland Clinic for more testing. Clyde McFeley (Darin Clark’s uncle) has lung cancer. Kelly Moore (friend of one of our construction workers) has breast cancer. Gerry Munn (Terry...
Read More