March 8, 2020 Bulletin
February 16, 2020 Bulletin
February 9, 2020 Bulletin
February 2, 2020 Bulletin
January 26, 2020 Bulletin
February 2020 Assignments
February 2020 Calendar
January 26, 2020 Bulletin
January 5, 2020 Bulletin
January 2020 Assignments
January 2020 Calendar
December 29, 2019 Bulletin
December 22, 2019 Bulletin
December 15, 2019 Bulletin
December 1, 2019 Bulletin
December 2019 Calendar
December 2019 Assignments
November 24, 2019 Bulletin
November 17, 2019 Bulletin
November 10, 2019 Bulletin
November 2019 Assignments
November 2019 Calendar
November 3, 2019 Bulletin
October 13, 2019 Bulletin
October 2019 Assignments
September 29, 2019 Bulletin
October 2019 Calendar
More Like Jesus

One of the most magnificent promises of God is that we, as human beings, can be transformed into the image of Jesus. We can change. That’s good news! We are not stuck being a worrywart, an addict, a hothead, a money-grubber, an egomaniac, a bigot, an obscene person, or a _______________ (fill in the blank). We do not have to remain prisoners of our vices. Our personalities and characters can be changed into the likeness of Christ. The idea that we can’t change, that we are who we are, or that’s just our nature is a myth. Jesus can change our hearts. He can give us a heart like his. In fact, our transformation is central to the gospel. Praise be to God that we can be changed, through the power of the Holy Spirit, to be like Jesus! When you think about spiritual (meaning that it is the work of the Spirit) transformation, what comes to mind? How would you describe what it looks like or what it means? I would say that spiritual transformation is the process through which we are being formed into the image of Jesus:
- for the glory of God
- to experience the abundant life here and now
- for the sake of others.
God wants us to be more like Jesus
Why is this kind of change so difficult
What are some of the forces or obstacles that are keeping you from experiencing spiritual transformation
What are some areas in your life where God has been trying to bring about a
September 8, 2019 Bulletin
September 1, 2019 Bulletin
September 2019 Calendar
September 2019 Assignments
August 25, 2019 Bulletin
August 18, 2019 Bulletin
August 11, 2019 Bulletin
August 4, 2019 Bulletin
July 28, 2019 Bulletin
August 2019 Assignments
August 2019 Calendar
July 21, 2019 Bulletin
July 14, 2019 Bulletin
July 7, 2019 Bulletin
June 30, 2019 Bulletin
Prayer Requests & Updates
New requests and updates: Cindy Goff fell last week and broke her hip. She had surgery this past Monday and had to have a total hip replacement. She is Wheeling Hospital and is requesting no visitors at this time. Ty Kildow (a friend of Sally McDiffitt) has been diagnosed with lymphoma. Bunky Loy was in a car accident and injured his knee this past week. Charlotte Patton is now home. She had to have her medication adjusted and is doing better. Karen Thomas will be undergoing surgery on July 3rd to remove some of her lymph nodes & will have a lumpectomy at noon. She is requesting prayers. Jim Yontz is awaiting test results to determine which type of heart surgery he will be having done.
On-going prayers needed: Laken Bailey (Skip & Linda Gooch’s grandson), Marge Bailey (Greg Vicker’s Mom), Eva Craft, Louise Craft, Bob Digiandomenico, Carol Frye, Randy Gallagher, Dorothy Heil, Wayne Henthorn, Charles & Peg Lucas, Donna Morris, Wayne Patton, Ernie Pyatt, Joyce Stimpert, Karen Thomas, Greg Voscavitch, Helen Wallace & Sue Wirsing.
In the Military: Isaac Gaston, Joseph Glenn (friend of Janet Lallathin), C.J. Harding (Terry Fitch’s step-son), Jason Harris (Bill & Pat Rice’s son-in-law), Jayden Harris (Bill & Pat Rice’s grandson) & Joey Stenger (Joe & Karen’s son).
Our Shut-ins: Sam & Delores Burkhart, Carolyn Campbell, Bill & Sue Daley, Joyce Orzolek, John Patton, Pearl Roy & Marlene Trisolene.
News & Information
Message From The Shepherds
Beginning today, and for the following few weeks, we will be trying out preachers for the Ministers position. We will be having regular Sunday evening worship services on these weeks.
-The Shepherds
Preaching Candidate Today
Adam Davis, a potential preaching candidate for the preaching position, will be teaching and preaching with us today. Let’s help make him and his family feel welcome!
Preaching Candidate Next Week
Tony Tarole, a potential preaching candidate for the preaching position, will be teaching and preaching with us next Sunday July 7th.
Men’s Breakfast
There will be a Men’s breakfast Saturday July 6th @ 8:30 am at Eat N Park.
Fellowship Meal
We will have our monthly fellowship meal after morning services next Sunday to celebrate all birthdays and anniversaries in July. All care groups are asked to help with set up and clean up.
VBS Helper Sign Up
There is a VBS Helper sign up list on the bulletin board. We will be needing plenty of help to make VBS a success! Please sign the list in the area(s) where you can help!
*VBS this year will be August 4th-7th from 6:00 pm to 8:00 pm.*
Sunshine Basket
The church has started a sunshine basket for Louise Craft. If you would like to contribute towards a hug blanket for Louise’s basket, please see Pat Corder. You can place your items in the basket in the lobby.
Teen Devo
The next Teen Devo of the year will be Thursday July 18th hosted by the Cannon’s from 7 pm to 9 pm. If you are a teen, please make plans to attend!
Wednesday Night Classes
On Wednesday nights, we offer classes for all ages at 7pm. Our kid’s ministry has classes for each age group in the classroom wing. The adults meet in the auditorium and are studying the Gospel of John for our Summer Series.
The topics are:
7/3 Jesus walks on the water John 6:16-24 (Jeff Bigler)
7/10 Raising of Lazarus John 11:1-45 (Jerry Moore)
If you haven’t already, make plans to join us on Wednesday evenings!
Hearing Assistance Devices
We have hearing assistance devices available for those that may need them. If you are in need of assistance, please see an Usher.
July 2019 Calendar
July 2019 Assignments
June 23, 2019 Bulletin
Prayer Requests & Updates
New requests and updates: Laken Bailey (Skip & Linda Gooch’s grandson) had his tonsils removed this past Friday. Louise Craft’s latest surgery was a success! She is now able to eat solid food. This past week she was moved to a skilled nursing home in Zelienople, PA. Wayne Patton has not been feeling well. Mike Slatt received his biopsy results and there is no cancer! He will have to go to the doctor weekly for 2 months to have the cyst drained until it’s gone. Karen Thomas will be undergoing surgery on July 3rd to remove some of her lymph nodes & will have a lumpectomy at noon. She is requesting prayers.
On-going prayers needed: Marge Bailey (Greg Vicker’s Mom), Eva Craft, Bob Digiandomenico, Carol Frye, Randy Gallagher, Dorothy Heil, Wayne Henthorn, Charles & Peg Lucas, Donna Morris, Ernie Pyatt, Joyce Stimpert, Karen Thomas, Greg Voscavitch, Helen Wallace, Sue Wirsing & Jim Yontz.
In the Military: Isaac Gaston, Joseph Glenn (friend of Janet Lallathin), C.J. Harding (Terry Fitch’s step-son), Jason Harris (Bill & Pat Rice’s sonin-law), Jayden Harris (Bill & Pat Rice’s grandson) & Joey Stenger (Joe & Karen’s son).
Our Shut-ins: Sam & Delores Burkhart, Carolyn Campbell, Bill & Sue Daley, Joyce Orzolek, John Patton, Pearl Roy & Marlene Trisolene.
News & Information
Message From The Shepherds
Beginning June 30th, and for the following few weeks, we will be trying out preachers for the Ministers position. We will be having regular Sunday evening worship services on those weeks.
-The Shepherds
Vbs Meeting
There will be a VBS meeting this evening at 4:30 pm in the Fireside Room.
Sunshine Basket
The church will be starting a sunshine basket for Louise Craft starting this Sunday. If you would like to contribute towards a hug blanket for Louise’s basket, please see Pat Corder. You can place your items in the basket in the lobby.
Teen Devo
The next Teen Devo of the year will be Thursday June 27th hosted by the Saunders’ at St Clairsville Park from 7 pm to 9 pm. If you are a teen, please make plans to attend!
There are still a few spots left for sign up if you are interested in hosting a Teen Devo this summer! The sign up sheet is on the bulletin board. Camp
Concern Camp
Concern is quickly approaching! There are brochures on the table in the foyer. For more information, you can a l s o g o t o t h e i r w e b s i t e a t
Wednesday Night Classes
On Wednesday nights, we offer classes for all ages at 7pm. Our kid’s ministry has classes for each age group in the classroom wing.
The adults meet in the auditorium and are studying the Gospel of John for our Summer Series.
The topics are:
6/26 Healing the blind man from birth John 9:1-7 (Terry L)
7/3 Jesus walks on the water John 6:16-24 (Jeff Bigler)
7/10 Raising of Lazarus John 11:1-45 (Jerry Moore)
If you haven’t already, make plans to join us on Wednesday evenings!
Hearing Assistance Devices
We have hearing assistance devices available for those that may need them. If you are in need of assistance, please see an Usher
June 16, 2019 Bulletin
Prayer Requests & Updates
New requests and updates: Kenneth Hawk (an inmate currently doing bible correspondence) has requested prayers. He is having bladder & prostate problems. Amy Nestor is struggling with anxiety and is requesting prayers.
On-going prayers needed: Marge Bailey (Greg Vicker’s Mom), Jeff Bigler, Eva Craft, Bob Digiandomenico, Carol Frye, Randy Gallagher, Brian Heid (Terry Lively’s brother in law), Dorothy Heil, Wayne Henthorn, Donna Hirauk, Ed Hirauk, Scott Judge (Jamie Judges’ brother), Charles & Peg Lucas, Riley McDiffitt, Donna Morris, Ernie Pyatt (Lisa Chapman’s brother), Joyce Stimpert, Karen Thomas, Greg Voscavitch, Helen Wallace (Lisa Swallie’s Aunt), Sue Wirsing & Jim Yontz.
In the Military: Isaac Gaston, Joseph Glenn (friend of Janet Lallathin), C.J. Harding (Terry Fitch’s step-son), Jason Harris (Bill & Pat Rice’s son-in-law), & Joey Stenger (Joe & Karen’s son).
Our Shut-ins: Sam & Delores Burkhart, Carolyn Campbell, Bill & Sue Daley, Joyce Orzolek, John Patton, Pearl Roy & Marlene Trisolene.
News & Information
VBS Meeting
There will be a VBS meeting Sunday June 23rd at 4:30 pm in the Fireside Room.
Sunshine Basket
The church will be starting a sunshine basket for Louise Craft starting this Sunday. You can place items in the basket in the Fireside Room.
Vacation Bible Schools
VBS is going on in several area church’s coming up starting this week! Please check the bulletin board outside the office for more information.
Hearing Assistance Devices
We have hearing assistance devices available for those that may need them. If you are in need of assistance, please see an Usher.
Teen Devo
The next Teen Devo of the year will be this Thursday June 20th hosted by The Saunder’s at St Clairsville Park from 7 pm to 9 pm. If you are a teen, please make plans to attend!
There are still several spots open for sign up if you are interested in hosting a Teen Devo this summer! The sign up sheet is on the bulletin board.
Camp Concern
Camp Concern is quickly approaching! There are brochures on the table in the foyer. For more information, you can a l s o g o t o t h e i r w e b s i t e a t
Wednesday Night Classes
On Wednesday nights, we offer classes for all ages at 7pm. Our kid’s ministry has classes for each age group in the classroom wing. The adults meet in the auditorium and are studying the Gospel of John for our Summer Series.
The topics are:
6/19 Healing the paralytic at Bethesda John 5:1-15 (Joe Stenger)
6/26 Healing the blind man from birth John 9:1-7 (Terry L)
7/3 Jesus walks on the water John 6:16-24 (Jeff Bigler)
7/10 Raising of Lazarus John 11:1-45 (Jerry Moore)
Wednesday nights are a great way to get engaged with the church family and grow in your faith. If you haven’t already, make plans to join us on Wednesday evenings!
June 9, 2019 Bulletin
Prayer Requests & Updates
New requests and updates: Jeff Bigler has been battling a sinus infection. Louise Craft is back at the James Cancer Center Hospital. Stephanie Gaston (Mike & Terrie Gaston’s daughter in law) is now home from the hospital. Ernie Pyatt (Lisa Chapman’s brother) is out of the ICU and recovering. Jim Yontz had a heart catheterization done this past Thursday. He will have to have surgery to replace a heart valve.
On-going prayers needed: Marge Bailey (Greg Vicker’s Mom), Pat Corder’s sister Jackie, Eva Craft, Bob Digiandomenico, Carol Frye, Randy Gallagher, Brian Heid (Terry Lively’s brother in law), Dorothy Heil, Wayne Henthorn, Donna Hirauk, Ed Hirauk, Scott Judge (Jamie Judges’ brother), Charles & Peg Lucas, Riley McDiffitt, Donna Morris, Joyce Stimpert, Karen Thomas, Greg Voscavitch, Helen Wallace (Lisa Swallie’s Aunt) & Sue Wirsing.
