June 2, 2019 Bulletin

Prayer Requests & Updates

New requests and updates: Donna Hirauk received her test results back from her colonoscopy this past week. The mass is pre-cancerous and she will be having it removed at the James Cancer Center in the near future. Riley McDiffitt will be moving to Morgantown, WV to pursue a degree at WVU. Please keep Riley in your prayers. Helen Wallace (Lisa Swallie’s great Aunt) is in hospice care. The family is requesting prayers for her comfort. Lincoln Williams, a 17 year old from Old Washington & a Church of Christ member, was in a bad motorcycle accident. He had an 8 hour spine surgery.

On-going prayers needed: Marge Bailey (Greg Vicker’s Mom), Pat Corder’s sister Jackie, Eva Craft (Lousise Craft’s mother in law), Louise Craft, Bob Digiandomenico, Alicia Estadt, Stanley Frakowski (Sandy Nolte’s father), Carol Frye, Randy Gallagher, Debbie Hatcher, Brian Heid (Terry Lively’s brother in law), Dorothy Heil, Wayne Henthorn, Ed Hirauk, Isaac Huffman, Scott Judge (Jamie Judges’ brother), Charles & Peg Lucas, Donna Morris, Pat Rice, Dot Saunder;s son in law, Joyce Stimpert, Karen Thomas, Greg Voscavitch, Sue Wirsing & Jim Yontz.

In the Military: Isaac Gaston, Joseph Glenn (friend of Janet Lallathin), C.J. Harding (Terry Fitch’s step-son), Jason Harris (Bill & Pat Rice’s son-in-law), & Joey Stenger (Joe & Karen’s son).

Our Shut-ins: Sam & Delores Burkhart, Carolyn Campbell, Bill & Sue Daley, Joyce Orzolek, John Patton, Pearl Roy & Marlene Trisolene.

News & Information

Monthly Fellowship Meal

We will be having our monthly fellowship meal after services this morning. All care groups are asked to help with set up and clean up. Please make plans to join us!

Free Books

There are some books, Bibles, study materials, and other resources available in Brad’s old office. If you or anyone you know can make use of them, please help yourself.

Camp Concern

Camp Concern is quickly approaching! There are brochures on the table in the foyer. For more information, you can also go to their website at www.campconcern.org.

Teen Devo

The first Teen Devo of the year will be this Thursday June 6th at the McDiffitt’s house from 7 pm to 9 pm. If you are a teen, please make plans to attend!

There are still several spots open for sign up if you are interested in hosting a Teen Devo this summer! The sign up sheet is on the bulletin board.

New Address

Jerry and Pam Robinson have moved. Their new address is posted on the bulletin board.

VBS Meeting

There will be a VBS meeting at 4:30 pm on Sunday June 9th. The meeting will be in the Fireside Room.


We extend our sympathy to the family of Ron & Darlene Baker. Their son Cameron passed away this past Wednesday. Visitation is today from 2 pm to 4 pm & 6 pm to 8 pm. The funeral is Monday at 11 am at Wilson Funeral Home. Please keep his family in your prayers.

Graduation Party

The church is invited to a graduation party for Tori Cannon this afternoon starting at 3:00 pm at Marilyn Boger’s house.

Shepherds Meeting

The shepherds would like to meet at 6:00 pm this evening with those that would like to continue to have services on Sunday evenings.


We celebrate with Micha Covert on her recent baptism. Micha was baptized into Christ this past Tuesday.

Ladies Bible Class

The ladies will be on Tuesdays at 6:00 pm in the Fireside Room. Make plans to attend and invite your friends!

Hearing Assistance Devices

We have hearing assistance devices available for those that may need them. If you are in need of assistance, please see an Usher.

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