EPIC: VBS 2017

VBS 2017: Epic Bible Stories Join us from Sunday August 6 thru Wednesday August 9 at 6:30-8:30 each night for an exciting time of learning about some of epic block buster stories in the bible. There are classes, activities, crafts, and snacks for Age 3-Grade 6. There will be a great class & discussion for the adults too! On Wednesday night, we will condensed class rotation and a brief slide...
Read MoreServices for 3.1.15 Moved to 4pm

Worship gatherings for Sunday, March 1st have been moved to 4pm. The ministry meeting will be rescheduled, but the baby shower will go on as planned at...
Read MoreBible Classes Canceled for Sunday, March 1st
Bible classes for Sunday, March 1st are canceled. Right now, we will plan to meet for worship at 10am. Be on the watch for any other updates.
Read MoreCelebration Dinner 2014

On Sunday evening, November 23rd, we’ll be having a dinner to celebrate all that God has done for us this year. The church will be providing the meat, so bring some of your favorite holiday dishes! Because we’ve been so richly blessed, we want to be a blessing to others as we seek to love our neighbors. With that in mind, we are beginning to collect items to give to Tabitha’s Storehouse (a...
Read MoreTrunk or Treat 2014!

Join us for our first ever Trunk or Treat! Following evening worship on Sunday, October 26th, we will be having a Trunk-or-Treat. We would like to encourage everyone to participate (both children and adults). After worship, the children will dress up in the costumes while the adults decorate their trunks. Then following trunk-or-treating we will have finger foods in the followship hall,...
Read MoreWinterfest 2013

Hey friends, Winterfest 2013 is quickly approaching! “The Way” Friday, February 15 – Sunday, February 17 – 2012 Information about the Weekend: winterfest.org Space is limited (28 total spaces – depending on boy/girl mix, may be a few less spots) for this trip, so spaces will be allotted to teens as hotel space/van space remains available. Please see Brad right away to reserve...
Read MoreYouth Led Worship 9.30.12
[audio:https://stcchurch.org/content/01-9_30_12-p.m..mp3|titles=01 9_30_12 p.m.]
Read MoreJuly Youth Led Worship
Youth Worship – 7/29/12 – p.m. [audio:https://stcchurch.org/content/01-7_29_12.mp3|titles=01 7_29_12]
Read MoreYouth Summer Schedule 2012
// SUMMER SCHEDULE 2012 May 31st // TND @ Bakers June 1st // Lock-in & scavenger hunt June 3rd // Activity Afternoon for younger kids June 7th // TND @ McDiffitts’ June 14th // TND @ Hayes’ June 17th-22nd // Work Camp (no TND) June 22nd // Bonfire Devo at New Property June 28th // TND @ Gooch’s June 30th // Zip-lining or other recreational activity July 5th // TND @ Hatchers’ July...
Read More“Youth Led Worship”
“Journey Through the Book of Acts” by Brad Schrum – 4/29/12 p.m. [audio:https://stcchurch.org/content/01-4_29_12.mp3|titles=01 4_29_12]
Read MoreNorth Hills Youth Rally Final Trip Information
DATE: September 23rd – 24th TIMES: Registration begins at 715. Evening Session closes at 830 on Saturday ADDRESS: 797 Thompson Run Road, Pittsburgh PA We will leave the church at 530p on Friday. Be sure to eat something before you come. TRAVEL INFORMATION: Departure from church building: 530p Return to church building: ~1030-1130 Drivers: Angel Baker, Paula Farber, Sally...
Read MoreNorth Hills Youth Rally 2011 – Trip Information

REGISTRATION DEADLINE // with all money and information to Brad Wednesday, September 7th You are registered when you tell Brad, he writes it down, and you pay. COST: $8 Checks to St. Clairsville Church of Christ T-Shirts: $8 (ahead of time – size due w/ registration, money during the weekend) $10 during the weekend if not pre-ordered MED FORMS: If you have not filled out a current...
Read MoresummerPROJECT Kick-off & Bonfire

We are kicking off summerPROJECT on Friday at Mary Bass's house. We'll have spend some time talking through the summer plans, spend some time in prayer and Scripture as we look forward to what God is going to do this summer. And then we'll spend the rest of the evening hanging out and cooking hotdogs and such around the bonfire.
Read MoreTND @ Baker’s

The first devo of the summer! Yes! We'll eat and hang-out, worship, learn, grow closer together, and have an all-around good time. Hope to see you there!
Read MoreYouth-Led Worship on 5.29.11

youth-led worship // THE MISSION OF JESUS // a journey thru luke
Read MoreSummer Project 2011

As we pursue God and his purpose for us and our community this summer, we're going to give ourselves to something bigger than us. Recognizing that God is up to something in us and our community, and that we've been called to love each other, God and our world passionately, we will commit to a summer of service.
Read MorestcccYOUTH on Facebook

Check out the Facebook group to stay connected and up-to-date with all the information you need.
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