In the Military: Isaac Gaston, Joseph Glenn (friend of Janet Lallathin), C.J. Harding (Terry Fitch’s step-son), Jason Harris (Bill & Pat Rice’s son-in-law), & Joey Stenger (Joe & Karen’s son).
Our Shut-ins: Sam & Delores Burkhart, Carolyn Campbell, Bill & Sue Daley, Joyce Orzolek, John Patton, Pearl Roy & Marlene Trisolene.
News & Information
VBS Meeting
There will be a VBS meeting tonight at 4:30 pm in the Fireside Room.
We extend our sympathy to the family of Stephanie Benham. Her brother John Tetley passed away this past week. Please keep her family in your prayers.
Sunshine Basket
The church will be starting a sunshine basket for Louise Craft starting this Sunday. You can place items in the basket in the Fireside Room.
Vacation Bible Schools
VBS is going on in several area church’s coming up starting next week! Please check the bulletin board outside the office for more information.
New Baby
Congratulations to Mike & Terrie Gaston on the birth of their newest grandson, Gray George Gaston who was born May 29th! He weighed 5 pounds 5 ounces.
Let’s celebrate with Morgan Fetzer ( D e n n i e & K a t h y G r e e n ‘ s granddaughter) who was baptized into Christ last week at the Delaware Church of Christ.
Hearing Assistance Devices
We have hearing assistance devices available for those that may need them. If you are in need of assistance, please see an Usher.
Teen Devo
The next Teen Devo of the year will be this Thursday June 13th at Alicia Estadt’s house from 7 pm to 9 pm. If you are a teen, please make plans to attend!
There are still several spots open for sign up if you are interested in hosting a Teen Devo this summer! The sign up sheet is on the bulletin board.
Camp Concern
Camp Concern is quickly approaching! There are brochures on the table in the foyer. For more information, you can a l s o g o t o t h e i r w e b s i t e a t
Ladies Bible Class
The Ladies bible class is on vacation for the summer. Class will resume in September.
June 2, 2019 Bulletin
Prayer Requests & Updates
New requests and updates: Donna Hirauk received her test results back from her colonoscopy this past week. The mass is pre-cancerous and she will be having it removed at the James Cancer Center in the near future. Riley McDiffitt will be moving to Morgantown, WV to pursue a degree at WVU. Please keep Riley in your prayers. Helen Wallace (Lisa Swallie’s great Aunt) is in hospice care. The family is requesting prayers for her comfort. Lincoln Williams, a 17 year old from Old Washington & a Church of Christ member, was in a bad motorcycle accident. He had an 8 hour spine surgery.
On-going prayers needed: Marge Bailey (Greg Vicker’s Mom), Pat Corder’s sister Jackie, Eva Craft (Lousise Craft’s mother in law), Louise Craft, Bob Digiandomenico, Alicia Estadt, Stanley Frakowski (Sandy Nolte’s father), Carol Frye, Randy Gallagher, Debbie Hatcher, Brian Heid (Terry Lively’s brother in law), Dorothy Heil, Wayne Henthorn, Ed Hirauk, Isaac Huffman, Scott Judge (Jamie Judges’ brother), Charles & Peg Lucas, Donna Morris, Pat Rice, Dot Saunder;s son in law, Joyce Stimpert, Karen Thomas, Greg Voscavitch, Sue Wirsing & Jim Yontz.
In the Military: Isaac Gaston, Joseph Glenn (friend of Janet Lallathin), C.J. Harding (Terry Fitch’s step-son), Jason Harris (Bill & Pat Rice’s son-in-law), & Joey Stenger (Joe & Karen’s son).
Our Shut-ins: Sam & Delores Burkhart, Carolyn Campbell, Bill & Sue Daley, Joyce Orzolek, John Patton, Pearl Roy & Marlene Trisolene.
News & Information
Monthly Fellowship Meal
We will be having our monthly fellowship meal after services this morning. All care groups are asked to help with set up and clean up. Please make plans to join us!
Free Books
There are some books, Bibles, study materials, and other resources available in Brad’s old office. If you or anyone you know can make use of them, please help yourself.
Camp Concern
Camp Concern is quickly approaching! There are brochures on the table in the foyer. For more information, you can also go to their website at
Teen Devo
The first Teen Devo of the year will be this Thursday June 6th at the McDiffitt’s house from 7 pm to 9 pm. If you are a teen, please make plans to attend!
There are still several spots open for sign up if you are interested in hosting a Teen Devo this summer! The sign up sheet is on the bulletin board.
New Address
Jerry and Pam Robinson have moved. Their new address is posted on the bulletin board.
VBS Meeting
There will be a VBS meeting at 4:30 pm on Sunday June 9th. The meeting will be in the Fireside Room.
We extend our sympathy to the family of Ron & Darlene Baker. Their son Cameron passed away this past Wednesday. Visitation is today from 2 pm to 4 pm & 6 pm to 8 pm. The funeral is Monday at 11 am at Wilson Funeral Home. Please keep his family in your prayers.
Graduation Party
The church is invited to a graduation party for Tori Cannon this afternoon starting at 3:00 pm at Marilyn Boger’s house.
Shepherds Meeting
The shepherds would like to meet at 6:00 pm this evening with those that would like to continue to have services on Sunday evenings.
We celebrate with Micha Covert on her recent baptism. Micha was baptized into Christ this past Tuesday.
Ladies Bible Class
The ladies will be on Tuesdays at 6:00 pm in the Fireside Room. Make plans to attend and invite your friends!
Hearing Assistance Devices
We have hearing assistance devices available for those that may need them. If you are in need of assistance, please see an Usher.
May 26, 2019 Bulletin
Prayer Requests & Updates
New requests and updates: Marge Bailey (Greg Vickers mother) had a successful cardio procedure done last week in Morgantown to get her out of A-Fib. Since going home, she has fallen several times and was admitted to Wheeling Medical Park last Friday with a sub-dermal hematoma. She is now in Cumberland Nursing Home forew therapy. Brian Heid (Terry Lively’s brother in law) went to the hospital last Sunday with chest pains. Donna Hirauk had a colonoscopy done this past week that showed a mass on her right side. She will get the results of her biopsy on Thursday.
On-going prayers needed: Pat Corder’s sister Jackie, Eva Craft (Lousise Craft’s mother in law), Louise Craft, Bob Digiandomenico, Alicia Estadt, Stanley Frakowski (Sandy Nolte’s father), Carol Frye, Randy Gallagher, Debbie Hatcher, Dorothy Heil, Wayne Henthorn, Ed Hirauk, Isaac Huffman, Scott Judge (Jamie Judges’ brother), Charles & Peg Lucas, Donna Morris, Pat Rice, Dot Saunder;s son in law, Joyce Stimpert, Karen Thomas, Greg Voscavitch, Sue Wirsing & Jim Yontz.
In the Military: Isaac Gaston, Joseph Glenn (friend of Janet Lallathin), C.J. Harding (Terry Fitch’s step-son), Jason Harris (Bill & Pat Rice’s sonin-law), & Joey Stenger (Joe & Karen’s son).
Our Shut-ins: Sam & Delores Burkhart, Carolyn Campbell, Bill & Sue Daley, Joyce Orzolek, John Patton, Pearl Roy & Marlene Trisolene.
News & Information
Sunday Evening Services
Beginning this evening, we will not be having any Sunday evening worship services until further notice. The shepherds would like for us to use the time to be with our families and friends and strengthening those relationships. There will be someone here at the building at 6:00 to serve communion to those not able to be here in the morning.
Thank you. — The Shepherds
The Schrum Family’s Last Day
Today is Brad, Amanda and the girls last day with us. We wish them the best and know that God is guiding them where He needs them to go. We will miss you greatly. We are sending love and prayers as you start your new chapter.
Teacher Sign-Up
There is a sign-up sheet posted on the bulletin board for teachers in our children’s classes. The next quarter begins next Sunday and we still need several teachers. If you can teach a class, please sign up on the bulletin board.
Camp Concern Camp
Concern is quickly approaching! There are brochures on the table in the foyer. For more information, you can also go to their website at
Ladies Bible Class
The Ladies Class will be on Tuesdays at 6:00 pm in the Fireside Room. Make plans to attend and invite your friends!
Graduation Parties
The church is invited to a graduation party honoring Elijah Baker tomorrow from 12:00 pm to 4:00 pm here at the church building. Please make sure to RSVP-there is a signup sheet on the bulletin board.
The church is invited to a graduation party for Tori Cannon on June 2nd at 3:00 pm at Marilyn Boger’s house. Please make sure to sign up if you are able to attend. There is a sign up sheet on the bulletin board.
Teen Devo
If you are interested in hosting a Teen Devo at your home this summer, please sign up on the sheet on the bulletin board. We still have several openings.
Hearing Assistance Devices
We have hearing assistance devices available for those that may need them. If you are in need of assistance, please see an Usher.
Wednesday Night Classes
On Wednesday nights, we offer classes for all ages at 7pm. Wednesday nights are a great way to get engaged with the church family and grow in your faith. If you haven’t already, make plans to join us on Wednesdays at 7pm.
June 2019 Assignments
June 2019 Calendar
Minister Candidate: Matt Huddleston
Acts 2 Church
Minister Candidate: Steve McCall
May 19, 2019 Bulletin
Prayer Requests & Updates
New requests and updates: Louise Craft is in the James Cancer Center at OSU with stage 4 colon cancer. She is hoping to go to a step down facility soon. Eva Craft (Louise Craft’s mother in law) is currently a patient at OSU Medical Center in Columbus. They are hoping to find a nursing home placement when she is discharged. Please keep Pat Corder’s sister Jackie in your prayers. She has stage 4 cancer and is going through some difficult treatment. They are waiting on test results from a PET scan to schedule further treatment. Dot Saunders son in law was taken for an MRI this past week in Columbus. They thought it could be Bells Palsy or a stroke. Jim Yontz will be having a heart catheterization in the near future.
On-going prayers needed: Larry Barbe (Angel Baker’s Dad), Bob Digiandomenico, Alicia Estadt, Stanley Frakowski (Sandy Nolte’s father), Carol Frye, Randy Gallagher, Debbie Hatcher, Dorothy Heil, Wayne Henthorn, Ed Hirauk, Isaac Huffman, Scott Judge (Jamie Judges’ brother), Charles & Peg Lucas, Vince Magnone (Karen Thomas’ nephew), Wally McCabe Sr (Wally McCabe’s Dad), Donna Morris, Tim Martin (Elder where HP & Edie Roberts attend), Pat Rice, Richard Rice, Joyce Stimpert, Karen Thomas, Greg Voscavitch & Sue Wirsing.
In the Military: Isaac Gaston, Joseph Glenn (friend of Janet Lallathin), C.J. Harding (Terry Fitch’s step-son), Jason Harris (Bill & Pat Rice’s son-in-law), & Joey Stenger (Joe & Karen’s son).
Our Shut-ins: Sam & Delores Burkhart, Carolyn Campbell, Bill & Sue Daley, Joyce Orzolek, John Patton, Pearl Roy & Marlene Trisolene.
News & Information
Sunday Evening Services
Beginning May 26th, we will not be having any Sunday evening worship services until further notice. The shepherds would like for us to use the time to be with our families and friends and strengthening those relationships. There will be someone here at the building at 6:00 to serve communion to those not able to be here in the morning. Thank you. — The Shepherds
We celebrate with Bryan Beisel who was baptized into Christ the past Monday!
Preaching Candidate Today
Matt Huddleston, a potential candidate for the preaching position, will be teaching and preaching with us today. Let’s help make him and his family feel welcome!
Teacher Sign-Up
There is a sign-up sheet posted on the bulletin board for teachers in our children’s classes. The next quarter begins in June.
Camp Concern
Camp Concern is quickly approaching! There are brochures on the table in the foyer. For more information, you can also go on their website at
Ladies Bible Class
The Ladies Class will be on Tuesdays at 6:00 pm in the Fireside Room. Make plans to attend and invite your friends!
Graduation Parties
The church is invited to a graduation party honoring Elijah Baker on May 27th from 12:00 pm to 4:00 pm here at the church building. Please make sure to RSVP-there is a signup sheet on the bulletin board.
The church is invited to a graduation party for Tori Cannon on June 2nd at 3:00 pm at Marilyn Boger’s house. Please make sure to sign up if you are able to attend. There is a sign up sheet on the bulletin board.
Teen Devo
If you are interested in hosting a Teen Devo at your home this summer, please sign up on the sheet on the bulletin board.
Hearing Assistance Devices
We have hearing assistance devices available for those that may need them. If you are in need of assistance, please see an Usher.
