March 31, 2019 Bulletin
Prayer Requests & Updates
New requests and updates: Randy Gallagher does not have an abscess near his lung as they previously thought. He is improving. Joanne Gaston (Mike Gaston’s Mom) has been placed on hospice care. Micah Fuchs (Belmont Church of Christ) has been sick since the end of January. He’s been to Cleveland Clinic twice, but still has not received any answers. Cheryl Pritts (Barnesville Schools) is receiving radiation for breast cancer.
On-going prayers needed: Barbara Brewer, Bill Brewer (Leslie Judge’s Dad), Bob Digiandomenico, Stanley Frakowski (Sandy Nolte’s father), Carol Frye, Dorothy Heil, Wayne Henthorn, Isaac Huffman, Janie Judge, Scott Judge (Jamie Judges’ brother, lung surgery), Charles & Peg Lucas, Vince Magnone (Karen Thomas’ nephew), Donna Morris, Bill & Pat Rice, Richard Rice, Joyce Stimpert, Karen Thomas & Sue Wirsing.
In the Military: Isaac Gaston, Joseph Glenn (friend of Janet Lallathin), C.J. Harding (Terry Fitch’s step-son), Jason Harris (Bill & Pat Rice’s son-in-law), & Joey Stenger (Joe & Karen’s son).
Our Shut-ins: Sam & Delores Burkhart, Carolyn Campbell, Bill & Sue Daley, Joyce Orzolek, John Patton, Pearl Roy & Marlene Trisolene.
News & Information
Last Sunday, Brad announced that the Schrum family will be moving to Morgantown WV, to serve as the preaching minister for the Morgantown Church of Christ, beginning in June. It was also announced that beginning in May, Keaton would be transitioning to a volunteer role leading our student ministry, as he begins a new full time job selling life insurance.
Graduate Sunday
We will be honoring our graduates on May 5th. Our current list of graduating seniors includes Elijah Baker, Allison Bilyeu, Andy Benham, Tori Cannon, Cali Fullen, and Benjamin Games. If you know of any other graduates in our church family, please let us know.
Easter Egg Hunt
The church is planning to have an egg hunt April 7th after the fellowship meal. The last day to bring in eggs or candy will be today. We will need help filling the eggs, and will be decorating on Saturday (time TBA). The Egg Hunt will be for kids aged 12 and under, and will begin after the Fellowship Meal. All care groups are being asked to help set up the meal, and to make sure to bring plenty of food to share. Please invite family and friends. See Amy Higgins for details or questions.
Ladies Bible Class
The Ladies Class will be on Tuesdays at 6:00 pm in the Fireside Room. Make plans to attend and invite your friends!
Gospel Meeting
Our gospel meeting with Richard McGough begins today and continues through April 3. We will also be having a fellowship meal this morning after worship service, and we are asking that all care groups pitch in to help with set-up and clean up. Everyone be sure to make plans to join us!
God’s Girls
God’s Girls will be on April 6th from 10 am to 5:30 pm at the Holiday Park Church of Christ. The theme is Open Heart Surgery. God’s Girls if for girls ages 6th grade through college. The guest speaker this year is Molly Walton. The day will include prayer walk, hands-on workshops, lunch, RSVP drama, and more!
Potter Children’s Home We will be collecting items for the Potter Children’s Home. The lists of items needed are posted on the bulletin board outside the office. The last day for donating is Sunday April 28th. All donated items can be dropped off in the multipurpose room.
Family & Parent
Class Don’t forget about our family and parenting class for all young adults and young families. It meets on Sunday mornings at 9am in the Fireside Room.