7.2.17 Bulletin News
New requests & updates: Carol Frye’s (Ben’s mother) fever is down and she is out of ICU. She is back at the James Cancer Center. Brent Hatcher is doing well following his hip replacement surgery. Nils Niemeyer is doing well following his heart surgery. Pat Rice has not been feeling well. Emily Schmidli’s surgery was postponed until July 3rd. Mitzi Wright (Keaton’s grandmother) is having surgery July 5th.
On-going prayers needed: Christy Abels (friend of Paula Schmidli) has stage 4 lung cancer, Jim Bass, Brady Blacker, Charles Boger, Marilyn Boger, Barbara Brewer, Mae Deller, Karen Dunfee, Alicia Estadt, Joann Gaston, Willie Glasgow, Dorothy Heil, Chad Huntsman, Ted Huntsman, Elsie Isiminger, Scarlet James, Janie Judge, Kevin Kalany, Steve Lattocha, Sue Marcus (friend of Susan Beisel, bladder surgery), Donna Morris, Steven Pierce, Martha Reed, Pat Rice, Cheryl Stefan, Joyce Stimpert, Phyllis Thomas, Sharon Wallace, & Lori Witchey (Barb Tetlow’s daughter).
Our expectant mothers: Leah Hannahs (due in Nov.), Katie Howard (due in Nov), & Lindsay McKeen (due in Oct)
In the Military: C.J. Harding (Terry Fitch’s step-son), Jason Harris (Bill & Pat Rice’s son-in-law) has been deployed to a dangerous location, Joey Stenger (Joe & Karen’s son), Colt Thomas (Karen Thomas’ step-son), & Tyrell Watson (Riley’s husband).
Our Shut-ins: Ella Bell, Carolyn Campbell, Bill & Sue Daley, Mae Deller, Wilda Freeland, Joyce Orzolek, Marlene Trisolene, & Joanne Wallner.
July Fellowship Cookout
For our fellowship meal tonight, we will be having a cookout & hot dog roast after evening worship. Please bring food, drinks, utensils and chairs.
We extend our sympathy to Richard and Julie Daley at the death of their daughter, Brienda. She passed away very unexpectedly last Monday.
V B S Meeting
There will be a VBS meeting today at 4:30 in the fireside room.
Camp Concern
Camp Concern begins next week! Keep the campers and the staff in your prayers! It’s still not too late to register. Forms are available online, and on the table by the bulletins.
Widow Contribution
Today is the last day to contribute to the ladies’ class ministry for widows in India. See Linda Carpenter to contribute. The class has contributed $1000 to the cause which is half the goal of $2000 to care for one widow’s debts. They are just short of the goal.
Student Ministry TND
The next student ministry Thursday Night Devotional will be this week at Games’ at 7pm. If you or someone you know is in Jr High or High School, make plans to be there!
“The God We Serve”
The Wednesday night summer series continues this week. Jeff Bigler will lead our study by teaching “Faithfulness of God” from Deuteronomy 7v9. Read ahead and come ready to discuss.
Kid’s Ministry Service Opportunity
We are still looking for volunteers to help launch & lead a Children’s Bible Hour for ages 3-6 during the sermon on Sunday mornings. Our hope is that this will be a great opportunity for age appropriate worship and worship for our kids. If you are interesting in helping with this important component of our kid’s ministry, see one of the shepherds, an education deacon, or Brad.
Kid’s Ministry Training Class
In order to help our kid’s ministry teachers, and especially to help equip those who may be interested in teaching, we will be having a training class one day the week of July 16-22. The class will teach many of the songs used in the kid’s ministry, and give some other helpful tips.
This is open to everyone — both men & women, current teachers and those who have been thinking about teaching. There is a sign-up on the bulletin board by the offices. If you have questions, see Sally McDiffitt, Jodi Frye, Leslie Judge, or Lisa Johnson.