Wednesday Night Classes
On Wednesday nights, we offer classes for all ages at 7pm. Wednesday nights are a great way to get engaged with the church family and grow in your faith. If you haven’t already, make plans to join us on Wednesdays at 7pm.
May 12, 2019 Bulletin
Prayer Requests & Updates
New requests and updates: Louise Craft’s test results showed that she has colon cancer. She will begin treatments as soon as her body is able to handle them. Her address is on the bulletin board. Debbie Hatcher has been sick with bronchitis. Ed Hirauk’s leg has been bothering him. Pat Rice has been having back problems.
On-going prayers needed: Larry Barbe (Angel Baker’s Dad), Bob Digiandomenico, Alicia Estadt, Stanley Frakowski (Sandy Nolte’s father), Carol Frye, Randy Gallagher, Dorothy Heil, Wayne Henthorn, Isaac Huffman, Scott Judge (Jamie Judges’ brother), Charles & Peg Lucas, Vince Magnone (Karen Thomas’ nephew), Wally McCabe Sr (Wally McCabe’s Dad), Donna Morris, Tim Mortin (Elder where HP & Eddie Roberts attend), Richard Rice, Joyce Stimpert, Karen Thomas, Greg Voscavitch & Sue Wirsing. In the Military: Isaac Gaston, Joseph Glenn (friend of Janet Lallathin), C.J. Harding (Terry Fitch’s step-son), Jason Harris (Bill & Pat Rice’s son-in-law), & Joey Stenger (Joe & Karen’s son).
Our Shut-ins: Sam & Delores Burkhart, Carolyn Campbell, Bill & Sue Daley, Joyce Orzolek, John Patton, Pearl Roy & Marlene Trisolene.
News & Information
Sunday Evening Services
Beginning May 26th, we will not be having any Sunday evening worship services until further notice. The shepherds would like for us to use the time to be with our families and friends and strengthening those relationships. There will be someone here at the building at 6:00 to serve communion to those not able to be here in the morning.
Thank you. — The Shepherds
Preaching Candidate Next Week
Matt Huddleston, a potential candidate for the preaching position, will be teaching and preaching with us next Sunday.
Wedding Reception
The church is invited to a Wedding Reception Open House for Dustin & Stephanie McMillan on Saturday May 18th in the multipurpose room. Please R S V P a t stephanie_dustin. The invitation is posted on the bulletin board.
Teacher Sign-Up
There is a sign-up sheet posted on the bulletin board for teachers in our children’s classes. The next quarter begins in June.
Graduation Party
The church is invited to a graduation party honoring Elijah Baker on May 27th from 12:00 pm to 4:00 pm here at the church building. Please make sure to RSVP-there is a signup sheet on the bulletin board.
Graduation Party
The church is invited to a graduation party for Tori Cannon on June 2nd at 3:00 pm at Marilyn Boger’s house. Please make sure to sign up if you are able to attend. There is a sign up sheet on the bulletin board.
Gleaner Cans
The gleaner cans for Potter Children’s Home are due back Oct. 27th. The cans are in the lobby.
Ladies Bible Class
The Ladies Class will be on Tuesdays at 6:00 pm in the Fireside Room. Make plans to attend and invite your friends!
Teen Devo
If you are interested in hosting a Teen Devo at your home this summer, please sign up on the sheet on the bulletin board.
Hearing Assistance Devices
We have hearing assistance devices available for those that may need them. If you are in need of assistance, please see an Usher.
Camp Concern
Camp Concern is quickly approaching! There are brochures on the table in the foyer. For more information, you can also go to their website at
Minister Candidate: Barry Chaffin
May 5, 2019 Bulletin
Prayer Requests & Updates
New requests and updates: Louise Craft had surgery to remove a mass & infection in her colon at the James Cancer Center in Columbus this past week. Isaac Huffman has a severe sinus infection and walking pneumonia and this has postponed his surgery for his tubes being put in his ears. Tim Mortin (an elder where HP & Eddie Roberts attend).
On-going prayers needed: Larry Barbe (Angel Baker’s Dad), Linda Carpenter, Bob Digiandomenico, Alicia Estadt, Stanley Frakowski (Sandy Nolte’s father), Carol Frye, Randy Gallagher, Dorothy Heil, Wayne Henthorn, Joe Jones (works for Joe Stenger), Scott Judge (Jamie Judges’ brother, lung surgery), Charles & Peg Lucas, Vince Magnone (Karen Thomas’ nephew), Wally McCabe Sr (Wally McCabe’s Dad), Donna Morris, Bill & Pat Rice, Richard Rice, Joyce Stimpert, Karen Thomas, Greg Voscavitch & Sue Wirsing.
In the Military: Isaac Gaston, Joseph Glenn (friend of Janet Lallathin), C.J. Harding (Terry Fitch’s step-son), Jason Harris (Bill & Pat Rice’s son-in-law), & Joey Stenger (Joe & Karen’s son).
Our Shut-ins: Sam & Delores Burkhart, Carolyn Campbell, Bill & Sue Daley, Joyce Orzolek, John Patton, Pearl Roy & Marlene Trisolene.
News & Information
Graduate Sunday
We will be honoring our graduates this morning! Our list of graduating seniors includes Elijah Baker, Allison Bilyeu, Andy Benham, Tori Cannon, Cali Fullen, and Benjamin Games. We will be having a fellowship meal after morning services to honor them. All care groups are needed for set up and clean up. Congratulations to the Class of 2019!
Preaching Candidate Today
Steve McCall, a potential candidate for the preaching position, will be teaching and preaching today. Let’s welcome him and his family!
Preaching Candidate On May 19th
Matt Huddleston, a potential candidate for the preaching position, will be teaching and preaching with us on Sunday May 19th.
Wedding Reception
The church is invited to a Wedding Reception Open House for Dustin & Stephanie McMillan on Saturday May 18th in the multipurpose room. Please R S V P. The invitation is posted on the bulletin board.
Teacher Sign-Up
There is a sign-up sheet posted on the bulletin board for teachers in our children’s classes. The next quarter begins in June.
Ladies Bible Class
The Ladies Class will be on Tuesdays at 6:00 pm in the Fireside Room. Make plans to attend and invite your friends!
Graduation Party
The church is invited to a graduation party honoring Elijah Baker on May 27th from 12:00 pm to 4:00 pm here at the church building. Please make sure to RSVP-there is a signup sheet on the bulletin board.
Teen Devo
If you are interested in hosting a Teen Devo at your home this summer, please sign up on the sheet on the bulletin board.
Hearing Assistance Devices
We have hearing assistance devices available for those that may need them. If you are in need of assistance, please see an Usher.
The gleaner cans for Potter Children’s Home are due back Oct. 27th. The cans are in the lobby.
Camp Concern
Camp Concern is quickly approaching! There are brochures on the table in the foyer. For more information, you can a l s o g o t o t h e i r w e b s i t e a t
Minister Candidate: Nathan Wheeler
April 28, 2019 Bulletin
Prayer Requests & Updates
New requests and updates: Linda Carpenter had exploratory heart catheterization done this past Monday. Joe Jones (works for Joe Stenger) is in need of prayers as he is very sick.
On-going prayers needed: Larry Barbe (Angel Baker’s Dad), Dee Dee Detling (a friend of Janet Lallathin), Bob Digiandomenico, Alicia Estadt, Stanley Frakowski (Sandy Nolte’s father), Carol Frye, Randy Gallagher, Dorothy Heil, Wayne Henthorn, Jay Herrlein (a friend of Janet Lallathin), Scott Judge (Jamie Judges’ brother, lung surgery), Charles & Peg Lucas, Vince Magnone (Karen Thomas’ nephew), Wally McCabe Sr (Wally McCabe’s Dad), Donna Morris, Chris Perkins (Woodsfield Church of Christ; stroke), Bill & Pat Rice, Richard Rice, Joyce Stimpert, Karen Thomas, Greg Voscavitch & Sue Wirsing.
In the Military: Isaac Gaston, Joseph Glenn (friend of Janet Lallathin), C.J. Harding (Terry Fitch’s step-son), Jason Harris (Bill & Pat Rice’s son-in-law), & Joey Stenger (Joe & Karen’s son).
Our Shut-ins: Sam & Delores Burkhart, Carolyn Campbell, Bill & Sue Daley, Joyce Orzolek, John Patton, Pearl Roy & Marlene Trisolene.
News & Information
Graduate Sunday
We will be honoring our graduates next Sunday. Our list of graduating seniors includes Elijah Baker, Allison Bilyeu, Andy Benham, Tori Cannon, Cali Fullen, and Benjamin Games.
We will also be having a fellowship meal after morning services to honor them as well. All care groups are needed for set up and clean up.
Preaching Candidate Today
Barry Chaffin, a potential candidate for the preaching position, will be teaching and preaching today. Let’s welcome him and his family!
Preaching Candidate Next Week
Steve McCall, a potential candidate for the preaching position, will be teaching and preaching with us next Sunday.
Wedding Reception
The church is invited to a Wedding Reception Open House for Dustin & Stephanie McMillan on Saturday May 18th in the multipurpose room. Please R S V P a t stephanie_dustin. The invitation is posted on the bulletin board.
Ladies Bible Class
The Ladies Class will be on Tuesdays at 6:00 pm in the Fireside Room. Make plans to attend and invite your friends!
Teen Devo
If you are interested in hosting a Teen Devo at your home this summer, please sign up on the sheet on the bulletin board.
Family & Parent Class
Don’t forget about our family and parenting class for all young adults and young families. It meets on Sunday mornings at 9am in the Fireside Room.
Hearing Assistance Devices
We have hearing assistance devices available for those that may need them. If you are in need of assistance, please see an Usher.
Potter Children’s Home
We will be collecting items for the Potter Children’s Home. The lists of items needed are posted on the bulletin board. The last day for donating is today. All donated items can be dropped off in the multipurpose room.
Camp Concern
Camp Concern is quickly approaching! There are brochures on the table in the foyer. For more information, you can also go to their website at
May Assignments 2019
May 2019 Calendar
April 21, 2019 Bulletin
Prayer Requests & Updates
New requests and updates: Larry Barbe (Angel Baker’s Dad) has Mantel Cell Leukemia and needs our prayers. His address is posted on the bulletin board.
On-going prayers needed: Bob Digiandomenico, Alicia Estadt, Stanley Frakowski (Sandy Nolte’s father), Carol Frye, Randy Gallagher, Adam Gooch, Dorothy Heil, Wayne Henthorn, Isaac Huffman, Scott Judge (Jamie Judges’ brother, lung surgery), Charles & Peg Lucas, Vince Magnone (Karen Thomas’ nephew), Wally McCabe Sr (Wally McCabe’s Dad), Donna Morris, Chris Perkins (Woodsfield Church of Christ; stroke), Bill & Pat Rice, Richard Rice, Joyce Stimpert, Karen Thomas, George Voscavitch & Sue Wirsing.
In the Military: Isaac Gaston, Joseph Glenn (friend of Janet Lallathin), C.J. Harding (Terry Fitch’s step-son), Jason Harris (Bill & Pat Rice’s son-in-law), & Joey Stenger (Joe & Karen’s son).
Our Shut-ins: Sam & Delores Burkhart, Carolyn Campbell, Bill & Sue Daley, Joyce Orzolek, John Patton, Pearl Roy & Marlene Trisolene.
News & Information
Graduate Sunday
We will be honoring our graduates on May 5th. Our current list of graduating seniors includes Elijah Baker, Allison Bilyeu, Andy Benham, Tori Cannon, Cali Fullen, and Benjamin Games.
Please give a wallet size senior picture to Amy Nestor by Wednesday April 24th. If you know of any other graduates in our church family, please let us know.
Preaching Candidate Today
Nathan Wheeler, a potential candidate for the preaching position, will be teaching and preaching today. Let’s welcome him and his family!
Preaching Candidate Next Week
Barry Chaffin, a potential candidate for the preaching position, will be teaching and preaching next Sunday April 28th.
Work Day
We will be having a Work Day here at the building on Saturday April 27th at 9:00 am. Please mark your calendars!
Ladies Bible Class
The Ladies Class will be on Tuesdays at 6:00 pm in the Fireside Room. Make plans to attend and invite your friends!
Family & Parent Class
Don’t forget about our family and parenting class for all young adults and young families. It meets on Sunday mornings at 9am in the Fireside Room.
Hearing Assistance Devices
We have hearing assistance devices available for those that may need them. If you are in need of assistance, please see an Usher.
Potter Children’s Home
We will be collecting items for the Potter Children’s Home. The lists of items needed are posted on the bulletin board. The last day for donating is Sunday April 28th. All donated items can be dropped off in the multipurpose room.
Camp Concern
Camp Concern is quickly approaching! There are brochures on the table in the foyer. For more information, you can also go to their website at
Get Involved
One of the best ways to grow spiritually is to get involved serving the church. There are all kinds of ways to get involved! Get plugged in today!
- Pray for those who are sick and hurting, and send cards to them.
- Take food or provide other assistance to the sick or grieving.
- Go out of your way to welcome guests in our worship gatherings.
