North Hills Youth Rally Final Trip Information

DATE: September 23rd – 24th

TIMES: Registration begins at 715. Evening Session closes at 830 on Saturday

ADDRESS: 797 Thompson Run Road, Pittsburgh PA


We will leave the church at 530p on Friday. Be sure to eat something before you come.



Departure from church building: 530p

Return to church building: ~1030-1130

Drivers: Angel Baker, Paula Farber, Sally McDiffitt

Lead Chaperone: Angel Baker



Toiletries (toothbrush, deodorant, etc)

Sleeping bag/bedding

Clothes for Saturday

Play clothes for afternoon at the park on Saturday


A little money for some fast food meals if you wish (they provide two meals on Saturday. Some chaperones may chose to stop somewhere in addition to that)


Call me if you have any other questions!

—Brad Schrum

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