Celebration Dinner 2014
On Sunday evening, November 23rd, we’ll be having a dinner to celebrate all that God has done for us this year. The church will be providing the meat, so bring some of your favorite holiday dishes! Because we’ve been so richly blessed, we want to be a blessing to others as we seek to love our neighbors. With that in mind, we are beginning to collect items to give to Tabitha’s Storehouse (a ministry of the National Road church in Wheeling), so bring some donations with you to the celebration.
Tabitha’s Storehouse distributes personal hygiene and household items that are not covered through WIC or food stamps. Needed are: items for babies and nursing mothers, such as diapers, diaper cream, wipes, tear-free shampoo and soap, q-tips, baby lotion, baby oil, baby powder + items for personal hygiene, such as sanitary napkins/tampons, tooth brushes, tooth paste, dental floss, shampoo, conditioner, soap, lotion, deodorant, razors, shaving cream, triple antibiotic cream, & band-aids + household items such as toilet paper, trash bags, foil, paper towels etc.
We will also be moving our service time to 5pm instead of 6pm, in order to give us more time to fellowship together.