- Pass out invitation cards.
April 14, 2019 Bulletin
Prayer Requests & Updates
New requests and updates: George Voscavitch is in Petersons Hospital.
On-going prayers needed: Bob Digiandomenico, Alicia Estadt, Stanley Frakowski (Sandy Nolte’s father), Carol Frye, Randy Gallagher, Adam Gooch, Dorothy Heil, Wayne Henthorn, Isaac Huffman, Scott Judge (Jamie Judges’ brother, lung surgery), Charles & Peg Lucas, Vince Magnone (Karen Thomas’ nephew), Wally McCabe Sr (Wally McCabe’s Dad), Donna Morris, Chris Perkins (Woodsfield Church of Christ; stroke), Bill & Pat Rice, Richard Rice, Joyce Stimpert, Karen Thomas & Sue Wirsing.
In the Military: Isaac Gaston, Joseph Glenn (friend of Janet Lallathin), C.J. Harding (Terry Fitch’s step-son), Jason Harris (Bill & Pat Rice’s son-in-law), & Joey Stenger (Joe & Karen’s son).
Our Shut-ins: Sam & Delores Burkhart, Carolyn Campbell, Bill & Sue Daley, Joyce Orzolek, John Patton, Pearl Roy & Marlene Trisolene.
News & Information
Graduate Sunday
We will be honoring our graduates on May 5th. Our current list of graduating seniors includes Elijah Baker, Allison Bilyeu, Andy Benham, Tori Cannon, Cali Fullen, and Benjamin Games. Please give a wallet size senior picture to Amy Nestor by Wednesday April 24th. If you know of any other graduates in our church family, please let us know.
We extend our sympathy to the family of Mike Gaston. His mother, Joanne Gaston, passed away this past week. Please keep their family in your prayers during this difficult time.
Work Day
We will be having a Work Day here at the building on Saturday April 27th. Please mark your calendars!
Ladies Bible Class
The Ladies Class will be on Tuesdays at 6:00 pm in the Fireside Room. Make plans to attend and invite your friends!
Family & Parent Class Don’t forget about our family and parenting class for all young adults and young families. It meets on Sunday mornings at 9am in the Fireside Room.
Hearing Assistance Devices
We have hearing assistance devices available for those that may need them. If you are in need of assistance, please see an Usher.
Potter Children’s Home
We will be collecting items for the Potter Children’s Home. The lists of items needed are posted on the bulletin board outside the office. The last day for donating is Sunday April 28th. All donated items can be dropped off in the multipurpose room.
Get Involved
One of the best ways to grow spiritually is to get involved serving the church. There are all kinds of ways to get involved! Get plugged in today!
- Pray for those who are sick and hurting, and send cards to them. •
- Ta k e f o o d o r p ro v i d e o t h e r assistance to the sick or grieving.
- Go out of your way to welcome guests in our worship gatherings.
- Pass out invitation cards.
- Volunteer to teach or be a helper in a children’s class. All you need is a love of God and a desire to serve!
- Visit, call, and write our shut-ins.
- Come up with creative ways we can fulfill our mission to love God and to love people.
- Be active in telling the good news, and loving people in practical & intentional ways.
- Help out in our nursery.
- Participate and serve in our worship. gatherings and classes.
April 7, 2019 Bulletin
Prayer Requests & Updates
New requests and updates: Randy Gallagher is back at Park Health. Adam Gooch’s surgery went well this past Wednesday. Alicia Estadt has been suffering migraines and will be seeing a neurologist in Morgantown. Wally McCabe Sr. (Wally McCabe’s Dad) had successful open heart surgery. Chris Perkins was baptized at the Woodsfield church, but suffered a stroke during baptism. He is in the hospital in Columbus.
On-going prayers needed: Barbara Brewer, Bill Brewer (Leslie Judge’s Dad), Bob Digiandomenico, Stanley Frakowski (Sandy Nolte’s father), Carol Frye, Joanne Gaston (Mike Gaston’s Mom), Micah Fuchs (Belmont Church of Christ), Dorothy Heil, Wayne Henthorn, Isaac Huffman, Janie Judge, Scott Judge (Jamie Judges’ brother, lung surgery), Charles & Peg Lucas, Vince Magnone (Karen Thomas’ nephew), Donna Morris, Cheryl Pritts (breast cancer; Barnesville Schools), Bill & Pat Rice, Richard Rice, Joyce Stimpert, Karen Thomas & Sue Wirsing.
In the Military: Isaac Gaston, Joseph Glenn (friend of Janet Lallathin), C.J. Harding (Terry Fitch’s step-son), Jason Harris (Bill & Pat Rice’s sonin-law), & Joey Stenger (Joe & Karen’s son).
Our Shut-ins: Sam & Delores Burkhart, Carolyn Campbell, Bill & Sue Daley, Joyce Orzolek, John Patton, Pearl Roy & Marlene Trisolene.
News & Information
Graduate Sunday
We will be honoring our graduates on May 5th. Our current list of graduating seniors includes Elijah Baker, Allison Bilyeu, Andy Benham, Tori Cannon, Cali Fullen, and Benjamin Games. If you know of any other graduates in our church family, please let us know.
Easter Egg Hunt
The church is planning to have an egg hunt this morning after the fellowship meal. The Egg Hunt will be for kids aged 12 and under. Please join us!
Work Day
We will be having a Work Day here at the building on Saturday April 20th. Please mark your calendars!
Ladies Bible Class
The Ladies Class will be on Tuesdays at 6:00 pm in the Fireside Room. Make plans to attend and invite your friends!
Family & Parent Class
Don’t forget about our family and parenting class for all young adults and young families. It meets on Sunday mornings at 9am in the Fireside Room.
Hearing Assistance Devices
We have hearing assistance devices available for those that may need them. If you are in need of assistance, please see an Usher.
Ladies Inspiration Day
There will be a Ladies Inspiration Day in Moundsville on Saturday April 13th. Registration begins at 8:30 am. Please see the bulletin board for more information.
We extend our congratulations to Wally & Kelly McCabe, for the birth of their fourth granddaughter. Katherine Sands was born this past Friday to Doug & Ashley Sands. She was 7 pounds 11 ounces.
Potter Children’s Home
We will be collecting items for the Potter Children’s Home. The lists of items needed are posted on the bulletin board outside the office. The last day for donating is Sunday April 28th. All donated items can be dropped off in the multipurpose room.
We extend our sympathy to the family of John Hitt. He passed away this past week. He was a relative of Sally McDiffitt and Terrie Gaston. The address for his wife Penny is available on the prayer list by the bulletins.
Get Involved
One of the best ways to grow spiritually is to get involved serving the church. There are all kinds of ways to get involved! Get plugged in today!
- Pray for those who are sick and hurting, and send cards to them.
- Take food or provide other assistance to the sick or grieving.
- Go out of your way to welcome guests in our worship gatherings.
April 2019 Assignments
March 31, 2019 Bulletin
Prayer Requests & Updates
New requests and updates: Randy Gallagher does not have an abscess near his lung as they previously thought. He is improving. Joanne Gaston (Mike Gaston’s Mom) has been placed on hospice care. Micah Fuchs (Belmont Church of Christ) has been sick since the end of January. He’s been to Cleveland Clinic twice, but still has not received any answers. Cheryl Pritts (Barnesville Schools) is receiving radiation for breast cancer.
On-going prayers needed: Barbara Brewer, Bill Brewer (Leslie Judge’s Dad), Bob Digiandomenico, Stanley Frakowski (Sandy Nolte’s father), Carol Frye, Dorothy Heil, Wayne Henthorn, Isaac Huffman, Janie Judge, Scott Judge (Jamie Judges’ brother, lung surgery), Charles & Peg Lucas, Vince Magnone (Karen Thomas’ nephew), Donna Morris, Bill & Pat Rice, Richard Rice, Joyce Stimpert, Karen Thomas & Sue Wirsing.
In the Military: Isaac Gaston, Joseph Glenn (friend of Janet Lallathin), C.J. Harding (Terry Fitch’s step-son), Jason Harris (Bill & Pat Rice’s son-in-law), & Joey Stenger (Joe & Karen’s son).
Our Shut-ins: Sam & Delores Burkhart, Carolyn Campbell, Bill & Sue Daley, Joyce Orzolek, John Patton, Pearl Roy & Marlene Trisolene.
News & Information
Last Sunday, Brad announced that the Schrum family will be moving to Morgantown WV, to serve as the preaching minister for the Morgantown Church of Christ, beginning in June. It was also announced that beginning in May, Keaton would be transitioning to a volunteer role leading our student ministry, as he begins a new full time job selling life insurance.
Graduate Sunday
We will be honoring our graduates on May 5th. Our current list of graduating seniors includes Elijah Baker, Allison Bilyeu, Andy Benham, Tori Cannon, Cali Fullen, and Benjamin Games. If you know of any other graduates in our church family, please let us know.
Easter Egg Hunt
The church is planning to have an egg hunt April 7th after the fellowship meal. The last day to bring in eggs or candy will be today. We will need help filling the eggs, and will be decorating on Saturday (time TBA). The Egg Hunt will be for kids aged 12 and under, and will begin after the Fellowship Meal. All care groups are being asked to help set up the meal, and to make sure to bring plenty of food to share. Please invite family and friends. See Amy Higgins for details or questions.
Ladies Bible Class
The Ladies Class will be on Tuesdays at 6:00 pm in the Fireside Room. Make plans to attend and invite your friends!
Gospel Meeting
Our gospel meeting with Richard McGough begins today and continues through April 3. We will also be having a fellowship meal this morning after worship service, and we are asking that all care groups pitch in to help with set-up and clean up. Everyone be sure to make plans to join us!
God’s Girls
God’s Girls will be on April 6th from 10 am to 5:30 pm at the Holiday Park Church of Christ. The theme is Open Heart Surgery. God’s Girls if for girls ages 6th grade through college. The guest speaker this year is Molly Walton. The day will include prayer walk, hands-on workshops, lunch, RSVP drama, and more!
Potter Children’s Home We will be collecting items for the Potter Children’s Home. The lists of items needed are posted on the bulletin board outside the office. The last day for donating is Sunday April 28th. All donated items can be dropped off in the multipurpose room.
Family & Parent
Class Don’t forget about our family and parenting class for all young adults and young families. It meets on Sunday mornings at 9am in the Fireside Room.
Transitions and A New Season
On Sunday, March 17, 2019 Brad Schrum announced that he, Amanda, and their family would be moving to Morgantown, West Virginia to serve as the preaching minister for the Morgantown Church of Christ, beginning in June. Brad will continue to minister and preach in St. Clairsville until the end of May.
The elders also announced that Keaton Forsythe has decided to begin a new full time job selling insurance in Pennsylvania—but he will continue to be a part of our church family and minister to our students as much as his new job will allow. He will continue to teach and help to lead various youth ministry activities. He will continue to work full time with the church until April 26th, after which he will transition to a volunteer role.
Brad’s Letter to the Congregation
Church family,
We are about to enter a season of transition and change.
Amanda and I, and our family will be moving to Morgantown W.V. in the beginning of June, to serve as the preaching minister for the Morgantown Church of Christ.
This was not in our plans, and this was not something we sought out. We had plans to be here and serve as your minister for another 30 years. But sometimes, even our best laid plans and intentions fail to capture God’s own plans for our lives. After a lot of prayer and fasting, long nights wrestling with God, and more than a few tears, we are convicted that this is God’s plan for our family and for the church family here. At several points along the way, we have tried to ignore and run from this calling, but much like Jonah, we’ve learned that we cannot run from God’s calling on our lives, and when God calls us to step out in faith, he will remain faithful.
We have such deep love for you, for this church, and for this community. I grew up here, I have been blessed to minister as part of this church family for nearly twelve years, and have been privileged to open the Scriptures with you from this pulpit for almost six years. This is our home, and you are our family.
This is not a decision we have made out of any discontent, discouragement or division. We are not unhappy, and there are no behind-the-scenes problems. We have simply sensed God’s calling to step out in faith into a new work. In m preaching here, I have repeatedly called us to walk in faith and obedience to the call of Jesus on our lives. It’s time for me to practice what I’ve been preaching.
The Calling to Morgantown
We are not going to Morgantown because they are a bigger or better church. Like most every church, they have struggles in our post-Christian cultural moment, but God has helped us to see that He has been uniquely preparing us for this ministry. They have a strong desire to embrace a missional vision of the church’s calling and potential to make an impact for the Kingdom of God in a region that desperately needs the gospel. The church is in close proximity to 30,000 WVU students, many of whom are hungry to start following after Jesus. From my time at Ohio State, God has stirred in my heart a passion to see young adults follow Jesus. The congregation itself is incredibly diverse, both in demographics, age, experience, and education. About half of the church was not raised in Churches of Christ, and my own experience growing up outside of the church gives me a unique ability to minister to them.
