8.13.2017 Bulletin News

New requests & updates:, Christopher Bailey (Nettie Hartung’s son) and his children are going through some difficult times. Rylind Higgins had his tonsils and adenoids removed and tubes put in his ears last Wednesday. Ted Huntsman is having a rough time due to his cancer treatments. Emily Schmidli is now home from the hospital. Lori Witchey (Barb Tetlow’s daughter) is fighting cancer.

On-going prayers needed: Jim Bass, Mary Bass, Joe Bine (Pat Rice’s brother), Brady Blacker (Lymes disease), Charles & Marilyn Boger, Barbara Brewer, Alicia Estadt, Carol Frye (Ben’s mother), Joann Gaston, Randy Gallagher (broken foot), Willie Glasgow, Brent Hatcher, Paul Huffman’s sister (Crystal), Dorothy Heil, Chad Huntsman, Elsie Isiminger, Scarlet James, Janie Judge, Kevin Kalany, Ruth Lallathin (cancer), Steve Lattocha, Gerri Long (Pat Rice’s friend), Peg Lucas (Jody Vickers & Mary Zink’s mother), Dorothy McCluskey, Fred McGaffick (John & Mary Taylor’s son-in-law), Danny McMillan, Donna Morris, Martha Reed, Bill Rice, Emily Schmidli, Cheryl Stefan, Joyce Stimpert, Carl Stonebraker, Lori Witchey (Barb Tetlow’s daughter), & Mitz Wright (Keaton’s grandmother, surgery).

Our expectant mothers: Leah Hannahs (due in Nov.), Katie Howard (due in Nov), & Lindsay McKeen (due in Oct).

In the Military: C.J. Harding (Terry Fitch’s step-son), Jason Harris (Bill & Pat Rice’s son-in-law), Joey Stenger (Joe & Karen’s son) & Tyrell Watson (Riley’s husband).

Our Shut-ins: Ella Bell, Carolyn Campbell, Bill & Sue Daley, Wilda Freeland, Joyce Orzolek, Marlene Trisolene, & Joanne Wallner.

That’s a wrap! VBS 2017 has come to a close, and it was a great week! We had as many as 39 kids this week—with 46 different kids—plus as many as 102 adults, teens, and volunteers. But more important than our attendance numbers, both the kids and adults got to hear stories about our epic God who is at work in our lives.
A special thank-you to all our volunteers, decorators, teachers, team leaders, refreshment coordinators, A/V techs, donors, directors, puppeteers, song-singers, game-runners, craft-makers, and helpers who helped to make VBS a success. Praise God for a great week!
We will be showing a brief slideshow today recapping the week. An extended version will be posted online. Check it out!

Anna McCreary was baptized on Wednesday night at the close of VBS. Praise God for our new sister, and pray for her as she grows in her discipleship to Jesus!

Belmont County Fair
Workers are needed at an ice cream booth during the Belmont County Fair. Please see Linda Gooch if you are interested.

“The God We Serve”
The Wednesday night summer series in the adult class, “The God We Serve”, continues this week. Greg Vickers will be leading our discussion to consider “The Long-suffering God” from 1 Peter 3v20. Join us for the last few weeks of the summer series!

Getting Plugged In
Pray for those who are sick and hurting & writing cards for them.
Take food or provide other assistance to the sick or grieving.
Go out of your way to welcome guests in our worship gatherings.
Volunteer to teach a children’s class. or assist in our Children’s Ministry.No experience needed, just a willingness to serve!
Help in our nursery.
Visit, call and write our shut-ins.
Come up with creative ways we can fulfill our mission to love God and to love people.
Be active in telling the good news and loving people in practical & intentional ways.
Participate and serve in our worship gatherings and classes.

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