5.21.17 Bulletin News
New requests & updates: Marge Bailey, (Greg Vickers & Nettie Hartung’s mother) is in the hospital with pneumonia. Mae Deller is in EORH. Emily Schmidli’s surgery last Thursday went well at Children’s Hospital in Columbus. She will be there for 3-4 months. Jim Strauss is recovering from knee surgery. Phyllis Thomas (Joy Yontz & Sue Biesel’s mother) is doing some better.
On-going prayers needed: Dominic Alexander, Jim Bass, Mary Bass, Charles Boger, Barbara Brewer, Clyde Carpenter, Kevin Davis, Tom Denney, Karen Dunfee, Alicia Estadt, Carol Frye (Ben Frye’s mother), Joann Gaston, Willie Glasgow, Skip Gooch, Amy Gray (wrist surgery), Caleb Hayes, Dorothy Heil, Chad Huntsman, Ted Huntsman, Elsie Isiminger, Scarlet James (Nettie Hartung’s 2yr old niece), Janie Judge, Kevin Kalany, Steve Lattocha, Molly Leonard, Gerald McCreary, Laura Maiorana, Donna Morris, Marie Patton, George Patton, Wayne’s sister Carol, Steven Pierce, Martha Reed (Nancy Miller’s mom, broken hip), Pat Rice, Walt Racily, Gerry Smith, Cheryl Stefan, Joyce Stimpert, Jodie Tschappat (Elaine Sambuco’s sister-in-law), Georgiana Waters, Sue Wirsing (hips) & Lori Witchey.
In the Military: C.J. Harding (Terry Fitch’s step-son), Jason Harris (Bill & Pat Rice’s son-in-law), Joey Stenger (Joe & Karen’s son), Colt Thomas (Karen Thomas’ step-son), & Tyrell Watson (Riley’s husband). Our Shut-ins: Ella Bell, Carolyn Campbell, Bill & Sue Daley, Mae Deller, Wilda Freeland, Joyce Orzolek, Marlene Trisolene, & Joanne Wallner.
Appreciation Day: Today is a day we are setting aside to praise God and show our appreciation to everyone who helped bring our building project together. If you are visiting today, especially if you worked on the building, thank you for being here! We appreciate your hard work! Don’t forget that we will be having a meal together after services this morning. Everyone is invited to stay!
Sharing Burdens: Galatians 6v2 says “Carry each other’s burdens, and in this way you will fulfill the law of Christ,” (NIV). With Emily Schmidli’s upcoming surgery and long recovery, we want to help the family as much as we can. Dot Saunders will be coordinating meals. If you can help, please see Dot. Stacey Cannon will be coordinating a sunshine basket with snacks and items to help keep her busy. With all that Ted Huntsman is going through right now, we want to be an encouragement to him as well, so we are putting together a sunshine basket for him as well. There are collection bins by the offices for both sunshine baskets.
Congratulations: John & Elaine Sambuco are grandparents again! Avery Sophia was born to Megan & Kyle Carreon on May 11. She weighed 9lbs 5-1/2oz and was 20″ long. She is doing well!
High School Graduates: We will honor our high school graduates next Sunday. We need graduation announcements & information for all grads by today. See Keaton ASAP if you haven’t turn in your information.
First TND! The first student ministry Thursday Night Devotional will be this week at the McDiffitt’s at 7pm. If you or someone you know is in Jr High or High School, make plans to be there!
Ladies Class The ladies’ class will meet Tuesday at 6pm in the Fireside Room. There are only two more classes before the summer break.
Softball Team: If you are interested in playing on a church softball team for men & women (ages 16 & up), see Keaton or Tim.
Out of Office: Brad will be out of the office this coming week for vacation. He will be back to work on Monday 29th.
Getting Plugged In: Pray for those who are sick and hurting & writing cards for them. Take food or provide other assistance to the sick or grieving. Go out of your way to welcome guests in our worship gatherings. Volunteer to teach a children’s class. or assist in our Children’s Ministry. Help in our nursery. Visit, call and write our shut-ins. Come up with creative ways we can fulfill our mission to love God and to love people. No experience needed, just a willingness to serve! Be active in telling the good news and loving people in practical & intentional ways. Participate and serve in our worship gatherings and classes.