December 23, 2018 Bulletin

Prayer Requests & Updates

New requests and updates: Ashli Allen had a tricuspid heart valve replaced
Monday and is experiencing a setback as her heart isn’t producing enough
conductivity to sync up to beat & she may need a pacemaker. Mary Bass is in
the hospital with several health problems that made it difficult for her to walk.
Jeff Cross (Darin & Kim Clark’s brother-in-law) is in the hospital in Morgantown
with severe nerve pain in his face. Randy Gallagher is in the hospital in
Pittsburgh with two compression fractures on his spine. Melissa Huntsman had
a stroke this past Sunday and was life flighted to UPMC. She is in ICU and
started physical therapy this past Wednesday. Mike Slatt was taken to the ER
this past Sunday with blood in his urine. He may have passed a kidney stone
and is now doing ok.

On-going prayers needed: Rae Ann Beatty, Jack Bailey, Margaret Bailey, Jim
Bass, Jeff & Gail Bigler, Stephanie Bittinger, Ruth Borovich, Barbara Brewer,
Scott Chapman, Alicia Estadt, Carol Frye (Ben Frye’s mother), Blake Gaston,
Joann Gaston, Caleb Hayes, Dorothy Heil, Wayne Henthorn, Scarlet James,
Janie Judge, Kevin Kalany, Bunky Loy, Charles & Peg Lucas, Brenda McCreary,
Donna Morris, Geri Nagy, Julie Nowakowski, Wayne Patton, Vera Perry, Clyde
Price (home), Ernie Pyatt (Lisa Chapmans brother), Bill & Pat Rice, Bill Saunders,
Erin Shankle, Mike Slatt, John Sowinski, Juliana Sowinski, Joyce Stimpert,
Martha Wade, Brenda Wallner, Luretta Warrick, Bill White, and Sue Wirsing.

In the Military: Joseph Glenn (friend of Janet Lallathin), C.J. Harding (Terry
Fitch’s step-son), Jason Harris (Bill & Pat Rice’s son-in-law), & Joey Stenger (Joe
& Karen’s son).

Our Shut-ins: Sam & Delores Burkhart, Carolyn Campbell, Bill & Sue Daley,
Joyce Orzolek, Pearl Roy & Marlene Trisolene.


News & Information

Lord’s Table Preparation
We still need help preparing the
Lord’s Supper for next year! We have
a few spots still open. There is a
sign-up sheet on the bulletin board
by the offices. If you can help for one
month in 2019, please sign up.

Hearing Assistance Devices
We have hearing assistance devices
available for those that may need
them. They are available in the back
hallway. See an usher for assistance.

Ladies Class
Just a reminder that there will be no
ladies bible class for the rest of the
winter. Class will resume in the

The Student Ministry will be heading to
Gatlinburg Tennessee for Winterfest on
February 15-17. If you are interested in
going see Keaton. We will also need
several adult chaperones. If you can
help serve our students by
chaperoning, see Keaton.

New Year’s Eve
If you are interested in a get together
for New Years Eve, please see Dot
Saunders. It will be a time of games,
snacks and singing.

Children’s Ministry
Thank you to all of our teachers for
this quarter! We appreciate you and
your service!

Family & Parent Class
Don’t forget about our family and
parenting class for all young adults and
young families. It meets on Sunday
mornings at 9am in the Fireside Room.

Wednesday Night Classes
On Wednesday nights, we offer classes
for all ages at 7pm. Our kid’s ministry
has classes for each age group in the
classroom wing. The adults meet in the
auditorium to study the Scriptures
together. Wednesday nights are a great
way to get engaged with the church
family and grow in your faith. If you
haven’t already, make plans to join us
on Wednesdays at 7pm.

Get Involved
One of the best ways to grow
spiritually is to get involved serving the
church. There are all kinds of ways to
get involved! Get plugged in today!
• Pray for those who are sick and
hurting, and send cards to them.
• Take food or provide other
assistance to the sick or grieving.
• Go out of your way to welcome
guests in our worship gatherings.
• Pass out invitation cards.
• Volunteer to teach or be a helper in
a children’s class. All you need is a
love of God and a desire to serve!
• Visit, call, and write our shut-ins.
• Come up with creative ways we
can fulfill our mission to love God
and to love people.
• Help out in our nursery.
• Be active in telling the good news,
and loving people in practical &
intentional ways.

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