Not only is this a good fit for my work in ministry, it also represents an incredible opportunity for Amanda. Her calling as a nurse is a significant part of our lives, and in Morgantown she will be able to work at one of the best hospitals in the region. More importantly, Amanda will be afforded the ability to devote much more time to staying home, mothering Isabelle and Eliana.
The Future for St. Clairsville
I am convinced that not only is this the right decision for our family, but it is the right decision for the church family here in St. Clairsville. As a church, we are in a pivotal moment in our life together. God has been so good to this church over the years. From our beginnings in a fairground building in 1948 to the construction of this building almost 70 years later, God has blessed this church immensely and has always been faithful. God has a plan for you, and I believe we are poised for a new season of growth, if we will walk in faith and faithfulness.
When I began my pulpit ministry, we were in a time of deep hurt, loss, and confusion, but by God’s grace we were able to stick together, heal together, and grow together. We appointed new deacons, hired a youth minister, and started new community involvement initiatives like Trunk-or-Treat. We began, and then completed, the building project. Most significantly, we selected two great and godly men as shepherds to help lead us.
We have been through a lot together. There have been growing pains along the way, but I have been encouraged to see our elders and deacons joining together to work for God’s future for this church. And so now— with a sense of healing from past hurts, a new building, a solid eldership, and the deacons unified and working together, the foundation is set for God to call a new minister to serve this church family, and to help us grow into the future. I’m convinced that God is already preparing your new minster, to lead and serve with you into a new season of growth.
A Deep Gratitude
This decision to leave has been the hardest decision we have ever made together as a family. We love you deeply, and this church will always be “home” for us.
We are so deeply appreciative of the way you have loved us over the years. I would not be the man, the husband and father, and I certainly wouldn’t be the minister I am today were it not for you. You saw a calling in me as a teenager that I didn’t see in myself. You had faith in me as I stepped into the pulpit in a difficult time, and you were patient with me as I learned what it meant to be a minister. You were there when Amanda and I started dating, when we became husband and wife, and you were there each step of the way as our family grew. Our family has been forever blessed by your love for us. I can only hope that my ministry has been half the blessing to you over these last twelve years as you have been to me.
The next few months of transition will be challenging for you and for our own family. But I am convinced that when we walk in faith, God is always faithful. He has been faithful in past, and he will be faithful in the future. I firmly believe the best days of the St. Clairsville Church of Christ are not in the past, but they lay ahead, as we follow after God’s plan together.
In this season of transition, it is crucial that we work to stay unified, keep working together with our leaders, and keep our eyes fixed on Jesus. Ultimately, Jesus is what this is all about. It has never been about the man who stands in this pulpit, but about the power of the gospel of Jesus.
We love you deeply,
In Christ,
Brad, Amanda & family
Words from the Shepherds
Our hearts our heavy that Brad and Amanda will be leaving us, but as we look into God’s Word, we see that when men’s hearts are right, God moves people to do His will and His work. Brad’s heart is right, and so is Amanda’s. God will use them in great ways in Morgantown. Even though we hate to see them go, God has plans for them, as he does for us.
As your shepherds, we want to ask that you keep your focus on Jesus, and keep our unity as we go this next phase and this next step as a church. We do not want to lose a single soul in this process. From Wally and Kelly, all the way around the building to Steve and Nelva, we don’t want to lose anyone.
It is important that we pray for Brad and Amanda, that their work in Morgantown will be fruitful, and it is important that we pray for each other, and that we pray for our next minister.
We are beginning the search process for our next minister immediately. We will be talking with you about that more soon. Your prayers and your input will be very important in this process.
As your shepherds, we also want to let you know that Keaton will continue to worship with us and continue to work with our youth, but he has taken another full time job selling insurance in Pennsylvania. His last full-time day with us will be April 26th. He will continue to worship with us, teach our youth, and help to lead in activities as his work schedule allows. He will continue to be available to minister to the students, but he is broadening his experiences and stepping into a new chapter in his life. Keep him in your prayers as well.
We ask that keep all of this in your prayers, that you keep your focus on Jesus, that you work to keep our unity, and that you encourage each other as we continue to seek God’s will together.
Thank you,
The Shepherds
March 17, 2019 Bulletin
Prayer Requests & Updates
New requests and updates: Rich Daley is now home. He will be going back to the hospital daily for IV antibiotics. Lucielle Howell (Pat Leiffer’s aunt) suffered a massive stroke two weeks ago. She has been unresponsive since the stroke. There is nothing more the doctors can do and she is in hospice care. Isaac Huffman (Leslie Huffman’s son) will be having his tonsils & adenoids taken out and tubes put in his ears on March 22nd. Scott Judge (Jamie Judges’ brother) had lung surgery this past Thursday to treat a continuous lung infection. He will be in the hospital for 5-7 days. Rob Miller has been fighting a sinus infection. Kay Sowinski has an ear infection.
On-going prayers needed: Jack Bailey, Margaret Bailey, Rae Ann Beatty, Ruth Borovich, Barbara Brewer, Edna Campbell, Bob Digiandomenico, Sherri Donnell, Stanley Frakowski (Sandy Nolte’s father), Carol Frye, Randy Gallagher, Isaac Gaston, Joann Gaston, Dorothy Heil, Wayne Henthorn, Melissa Huntsman, Scarlet James, Janie Judge, Charles & Peg Lucas, Donna Morris, Cheryl Pritts (Barnesville Schools), Richard Rice, Bill Saunders, Cheryl Stefan, Joyce Stimpert, Nancy Stonebraker, Karen Thomas, Martha Wade, Bill White, Sue Wirsing, Sarah Zink.
In the Military: Joseph Glenn (friend of Janet Lallathin), C.J. Harding (Terry Fitch’s step-son), Jason Harris (Bill & Pat Rice’s son-in-law), & Joey Stenger (Joe & Karen’s son).
Our Shut-ins: Sam & Delores Burkhart, Carolyn Campbell, Bill & Sue Daley, Joyce Orzolek, John Patton, Pearl Roy & Marlene Trisolene.
News & Information
Graduate Sunday
We will be honoring our graduates on May 5th. Our current list of graduating seniors includes Elijah Baker, Andy Benham, Tori Cannon, Cali Fullen, and Benjamin Games. If you know of any other graduates in our church family, please let us know.
Easter Egg Hunt
The church is planning to have an egg hunt April 7th after the fellowship meal in the afternoon. We are starting to collect candy and eggs in the fireside room for this event. If you have any questions, see Amy Higgins.
Gospel Meeting
We will be having our gospel meeting with Richard McGough starting March 31st and ending on April 3. Please mark your calendars!
We will also be having a fellowship meal that Sunday morning, and we are asking that all care groups pitch in to help with set-up and clean up. Everyone be sure to bring enough food to share and to feed your family.
Sunshine Baskets
We will be putting together a couple of sunshine baskets for Karen Thomas & Randy Gallagher. If you would like to bring a small item to brighten their day, please do so by today. The baskets are in the foyer.
Ladies Bible Class
The Ladies Class will be on Tuesdays at 6:00 pm in the Fireside Room. Make plans to attend and invite your friends!
Potter Children’s Home
We will be collecting items for the Potter Children’s Home. The lists of items needed are Hefty Oblong Styrofoam Divided plates, Rice Chex cereal, Size 5 diapers, Soy Sauce, White Chocolate Chips or you can donate money for them to purchase fresh foods and dairy. The last day for donating is Sunday April 28th. All donated items can be dropped off in the multipurpose room.
Exploring The Psalms
Join us on Wednesday night as we continue our winter series exploring both the rich spiritual and practical encouragement of the book of Psalms.
Hearing Assistance Devices We have hearing assistance devices available for those that may need them. If you are in need of assistance, please see an Usher.
Family & Parent Class
Don’t forget about our family and parenting class for all young adults and young families. It meets on Sunday mornings at 9am in the Fireside Room. It’s a great opportunity to learn together how to navigate the ups and downs of life together as a family.
March 10, 2019 Bulletin
Prayer Requests & Updates
New requests and updates: Rich Daley is in Wheeling Hospital (room 464) with a tear in his colon. Isaac Huffman (Leslie Huffman’s son) will be having his tonsils & adenoids taken out and tubes put in his ears on March 22nd. Warren Lallathin (Janet Lallathin’s Dad) was moved to Emerald Point this past Monday. Pam Moore has been sick. Donna Morris is now home. Pat Rice is traveling to Nassau.
On-going prayers needed: Jack Bailey, Margaret Bailey, Jim Bass, Rae Ann Beatty, Dee Bigler, Gail Bigler, Stephanie Bittinger, Ruth Borovich, Barbara Brewer, Sam Burkhart, Edna Campbell, Scott Chapman, Bob Digiandomenico, Sherri Donnell, Stanley Frakowski (Sandy Nolte’s father), Carol Frye, Ken Frye, Tyson Frye, Randy Gallagher, Isaac Gaston, Joann Gaston, Dorothy Heil, Wayne Henthorn, Nancy Hudson, Melissa Huntsman, Scarlet James, Janie Judge, Charles & Peg Lucas, Kaleb McDiffit, Geri Nagy, Cheryl Pritts (Barnesville Schools), Ernie Pyatt, Bill Rice, Richard Rice, Bill Saunders, Juliana Sowinski, Cheryl Stefan, Joyce Stimpert, Nancy Stonebraker, Karen Thomas, Martha Wade, Bill White, Sue Wirsing, Sarah Zink.
In the Military: Joseph Glenn (friend of Janet Lallathin), C.J. Harding (Terry Fitch’s step-son), Jason Harris (Bill & Pat Rice’s son-in-law), & Joey Stenger (Joe & Karen’s son).
Our Shut-ins: Sam & Delores Burkhart, Carolyn Campbell, Bill & Sue Daley, Joyce Orzolek, John Patton, Pearl Roy & Marlene Trisolene.
News & Information
The Elders would like to meet with the Deacons and their wives this evening at 4:30 pm in the Fireside Room.
Easter Egg Hunt
The church is planning to have an egg hunt April 7th after the fellowship meal in the afternoon. We are starting to collect candy and eggs in the fireside room for this event. If you have any questions, see Amy Higgins.
Gospel Meeting
We will be having our gospel meeting with Richard McGough starting March 31st and ending on April 3. Please mark your calendars! We will also be having a fellowship meal that Sunday morning, and we are asking that all care groups pitch in to help with set-up and clean up.
Sunshine Baskets
We will be putting together a couple of sunshine baskets for Karen Thomas & Randy Gallagher. If you would like to bring a small item to brighten their day, please do so by Sunday March 17th. The baskets are in the foyer.
Congratulations to John & Elaine Sambuco on their son Adam’s marriage to Tanvi Shah. They had ceremonies in both India and Georgia.
Ladies Bible Class
The Ladies Class will begin on this Tuesday, March 12th at 6:00 pm in the Fireside Room. Make plans to attend and invite your friends!
Hearing Assistance Devices
We have hearing assistance devices available for those that may need them. If you are in need of assistance, please see an Usher.
Family & Parent Class
Don’t forget about our family and parenting class for all young adults and young families. It meets on Sunday mornings at 9am in the Fireside Room. It’s a great opportunity to learn together how to navigate the ups and downs of life together as a family.
Exploring The Psalms
Join us on Wednesday night as we continue our winter series exploring both the rich spiritual and practical encouragement of the book of Psalms.
The Christian Chronicle
If you would like to receive The Christian Chronicle (an international newspaper for members of churches of Christ) for free, there is a sign-up sheet on the bulletin board.
College Student Boxes
If you have not picked up college student boxes, there are still some on the stage in the MP Room.
March 2019 Calendar
March Assignments 2019
March 3, 2019 Bulletin
Prayer Requests & Updates
New requests and updates: Dee Bigler has been having problems with her blood pressure. Gail Bigler has been having stomach issues. Sam Burkhart is now home. Edna Campbell (Nancy Stonebraker’s sister) is now in Park Health. Rich Daley is in Wheeling Hospital (room 464) with a tear in his colon. Isaac Gaston (Emma Gaston’s Dad) left this past Monday for Army boot camp. Joann Gaston (Mike Gaston’s Mom) has been moved back to the nursing home this past week. Isaac Huffman (Leslie Huffman’s son) will be having his tonsils & adenoids taken out and tubes put in his ears on March 22nd. Warren Lallathin (Janet Lallathin’s Dad) is scheduled to be moved to Emerald Point on Monday. Kaleb McDiffitt is on an antibiotic for an infected tooth. Donna Morris is in EORH with a twisted colon. Cheryl Pritts (works at Barnesville Schools) has breast cancer and is asking for prayers.
On-going prayers needed: Jack Bailey, Margaret Bailey, Jim Bass, Rae Ann Beatty, Stephanie Bittinger, Ruth Borovich, Barbara Brewer, Scott Chapman, Bob Digiandomenico, Sherri Donnell, Stanley Frakowski (Sandy Nolte’s father), Carol Frye, Ken Frye, Tyson Frye, Randy Gallagher, Dorothy Heil, Wayne Henthorn, Nancy Hudson, Melissa Huntsman, Scarlet James, Janie Judge, Charles & Peg Lucas, Geri Nagy, Ernie Pyatt, Bill & Pat Rice, Richard Rice, Bill Saunders, Juliana Sowinski, Cheryl Stefan, Joyce Stimpert, Nancy Stonebraker, Karen Thomas, Martha Wade, Bill White, Sue Wirsing, Sarah Zink.
