May 12, 2019 Bulletin
Prayer Requests & Updates
New requests and updates: Louise Craft’s test results showed that she has colon cancer. She will begin treatments as soon as her body is able to handle them. Her address is on the bulletin board. Debbie Hatcher has been sick with bronchitis. Ed Hirauk’s leg has been bothering him. Pat Rice has been having back problems.
On-going prayers needed: Larry Barbe (Angel Baker’s Dad), Bob Digiandomenico, Alicia Estadt, Stanley Frakowski (Sandy Nolte’s father), Carol Frye, Randy Gallagher, Dorothy Heil, Wayne Henthorn, Isaac Huffman, Scott Judge (Jamie Judges’ brother), Charles & Peg Lucas, Vince Magnone (Karen Thomas’ nephew), Wally McCabe Sr (Wally McCabe’s Dad), Donna Morris, Tim Mortin (Elder where HP & Eddie Roberts attend), Richard Rice, Joyce Stimpert, Karen Thomas, Greg Voscavitch & Sue Wirsing. In the Military: Isaac Gaston, Joseph Glenn (friend of Janet Lallathin), C.J. Harding (Terry Fitch’s step-son), Jason Harris (Bill & Pat Rice’s son-in-law), & Joey Stenger (Joe & Karen’s son).
Our Shut-ins: Sam & Delores Burkhart, Carolyn Campbell, Bill & Sue Daley, Joyce Orzolek, John Patton, Pearl Roy & Marlene Trisolene.
News & Information
Sunday Evening Services
Beginning May 26th, we will not be having any Sunday evening worship services until further notice. The shepherds would like for us to use the time to be with our families and friends and strengthening those relationships. There will be someone here at the building at 6:00 to serve communion to those not able to be here in the morning.
Thank you. — The Shepherds
Preaching Candidate Next Week
Matt Huddleston, a potential candidate for the preaching position, will be teaching and preaching with us next Sunday.
Wedding Reception
The church is invited to a Wedding Reception Open House for Dustin & Stephanie McMillan on Saturday May 18th in the multipurpose room. Please R S V P a t stephanie_dustin. The invitation is posted on the bulletin board.
Teacher Sign-Up
There is a sign-up sheet posted on the bulletin board for teachers in our children’s classes. The next quarter begins in June.
Graduation Party
The church is invited to a graduation party honoring Elijah Baker on May 27th from 12:00 pm to 4:00 pm here at the church building. Please make sure to RSVP-there is a signup sheet on the bulletin board.
Graduation Party
The church is invited to a graduation party for Tori Cannon on June 2nd at 3:00 pm at Marilyn Boger’s house. Please make sure to sign up if you are able to attend. There is a sign up sheet on the bulletin board.
Gleaner Cans
The gleaner cans for Potter Children’s Home are due back Oct. 27th. The cans are in the lobby.
Ladies Bible Class
The Ladies Class will be on Tuesdays at 6:00 pm in the Fireside Room. Make plans to attend and invite your friends!
Teen Devo
If you are interested in hosting a Teen Devo at your home this summer, please sign up on the sheet on the bulletin board.
Hearing Assistance Devices
We have hearing assistance devices available for those that may need them. If you are in need of assistance, please see an Usher.
Camp Concern
Camp Concern is quickly approaching! There are brochures on the table in the foyer. For more information, you can also go to their website at