10.22.17 Bulletin News
New requests & updates: Brady Bisbocci (John & Joy Patton’s son-in-law) is improving a little, but still has a long road. Ted Huntsman is now home. Surgery will be too risky, but they continue to treat his infection with antibiotics.
On-going prayers needed: Terry Barriklow (friend of the Greens, heart attack), Jim Bass, Mary Bass, Gail Bigler (stomach problems), Charles Boger, Joe Bine, Barbara Brewer, Melissa Britton (friend of Tony & Lisa Johnson, cancer), Delores Burkhart, Garret Duncan, Alicia Estadt, Carol Frye, Joann Gaston, Willie Glasgow, Clara Helms (hip replacement), Dorothy Heil, Darlene Hill (Sam Miller’s friend, coma), Chad Huntsman, Elsie Isiminger, Scarlet James, Janie Judge (Jamie’s mom, surgery Oct 27), Kevin Kalany, Eileen LaRue, Steve Lattocha, Peg Lucas, Sherry McFeely (Darin Clark’s cousin in Alabama, brain tumor), Donna Morris, Marty Morrison (Joey Stenger’s father-in-law, head injury), Ruth Morrow, Ray Ramsay (recovering from colon surgery), Pearl Roy, Emily Schmidli, Pete Stevens (Sam & Delores Burkhart’s son-in-law, lung surgery), Joyce Stimpert, & Jill Zatezelo.
Our expectant mothers: Leah Hannahs (due in Nov), Katie Howard (due in Nov).
In the Military: C.J. Harding (Terry Fitch’s step-son), Jason Harris (Bill & Pat Rice’s son-in-law), Joey Stenger (Joe & Karen’s son) & Tyrell Watson (Riley’s husband). Our Shut-ins: Ella Bell, Carolyn Campbell, Bill & Sue Daley, Joyce Orzolek, Marlene Trisolene, & Joanne Wallner.
Trunk-or-Treat We are going to have a Trunk-or-Treat on October 28 at 6pm. If you can help provide snacks and/or decorate your vehicle, please sign up on the bulletin board by the office. If you have any questions, see Amy Higgins.
Ladies Class The ladies’ class will meet on Tuesday at 6pm in the Fireside Room. They will continue to study the book Holy God, Holy People this week. It’s not too late to join them!
Gleaner Cans Gleaner cans for the Potter Children’s Home are due back by November 12. You can place the cans in the office.
Car Seat Cheryl Stefan is still looking to buy or borrow a car seat. If you have one, please see Cheryl.
Hearing Assistance Devices We have hearing assistance devices available for those that may need them. They are available in the back hallway. See an usher if you need assistance.
VBS Planning We will have a VBS planning meeting on November 19. We still need your theme suggestions for VBS 2018! There is a theme suggestion box on the table outside the main auditorium doors. If you have an idea, write it down and drop it in the box.
Sympathy We extend our sympathy to Nancy Miller and her family. Nancy’s mother, Martha Reed, passed away last weekend. The services were held in New Philadelphia.
Refined: Fall Retreat 2017 The Student Ministry Fall Retreat will be November 10-12 at Grandvue Park in Moundsville. If you are a teen interested in going, registration is available in the Loft and on the table. If you are interested in chaperoning, see Keaton for more details.
Building Fund Next Sunday is a 5th Sunday, which means our contribution will go toward the building fund.