In the Military: Joseph Glenn (friend of Janet Lallathin), C.J. Harding (Terry Fitch’s step-son), Jason Harris (Bill & Pat Rice’s son-in-law), & Joey Stenger (Joe & Karen’s son).
News & Information
The Elders would like to meet with the Deacons and their wives (next Sunday) March 10th at 4:30 pm in the Fireside Room.
Easter Egg Hunt
The church is planning to have an egg hunt April 7th after the fellowship meal in the afternoon. We are starting to collect candy and eggs in the fireside room for this event. If you have any questions, see Amy Higgins.
Gospel Meeting
We will be having our gospel meeting with Richard McGough starting March 31st and ending on April 3. Please mark your calendars!
Ladies Bible Class
The Ladies Class will begin on this Tuesday, March 5th at 6:00 pm in the Fireside Room. They have chosen the book Conversations with God.
Hearing Assistance Devices
We have hearing assistance devices available for those that may need them. If you are in need of assistance, please see an Usher.
Family & Parent Class
Don’t forget about our family and parenting class for all young adults and young families. It meets on Sunday mornings at 9am in the Fireside Room. It’s a great opportunity to learn together how to navigate the ups and downs of life together as a family.
Exploring The Psalms
Join us on Wednesday night as we continue our winter series exploring both the rich spiritual and practical encouragement of the book of Psalms.
The Christian Chronicle
If you would like to receive The Christian Chronicle (an international newspaper for members of churches of Christ) for free, there is a sign-up sheet on the bulletin board.
Get Involved One of the best ways to grow spiritually is to get involved serving the church. There are all kinds of ways to get involved! Get plugged in today!
- Pray for those who are sick and hurting, and send cards to them.
- Take food or provide other assistance to the sick or grieving.
- Go out of your way to welcome guests in our worship gatherings.
- Pass out invitation cards.
- Volunteer to teach or be a helper in a children’s class. All you need is a love of God and a desire to serve!
- Visit, call, and write our shut-ins.
- Come up with creative ways we can fulfill our mission to love God and to love people.
- Be active in telling the good news, and loving people in practical & intentional ways.
February 24, 2019 Bulletin
Prayer Requests & Updates
New requests and updates: Joann Gaston (Mike Gaston’s Mom) has been moved from the ICU to a regular room. She has no feeding tube and her bloodwork is showing slow improvement. Isaac Huffman (Leslie Huffman’s son) will be having his tonsils & adenoids taken out and tubes put in his ears on March 22nd. Warren Lallathin (Janet Lallathin’s father) has pneumonia. Rob & Nancy Miller haven’t been feeling well.
On-going prayers needed: Jack Bailey, Margaret Bailey, Jim Bass, Rae Ann Beatty, Stephanie Bittinger, Ruth Borovich (Belmont Manor), Barbara Brewer, Scott Chapman, Bob Digiandomenico, Sherri Donnell, Stanley Frakowski (Sandy Nolte’s father), Carol Frye, Ken Frye, Tyson Frye, Randy Gallagher, Dorothy Heil, Wayne Henthorn, Nancy Hudson, Melissa Huntsman, Scarlet James, Janie Judge, Charles & Peg Lucas, Donna Morris, Geri Nagy, Ernie Pyatt, Bill & Pat Rice, Richard Rice, Bill Saunders, Juliana Sowinski, Cheryl Stefan, Joyce Stimpert, Nancy Stonebraker, Karen Thomas, Martha Wade, Bill White, Sue Wirsing, Sarah Zink.
In the Military: Joseph Glenn (friend of Janet Lallathin), C.J. Harding (Terry Fitch’s step-son), Jason Harris (Bill & Pat Rice’s son-in-law), & Joey Stenger (Joe & Karen’s son).
Our Shut-ins: Sam & Delores Burkhart, Carolyn Campbell, Bill & Sue Daley, Joyce Orzolek, Pearl Roy & Marlene Trisolene.
News & Information
We extend our sympathy to the family of Charlotte Patton. Her sister, Carol Sberna, passed away this past Wednesday. The arrangements are incomplete at this time. Please keep her family in your prayers.
Easter Egg Hunt
The church is planning to have an egg hunt April 7th after the fellowship meal in the afternoon. We are starting to collect candy and eggs in the fireside room for the event.
The Christian Chronicle
If you would like to receive The Christian Chronicle (an international newspaper for members of churches of Christ) for free, there is a sign-up sheet on the bulletin board.
Gospel Meeting
We will be having a gospel meeting with Richard McGough on March 31st – April 3. Mark your calendars!
Ladies Bible Class
The Ladies Class will begin on Tuesday March 5th at 6:00 pm in the Fireside Room. They have chosen the book Conversations with God. If you would like a book, please put your name on a slip of paper in the basket on the table in the foyer by Sunday February 24th.
Hearing Assistance Devices
We have hearing assistance devices available for those that may need them. Please see an Usher for assistance.
Family & Parent Class
Don’t forget about our family and parenting class for all young adults and young families. It meets on Sunday mornings at 9am in the Fireside Room. It’s a great opportunity to learn together how to navigate the ups and downs of life together as a family.
Exploring the Psalms
Join us on Wednesday night as we continue our winter series exploring both the rich spiritual and practical encouragement of the book of Psalms.
Get Involved
One of the best ways to grow spiritually is to get involved serving the church. There are all kinds of ways to get involved! Get plugged in today!
- Pray for those who are sick and hurting, and send cards to them.
- Take food or provide other assistance to the sick or grieving.
- Go out of your way to welcome guests in our worship gatherings.
- Pass out invitation cards.
- Volunteer to teach or be a helper in a children’s class. All you need is a love of God and a desire to serve!
- Visit, call, and write our shut-ins.
- Come up with creative ways we can fulfill our mission to love God and to love people.
Wednesday Evening Bible Study
Winter Series in Psalm 2/6/19 by Bill Rice
February 17, 2019 Bulletin
Prayer Requests & Updates
New requests and updates: Joann Gaston (Mike Gaston’s Mom) is in the hospital with an infection, UTI and a large kidney stone. Skip and Linda Gooch left for Las Vegas this past week. Dennie & Kathy Green left for Florida last week and will be gone for several weeks. Isaac Huffman (Leslie Huffman’s son) will be having his tonsils & adenoids taken out and tubes put in his ears on March 22nd. Warren Lallathin (Janet Lallathin’s father) was admitted to Barnesville Hospital this past week with pneumonia. Greg Vickers will be traveling to China for a few weeks.
On-going prayers needed: Jack Bailey, Margaret Bailey, Jim Bass, Rae Ann Beatty, Stephanie Bittinger, Ruth Borovich (Belmont Manor), Barbara Brewer, Scott Chapman, Bob Digiandomenico, Sherri Donnell, Stanley Frakowski (Sandy Nolte’s father), Carol Frye, Ken Frye, Tyson Frye, Randy Gallagher, Joann Gaston, Dorothy Heil, Wayne Henthorn, Nancy Hudson, Melissa Huntsman, Scarlet James, Janie Judge, Charles & Peg Lucas, Donna Morris, Geri Nagy, Ernie Pyatt, Bill & Pat Rice, Richard Rice, Bill Saunders, Juliana Sowinski, Cheryl Stefan, Joyce Stimpert, Nancy Stonebraker, Karen Thomas, Martha Wade, Bill White, Sue Wirsing, Sarah Zink.
In the Military: Joseph Glenn (friend of Janet Lallathin), C.J. Harding (Terry Fitch’s step-son), Jason Harris (Bill & Pat Rice’s son-in-law), & Joey Stenger (Joe & Karen’s son).
Our Shut-ins: Sam & Delores Burkhart, Carolyn Campbell, Bill & Sue Daley, Joyce Orzolek, Pearl Roy & Marlene Trisolene.
News & Information
There will be a memorial service for Mary Bass here at the building on Saturday, February 23rd at 2pm.
We extend our sympathy to the family of Bill & Sue Daley. Their nephew, James Yeager, passed away. The memorial service was this past Friday. Please keep his family in your prayers.
Ladies Bible Class
The Ladies Class will begin on Tuesday March 5th at 6:00 pm in the Fireside Room. They have chosen the book Conversations with God. If you would like a book, please put your name on a slip of paper in the basket on the table in the foyer by Sunday February 24th.
College Student Care Packages
If you would like to help with putting together care packages for our college students, see Linda Gooch or Keaton. The last day for collection will be today.
College Student Addresses
If you or someone in your family is a college student, please give the office your name, address, and the school you are attending. We need addresses for students attending locally and those away from home.
Family & Parent Class
Don’t forget about our family and parenting class for all young adults and young families. It meets on Sunday mornings at 9am in the Fireside Room. It’s a great opportunity to learn together how to navigate the ups and downs of life together as a family.
Exploring The Psalms Join us on Wednesday night as we continue our winter series exploring both the rich spiritual and practical encouragement of the book of Psalms.
Hearing Assistance Devices
We have hearing assistance devices available for those that may need them. Please see an Usher for assistance.
Get Involved
One of the best ways to grow spiritually is to get involved serving the church. There are all kinds of ways to get involved! Get plugged in today!
- Pray for those who are sick and hurting, and send cards to them.
- Take food or provide other assistance to the sick or grieving.
- Go out of your way to welcome guests in our worship gatherings.
- Pass out invitation cards.
- Volunteer to teach or be a helper in a children’s class. All you need is a love of God and a desire to serve!
- Visit, call, and write our shut-ins.
- Come up with creative ways we can fulfill our mission to love God and to love people.
- Be active in telling the good news, and loving people in practical & intentional ways.
- Help out in our nursery.
February 3, 2019 by Brad Schrum
February 10, 2019 Bulletin
Prayer Requests & Updates
New requests and updates: Stanley Frakowski (Sandy Nolte’s father) had a mini stroke and is in East Ohio Regional Hospital in Martins Ferry. Randy Gallagher is in Wheeling Hospital (room 525) with pneumonia. Dennie & Kathy Green left for Florida yesterday and will be gone for several weeks.
On-going prayers needed: Ashli Allen, Jack Bailey, Margaret Bailey, Jim Bass, Rae Ann Beatty, Allison Bilyeu, Stephanie Bittinger, Ruth Borovich (Belmont Manor), Barbara Brewer, Scott Chapman, Jeff Cross, Bob Digiandomenico Sherri Donnell, Carol Frye, Ken Frye, Tyson Frye, Randy Gallagher, Joann Gaston, Dorothy Heil, Wayne Henthorn, Nancy Hudson, Melissa Huntsman, Scarlet James, Janie Judge, Charles & Peg Lucas, Donna Morris, Geri Nagy, Charlotte Patton, Wayne Patton, Ernie Pyatt, Bill & Pat Rice, Richard Rice, Bill Saunders, Erin Shankle, Juliana Sowinski, Cheryl Stefan, Joyce Stimpert, Nancy Stonebraker, Richard Sweet, Karen Thomas, Stush Tomolonis, Martha Wade, Bill White, Sue Wirsing, Jayme Yonak, Sarah Zink.
In the Military: Joseph Glenn (friend of Janet Lallathin), C.J. Harding (Terry Fitch’s step-son), Jason Harris (Bill & Pat Rice’s son-in-law), & Joey Stenger (Joe & Karen’s son). Our Shut-ins: Sam & Delores Burkhart, Carolyn Campbell, Bill & Sue Daley, Joyce Orzolek, Pearl Roy & Marlene Trisolene.
News & Information
We extend our sympathy to the family of Mary Bass. She passed away this past Wednesday. The arrangements are incomplete at this time. Please keep her family in your prayers.
Ladies Bible Class
The Ladies Class will begin on Tuesday March 5th at 6:00 pm in the Fireside Room. They have chosen the book Conversations with God. If you would like a book, please put your name on a slip of paper in the basket on the table in the foyer by Sunday February 24th.
College Student Care Packages
If you would like to help with putting together care packages for our college students, see Linda Gooch or Keaton. The last day for collection will by February 17th.
College Student Addresses
If you or someone in your family is a college student, please give the office your name, address, and the school you are attending. We need addresses for students attending locally and those away from home.
Exploring The Psalms
Join us on Wednesday night as we continue our winter series exploring both the rich spiritual and practical encouragement of the book of Psalms. Bill Rice will be continuing our study this week in Psalm 23.
Hearing Assistance Devices
We have hearing assistance devices available for those that may need them. Please see an Usher for assistance.
Family & Parent Class
Don’t forget about our family and parenting class for all young adults and young families. It meets on Sunday mornings at 9am in the Fireside Room. It’s a great opportunity to learn together how to navigate the ups and downs of life together as a family.
