2.26.2017 Bulletin News
New requests & updates: Dominic Alexander (a 7 year old friend of Xander Davis) is back in the hospital undergoing chemo. Mary Bass will be seeing a cardiologist on March 7. Tom Denney’s surgery for a cochlear implant has been postponed because an EKG revealed some heart complications. RJ & Andrea Nolte are in need of prayer.
On-going prayers needed: Sharon Baranich, Jim Bass, Bryan Beisel, Charles Boger, Marilyn Boger, Barbara Brewer, Kevin Davis, Karen Dunfee, Alicia Estadt, Dillon Freeman, Randy Gallagher, Joann Gaston, Willie Glasgow, Dorothy Heil, Wayne Henthorn, Donna Hirauk, Chad Huntsman, Ted Huntsman, Janie Judge, Kevin Kalany, Steve Lattocha, Molly Leonard, Peggy Lucas, Maureen McBride, Donna Morris, Eleanor Palimetakis, Sundy Stanford (Bruce’s sister-in-law) Cheryl Stefan, Joyce Stimpert, Carl Stonebraker, Gregg Voscavitch, Randy Williams & Lori Witchey. In the Military: C.J. Harding (Terry Fitch’s step-son), Jason Harris (Bill & Pat Rice’s son-in-law), Joey Stenger (Joe & Karen’s son), Colt Thomas (Karen Thomas’ step-son), & Tyrell Watson (Riley’s husband).
Our Shut-ins: Ella Bell, Carolyn Campbell, Bill & Sue Daley, Mae Deller, Wilda Freeland, Joyce Orzolek, Leon Smith, Jim Thrash, Marlene Trisolene, Joanne Wallner & Dee Withers.
Fellowship Dinner We will be having a fellowship meal following next Sunday evenings worship gathering! We hope you’ll make plans to join us!
Sympathy: We extend our sympathy to Debbie Hatcher and her family. Her mother, Kate Bain passed away. We extend our sympathy to Dennie Green and family. Starling Green, his uncle we have been praying for, passed away last Saturday. Craig Herwick passed away on Feb. 16. He and his wife, Nancy were previously members here.
“I AM” Series: Thanks to everyone who participated and helped to lead in Wednesday night summer series!
New teaching Quarter: The new teaching quarter in our children’s ministry begins next Sunday. Thanks to everyone who has volunteered to teach!
Parking: When you park, please make sure you do not block the gravel walkways. Thanks for helping!
Nailers Game: We are planning a church-wide trip to a Wheeling Nailers game on March 25. See Keaton for details.
Ladies Class: The ladies’ class will meet on March 7 at 6pm. They will be studying the book “Habits of a Loving Heart.”