September 23, 2018 Bulletin

Prayer Requests and Updates

New requests and updates:

Brenda Carter (our cleaner from Top Notch Cleaning) is having back surgery on Thursday at Wheeling Medical Park.  Kim Clark is recovering at home. Dean Dunfee (from Centervillle), is recovering from a toe infection. Oak Forrest Church of Christ in Goldsboro, NC (connection to Joe Stenger) has several members who have sustained
damage from the hurricane, but the church building is ok. Natalie Nestor (Greg & Amy Nestor’s daughter) is dealing with ear infections. Ernie Pyatt (Lisa Chapman’s brother) is in the ICU. Bill Rice is having blood sugar
problems. Pat Rice had a shot in knee for pain.

On-going prayers needed:

Jack Bailey, Margaret Bailey, Nathan Barbe(Angel Baker’s nephew), Jim Bass, Mary Bass, Judy Beal, Sue Biesel,
Stephanie Bittinger, Barbara Brewer, Sam & Delores Burkhart, Bob Digiandomenico, Joann Gaston, Lorie Grandy, Dorothy Heil, Wayne Henthorn, Elsie Isiminger, Scarlet James, Janie Judge, Kevin Kalany, Mary
Lively, Bunky Loy, Charles & Peg Lucas, Kim Markus, Curtis McBride, Donna Morris, Vera Perry, Bill Saunders, Juliana Sowinski, Joyce Stimpert, Donna Taylor, Jodi Vickers, Martha Wade, Brenda Wallner, Bill White & Sue Wirsing.

Expectant Mother:

Mollie Wade (October)

In the Military:

Joseph Glenn (friend of Janet Lallathin), C.J. Harding (Terry
Fitch’s step-son), Jason Harris (Bill & Pat Rice’s son-in-law), & Joey Stenger
(Joe & Karen’s son).

News & Information

Appreciation Day

Thanks to everyone who participated inour Appreciation Day!

V.B.S. Meeting

There will be a VBS meeting today at
4:30 in the Fireside Room. Join us as
we talk about this year’s VBS & begin
to plan for next year!


There is a thank-you letter on the
bulletin board from Denise & Greg
Rhodes from Redding, CA who lost
their home in a fire. Please take a few
moments to read it.

Summer Series

We are wrapping up our summer series
in our Wednesday night Bible class.
This is a great opportunity to get
involved in deeper Bible study with
your church family as we talk about
who we are as a church, and why we
believe what we believe. Make plans to
join us! Invite your friends to come
learn with us, too!

Ladies Class

The Ladies Class will continue this
Tuesday evening in the Fireside Room.
They have chosen to study from the
book “Satan’s Tactics—The War for our
Hearts and Souls.”

Invitation Cards

There are small business cards on the
table. Take some to invite others to
worship with us!

Family & Parent Class

Don’t forget about our family and
parenting class for all young adults and
young families. It meets on Sunday
mornings at 9am in the Fireside Room.
It’s a great opportunity to learn
together how to navigate the ups and
downs of life together as a family.

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