Get Involved
One of the best ways to grow spiritually is to get involved serving the church. There are all kinds of ways to get involved! Get plugged in today!
- Pray for those who are sick and hurting, and send cards to them.
- Take food or provide other assistance to the sick or grieving.
- Go out of your way to welcome guests in our worship gatherings.
- Pass out invitation cards.
- Volunteer to teach or be a helper in a children’s class. All you need is a love of God and a desire to serve!
- Visit, call, and write our shut-ins.
- Come up with creative ways we can fulfill our mission to love God and to love people.
- Be active in telling the good news, and loving people in practical & intentional ways.
- Help out in our nursery.
- Participate and serve in our worship.
February 3, 2019 Bulletin
Prayer Requests & Updates
New requests and updates: Mary Bass was admitted to Wheeling Hospital with pneumonia and a severe UTI. She is in room 521. Mason Bittinger (Stephanie Bittinger’s son) had tubes put in his ears this past Wednesday. Everything went great and his is recovering at home. Ken Frye has swelling behind the right eye that he recently had cataract surgery on. Tyson Frye has RSV. Nancy Hudson has been sick and had several tests this past week. Josephine Nestor (Greg Nestor’s grandmother) is not in good health and is currently in Acuity in Bellaire. Karen Thomas was to have more testing done this week. Sarah Zink was in a car accident, and will be having serious dental work done.
On-going prayers needed: Ashli Allen, Jack Bailey, Margaret Bailey, Jim Bass, Rae Ann Beatty, Allison Bilyeu, Stephanie Bittinger, Ruth Borovich (Belmont Manor), Barbara Brewer, Scott Chapman, Jeff Cross, Bob Digiandomenico Sherri Donnell, Carol Frye, Randy Gallagher, Joann Gaston, Dorothy Heil, Wayne Henthorn, Melissa Huntsman, Scarlet James, Janie Judge, Charles & Peg Lucas, Donna Morris, Geri Nagy, Charlotte Patton, Wayne Patton, Ernie Pyatt, Bill & Pat Rice, Richard Rice, Bill Saunders, Erin Shankle, John Sowinski, Juliana Sowinski, Cheryl Stefan, Joyce Stimpert, Nancy Stonebraker, Richard Sweet, Stush Tomolonis, Martha Wade, Bill White, Sue Wirsing, Jayme Yonak. In the
Military: Joseph Glenn (friend of Janet Lallathin), C.J. Harding (Terry Fitch’s step-son), Jason Harris (Bill & Pat Rice’s son-in-law), & Joey Stenger (Joe & Karen’s son).
Our Shut-ins: Sam & Delores Burkhart, Carolyn Campbell, Bill & Sue Daley, Joyce Orzolek, Pearl Roy & Marlene Trisolene.
News & Information
Children’s Ministry
The Spring teaching quarter in our children’s ministry begins in March, and we are still in need of several volunteers to help teach. This is a great way to help our children grow to love and serve Jesus. If you can serve as a teacher, please sign up on the bulletin board by the office. If you have questions, see Dennie Green or one of the education deacons.
Stepping Stones Dinner
The Wheeling Chapter of Stepping Stones for the Ohio Valley University will be having their annual Sweetheart Dinner on Saturday February 9th from 5:00 pm – 7:00 pm at the fellowship hall behind the building. Dinner includes the option of baked steak or stuffed chicken breast with salad bar, green beans, red potatoes, roll, dessert and drink. Tickets are $15 per person. Babysitting is available for $3 per child. Pizza will be available for the children so they can eat while you dine. Please see Pam Moore if you are interested in attending.
The Lord’s Table Preparation
We still need help preparing the Lord’s Supper for this year! There is only one month for which will still need a volunteer for: September. There is a sign-up sheet on the bulletin board by the offices. If you can help, please sign up.
College Student Care Packages
If you would like to help with putting together care packages for our college students, see Linda Gooch or Keaton.
College Student Addresses
If you or someone in your family is a college student, please give the office your name, address, and the school you are attending. We need addresses for students attending locally and those away from home.
Exploring The Psalms
Join us on Wednesday night as we continue our winter series exploring both the rich spiritual and practical encouragement of the book of Psalms. Bill Rice will be continuing our study this week in Psalm 23.
Brad will be out of the office this week. He plans to return on February 11th.
Monthly Fellowship Meal
There will be a fellowship meal this morning after services to celebrate those with birthdays and anniversaries. Care Group A will be in charge of set up and clean up.
All of our future monthly fellowship meals will now be on Sunday mornings after services.
Hearing Assistance Devices
We have hearing assistance devices available for those that may need them. They are available in the back hallway. See an usher for assistance.
Barriers to Worship
December 9, 2018 by Brad Schrum
December 12, 2018 by Brad Schrum
Jesus Cares
November 25, 2018 by Brad Schrum
Knowing Christ
November 11, 2018 by Brad Schrum
February Assignment 2019
January 27, 2019 Bulletin
Prayer Requests & Updates
New requests and updates: Allison Bilyeu (Joy Yontz’s granddaughter) is recovering from surgery to remove 4 wisdom teeth. Nancy Hudson has been sick. Karen Thomas did not get good results back and was to consult with doctors this past Thursday. Eliana Schrum has been sick.
On-going prayers needed: Ashli Allen, Jack Bailey, Margaret Bailey, Jim Bass, Mary Bass, Rae Ann Beatty, Stephanie Bittinger, Ruth Borovich (Belmont Manor), Barbara Brewer, Scott Chapman, Jeff Cross, Bob Digiandomenico Sherri Donnell, Echo Duffy (Caleb Hayes’ fiancee`), Mike Fetzer (Dennie & Kathy Green’s son in law), Carol Frye, Ken Frye, Randy Gallagher, Joann Gaston, Dorothy Heil, Wayne Henthorn, Melissa Huntsman, Scarlet James, Janie Judge, Charles & Peg Lucas, Donna Morris, Geri Nagy, Charlotte Patton, Wayne Patton, Ernie Pyatt, Bill & Pat Rice, Richard Rice, Bill Saunders, Erin Shankle, John Sowinski, Juliana Sowinski, Cheryl Stefan, Joyce Stimpert, Nancy Stonebraker, Richard Sweet (Donna Hirauk’s cousin), Stush Tomolonis, Martha Wade, Luretta Warrick, Bill White, Sue Wirsing, Jayme Yonak (a coworker of the Union Local teachers).
In the Military: Joseph Glenn (friend of Janet Lallathin), C.J. Harding (Terry Fitch’s step-son), Jason Harris (Bill & Pat Rice’s son-in-law), & Joey Stenger (Joe & Karen’s son).
Our Shut-ins: Sam & Delores Burkhart, Carolyn Campbell, Bill & Sue Daley, Joyce Orzolek, Pearl Roy & Marlene Trisolene.
News & Information
Children’s Ministry
The Spring teaching quarter in our children’s ministry begins in March, and we are still in need of several volunteers to help teach. This is a great way to help our children grow to love and serve Jesus. If you can serve as a teacher, please sign up on the bulletin board by the office. If you have questions, see Dennie Green or one of the education deacons.
The Lord’s Table Preparation
We still need help preparing the Lord’s Supper for this year! There are two months for which will still need volunteers: March and September. There is a sign-up sheet on the bulletin board by the offices. If you can help for one of those months, please sign up.
College Student Care Packages
If you would like to help with putting together care packages for our college students, see Linda Gooch or Keaton.
College Student Addresses
If you or someone in your family is a college student, please give the office your name, address, and the school you are attending. We need addresses for students attending locally and those away from home.
Exploring The Psalms
Join us on Wednesday night as we continue our winter series exploring both the rich spiritual and practical encouragement of the book of Psalms. Joe Stenger will be continuing our study this week in Psalm 27.
Men’s Breakfast
There will be a men’s breakfast on Saturday February 2nd at 8:30 am at Eat n Park. Please make plans to join us!
Monthly Fellowship Meal
There will be a fellowship meal next Sunday February 3rd to celebrate t h o s e w i t h b i r t h d a y s a n d anniversaries. Care Group A will be in charge of set up and clean up.
Hearing Assistance Devices
We have hearing assistance devices available for those that may need them. They are available in the back hallway. See an usher for assistance.
Get Involved
One of the best ways to grow spiritually is to get involved serving the church. There are all kinds of ways to get involved! Get plugged in today!
• Pray for those who are sick and hurting, and send cards to them.
• Take food or provide other assistance to the sick or grieving.
• Go out of your way to welcome guests in our worship gatherings.
• Pass out invitation cards.
• Volunteer to teach or be a helper in a children’s class.
• Visit, call, and write our shut-ins.
All you need is a love of God and a desire to serve!
January 20, 2019 Bulletin
Prayer Requests & Updates
New requests and updates: Scott Chapman’s surgery went well. He is recovering at home. Bob Digiandomenico will be having tests on his pancreas and he continues to have heart problems. Pat Rice is on antibiotics and recovering at home.
On-going prayers needed: Ashli Allen, Jack Bailey, Margaret Bailey, Jim Bass, Mary Bass, Rae Ann Beatty, Stephanie Bittinger, Ruth Borovich (Belmont Manor), Barbara Brewer, Scott Chapman, Jeff Cross, Sherri Donnell, Echo Duffy (Caleb Hayes’ fiancee`), Mike Fetzer (Dennie & Kathy Green’s son in law), Carol Frye, Ken Frye, Randy Gallagher, Joann Gaston, Dorothy Heil, Wayne Henthorn, Melissa Huntsman, Scarlet James, Janie Judge, Charles & Peg Lucas, Donna Morris, Geri Nagy, Charlotte Patton, Wayne Patton, Ernie Pyatt, Bill Rice, Richard Rice, Bill Saunders, Erin Shankle, John Sowinski, Juliana Sowinski, Cheryl Stefan, Joyce Stimpert, Nancy Stonebraker, Richard Sweet (Donna Hirauk’s cousin, 19270 NW 80th Drive, Okeechobee FL., 34972), Stush Tomolonis, Martha Wade, Luretta Warrick, Bill White, and Sue Wirsing, Jayme Yonak (a coworker of the Union Local teachers).
In the Military: Joseph Glenn (friend of Janet Lallathin), C.J. Harding (Terry Fitch’s step-son), Jason Harris (Bill & Pat Rice’s son-in-law), & Joey Stenger (Joe & Karen’s son).
Our Shut-ins: Sam & Delores Burkhart, Carolyn Campbell, Bill & Sue Daley, Joyce Orzolek, Pearl Roy & Marlene Trisolene.
News & Information
Congratulations to Mr & Mrs Jim and Janet Hart on their recent marriage.
College Student Care Packages
If you would like to help with putting together care packages for our college students, see Linda Gooch or Keaton.
College Student Addresses
If you or someone in your family is a college student, please give the office your name, address, and the school you are attending. We need addresses for students attending locally and those away from home.
Wednesday Night Classes
On Wednesday nights, we offer classes for all ages at 7pm. Our kid’s ministry has classes for each age group in the classroom wing. The adults meet in the auditorium to study the Scriptures together. Wednesday nights are a great way to get engaged with the church family and grow in your faith. If you haven’t already, make plans to join us on Wednesdays at 7pm.
Exploring The Psalms
Join us on Wednesday night as we continue our winter series exploring both the rich spiritual and practical encouragement of the book of Psalms. Doug Frye will be continuing our study this week in Psalm 19.
Proposed Budget For 2019
Copies of the proposed budget for 2019 are available on the table in the foyer by the bulletin. See the shepherds if you have any questions.
The Lord’s Table Preparation
We still need help preparing the Lord’s Supper for this year! There are two months for which will still need volunteers: March and September. There is a sign-up sheet on the bulletin board by the offices. If you can help for one of those months, please sign up.
Hearing Assistance Devices
We have hearing assistance devices available for those that may need them. They are available in the back hallway. See an usher for assistance.
Family & Parent Class
Don’t forget about our family and parenting class for all young adults and young families. It meets on Sunday mornings at 9am in the Fireside Room. It’s a great opportunity to learn how to navigate the ups and downs of life together as a family.
Get Involved
One of the best ways to grow spiritually is to get involved serving the church. There are all kinds of ways to get involved! Get plugged in today!
• Pray for those who are sick and hurting, and send cards to them.
• Take food or provide other assistance to the sick or grieving.
• Go out of your way to welcome guests in our worship gatherings.
January 2019 Calendar
January 13, 2019 Bulletin
Prayer Requests & Updates
New requests and updates: Echo Duffy (Caleb Hayes’ fiancée`) is studying to be a nurses aid and has asked for prayers. Mike Fetzer (Dennie & Kathy Green’s son in law) had outpatient surgery to repair a heart abnormality. Ken Frye had cataract surgery this past Thursday. Charlotte Patton has been sick. Pat Rice is recovering from an intestinal infection at home. Cheryl Stefan had surgery to help with the veins in her legs. Nancy Stonebraker had her second cataract surgery. Luretta Warrick had successful carpal tunnel surgery. Jayme Yonak, (a coworker of the Union Local teachers) lost her son unexpectedly.
On-going prayers needed: Ashli Allen, Jack Bailey, Margaret Bailey, Jim Bass, Mary Bass, Rae Ann Beatty, Ruth Borovich (Belmont Manor), Barbara Brewer, Scott Chapman, Jeff Cross, Sherri Donnell, Carol Frye, Randy Gallagher, Joann Gaston, Dorothy Heil, Wayne Henthorn, Melissa Huntsman, Scarlet James, Janie Judge, Charles & Peg Lucas, Donna Morris, Geri Nagy, Wayne Patton, Ernie Pyatt, Bill Rice, Richard Rice, Bill Saunders, Erin Shankle, John Sowinski, Juliana Sowinski, Joyce Stimpert, Richard Sweet (Donna Hirauk’s cousin, 19270 NW 80th Drive, Okeechobee FL., 34972), Stush Tomolonis, Martha Wade, Bill White, and Sue Wirsing.
In the Military: Joseph Glenn (friend of Janet Lallathin), C.J. Harding (Terry Fitch’s step-son), Jason Harris (Bill & Pat Rice’s son-in-law), & Joey Stenger (Joe & Karen’s son).
Our Shut-ins: Sam & Delores Burkhart, Carolyn Campbell, Bill & Sue Daley, Joyce Orzolek, Pearl Roy & Marlene Trisolene.
News & Information
We extend our sympathy to the family of Scott Chapman. His mother, Pat Chapman, passed away. Visitation will be today from 2pm-4pm and 6pm to 8pm at Grisell Funeral Home in Bethlehem. There will be a memorial service on Monday, January 13, at 10:00 am at Grissel in Bethlehem.
We extend our sympathy to the family of Bob & Cheryl Hawthorne. Eileen LaRue passed away this past Friday in Georgia. If you would like to send a card to Bob & Cheryl, their address is on the bulletin board. Please keep her family in your prayers.
College Student Care Packages
If you would like to help with putting together care packages for our college students, see Linda Gooch or Keaton.
Exploring The Psalms
Join us on Wednesday night as we continue our winter series exploring both the rich spiritual and practical encouragement of the book of Psalms. Doug Frye will be continuing our study this week in Psalm 19.
The Lord’s Table Preparation
We still need help preparing the Lord’s Supper for this year! There are two months for which we will still need volunteers: March and September. There is a sign-up sheet on the bulletin board by the offices. If you can help for one of those months, please sign up.
Hearing Assistance Devices
We have hearing assistance devices available for those that may need them. They are available in the back hallway. See an usher for assistance.
Proposed Budget For 2019
Copies of the proposed budget for 2019 are available on the table in the foyer by the bulletin. If you have any questions, feel free to talk with one of the shepherds.
Get Involved
One of the best ways to grow spiritually is to get involved serving the church. There are all kinds of ways to get involved! Get plugged in today!
- Pray for those who are sick and hurting, and send cards to them.
- Take food or provide other assistance to the sick or grieving.
- Go out of your way to welcome guests in our worship gatherings.
- Pass out invitation cards.
- Volunteer to teach or be a helper in a children’s class. All you need is a love of God and a desire to serve!
- Visit, call, and write our shut-ins.
- Come up with creative ways we can fulfill our mission to love God and to love people.
- Be active in telling the good news, and loving people in practical & intentional ways.
December 30, 2018 Bulletin
Prayer Requests & Updates
New requests and updates: Jack Bailey (Greg Vicker and Nettie Hartung’s
stepfather) is recovering from successful open heart surgery. Mary Bass has been
moved to room 112 at Forest Hills. Ken Frye had cataract surgery this past
Thursday. Randy Gallagher was moved to Park Health this past Monday. Austin
Green (Dennie Green’s father) had a stroke. He has partial paralysis on his right
side and is in the ICU in Florida. Leslie Judge had gallbladder surgery this past
Thursday and is recuperating at home. Pam Moore was taken to the ER this past
Wednesday, but is doing better. Stush Tomolonis (husband of a co-worker of Sally
McDiffitt) was attacked by a dog and suffered from seizures due to blood loss.
Luretta Warrick has carpel tunnel surgery scheduled for January 7th.
On-going prayers needed: Ashli Allen, Rae Ann Beatty, Jack Bailey, Margaret
Bailey, Jim Bass, Jeff & Gail Bigler, Stephanie Bittinger, Ruth Borovich, Barbara
Brewer, Scott Chapman, Jeff Cross (Darin & Kim Clark’s brother-in-law), Alicia
Estadt, Carol Frye (Ben Frye’s mother), Blake Gaston, Joann Gaston, Caleb
Hayes, Dorothy Heil, Wayne Henthorn, Melissa Huntsman, Scarlet James, Janie
Judge, Kevin Kalany, Bunky Loy, Charles & Peg Lucas, Brenda McCreary, Donna
Morris, Geri Nagy, Julie Nowakowski, Wayne Patton, Vera Perry, Clyde Price
(home), Ernie Pyatt (Lisa Chapmans brother), Bill & Pat Rice, Richard Rice (Bill
Rice’s nephew-liver transplant), Bill Saunders, Erin Shankle, Mike Slatt, John
Sowinski, Juliana Sowinski, Joyce Stimpert, Martha Wade, Brenda Wallner, Bill
White, and Sue Wirsing.
In the Military: Joseph Glenn (friend of Janet Lallathin), C.J. Harding (Terry Fitch’s
step-son), Jason Harris (Bill & Pat Rice’s son-in-law), & Joey Stenger (Joe &
Karen’s son).
Our Shut-ins: Sam & Delores Burkhart, Carolyn Campbell, Bill & Sue Daley, Joyce
Orzolek, Pearl Roy & Marlene Trisolene.
News & Information
We extend our sympathy to the family
of Michaela Hinkle. Her grandfather
passed away on December 25th and
his funeral was this past Saturday.
Please keep her family in your prayers.
New Year’s Eve
There will be a New Year’s Eve get
together at the building, starting at
7pm. Everyone is welcome. Bring
snacks and games to share.
Wednesday Winter Series
Beginning next year, we will be
beginning a new winter series in the
adult class on Wednesday night.
Several of our men will be teaching
from the book of Psalms.
The Lord’s Table Preparation
We still need help preparing the
Lord’s Supper for next year! We have
a few spots still open. There is a
sign-up sheet on the bulletin board
by the offices. If you can help for one
month in 2019, please sign up.
Hearing Assistance Devices
We have hearing assistance devices
available for those that may need
them. They are available in the back
hallway. See an usher for assistance.
Ladies Class
Just a reminder that there will be no
ladies bible class for the rest of the
winter. Class will resume in the
Family & Parent Class
Don’t forget about our family and
parenting class for all young adults and
young families. It meets on Sunday
mornings at 9am in the Fireside Room.
The Student Ministry will be heading to
Gatlinburg Tennessee for Winterfest on
February 15-17. If you are interested in
going see Keaton. We will also need
several adult chaperones. If you can
help serve our students by
chaperoning, see Keaton.
Wednesday Night Classes
On Wednesday nights, we offer classes
for all ages at 7pm. Our kid’s ministry
has classes for each age group in the
classroom wing. The adults meet in the
auditorium to study the Scriptures
together. Wednesday nights are a great
way to get engaged with the church
family and grow in your faith. If you
haven’t already, make plans to join us
on Wednesdays at 7pm.
Get Involved
One of the best ways to grow
spiritually is to get involved serving the
church. There are all kinds of ways to
get involved! Get plugged in today!
• Pray for those who are sick and
hurting, and send cards to them.
• Take food or provide other
assistance to the sick or grieving.
• Go out of your way to welcome
guests in our worship gatherings.
• Pass out invitation cards.
• Volunteer to teach or be a helper in
a children’s class. All you need is a
love of God and a desire to serve!
January 2019 Assignments
December 23, 2018 Bulletin
Prayer Requests & Updates
New requests and updates: Ashli Allen had a tricuspid heart valve replaced
Monday and is experiencing a setback as her heart isn’t producing enough
conductivity to sync up to beat & she may need a pacemaker. Mary Bass is in
the hospital with several health problems that made it difficult for her to walk.
Jeff Cross (Darin & Kim Clark’s brother-in-law) is in the hospital in Morgantown
with severe nerve pain in his face. Randy Gallagher is in the hospital in
Pittsburgh with two compression fractures on his spine. Melissa Huntsman had
a stroke this past Sunday and was life flighted to UPMC. She is in ICU and
started physical therapy this past Wednesday. Mike Slatt was taken to the ER
this past Sunday with blood in his urine. He may have passed a kidney stone
and is now doing ok.
On-going prayers needed: Rae Ann Beatty, Jack Bailey, Margaret Bailey, Jim
Bass, Jeff & Gail Bigler, Stephanie Bittinger, Ruth Borovich, Barbara Brewer,
Scott Chapman, Alicia Estadt, Carol Frye (Ben Frye’s mother), Blake Gaston,
Joann Gaston, Caleb Hayes, Dorothy Heil, Wayne Henthorn, Scarlet James,
Janie Judge, Kevin Kalany, Bunky Loy, Charles & Peg Lucas, Brenda McCreary,
Donna Morris, Geri Nagy, Julie Nowakowski, Wayne Patton, Vera Perry, Clyde
Price (home), Ernie Pyatt (Lisa Chapmans brother), Bill & Pat Rice, Bill Saunders,
Erin Shankle, Mike Slatt, John Sowinski, Juliana Sowinski, Joyce Stimpert,
Martha Wade, Brenda Wallner, Luretta Warrick, Bill White, and Sue Wirsing.
In the Military: Joseph Glenn (friend of Janet Lallathin), C.J. Harding (Terry
Fitch’s step-son), Jason Harris (Bill & Pat Rice’s son-in-law), & Joey Stenger (Joe
& Karen’s son).
Our Shut-ins: Sam & Delores Burkhart, Carolyn Campbell, Bill & Sue Daley,
Joyce Orzolek, Pearl Roy & Marlene Trisolene.
News & Information
Lord’s Table Preparation
We still need help preparing the
Lord’s Supper for next year! We have
a few spots still open. There is a
sign-up sheet on the bulletin board
by the offices. If you can help for one
month in 2019, please sign up.
Hearing Assistance Devices
We have hearing assistance devices
available for those that may need
them. They are available in the back
hallway. See an usher for assistance.
Ladies Class
Just a reminder that there will be no
ladies bible class for the rest of the
winter. Class will resume in the
The Student Ministry will be heading to
Gatlinburg Tennessee for Winterfest on
February 15-17. If you are interested in
going see Keaton. We will also need
several adult chaperones. If you can
help serve our students by
chaperoning, see Keaton.
New Year’s Eve
If you are interested in a get together
for New Years Eve, please see Dot
Saunders. It will be a time of games,
snacks and singing.
Children’s Ministry
Thank you to all of our teachers for
this quarter! We appreciate you and
your service!
Family & Parent Class
Don’t forget about our family and
parenting class for all young adults and
young families. It meets on Sunday
mornings at 9am in the Fireside Room.
Wednesday Night Classes
On Wednesday nights, we offer classes
for all ages at 7pm. Our kid’s ministry
has classes for each age group in the
classroom wing. The adults meet in the
auditorium to study the Scriptures
together. Wednesday nights are a great
way to get engaged with the church
family and grow in your faith. If you
haven’t already, make plans to join us
on Wednesdays at 7pm.
Get Involved
One of the best ways to grow
spiritually is to get involved serving the
church. There are all kinds of ways to
get involved! Get plugged in today!
• Pray for those who are sick and
hurting, and send cards to them.
• Take food or provide other
assistance to the sick or grieving.
• Go out of your way to welcome
guests in our worship gatherings.
• Pass out invitation cards.
• Volunteer to teach or be a helper in
a children’s class. All you need is a
love of God and a desire to serve!
• Visit, call, and write our shut-ins.
• Come up with creative ways we
can fulfill our mission to love God
and to love people.
• Help out in our nursery.
• Be active in telling the good news,
and loving people in practical &
intentional ways.
December 16, 2018 Bulletin
Prayer Requests & Updates
New requests and updates: Mary Bass was taken to the ER this past
Tuesday with blood pressure problems stemming from a UTI. When she got
home, she fell and hit her head and had to be taken back to the ER. She
currently home and doing ok. Stephanie & Andy Benham have both been
sick. Alicia Estadt is in Wheeling Hospital with a bacterial infection. Carol
Frye (Ben Frye’s mother) is back at the James Cancer Center at OSU.
Randy Gallagher has been sick. Ernie Pyatt’s (Lisa Chapman’s brother) heart
catheterization came back ok. They will be checking his kidneys next.
On-going prayers needed: Rae Ann Beatty, Jack Bailey, Margaret Bailey,
Jim Bass, Mary Bass, Jeff & Gail Bigler, Stephanie Bittinger, Ruth Borovich,
Barbara Brewer, Scott Chapman, Blake Gaston, Joann Gaston, Caleb Hayes,
Dorothy Heil, Wayne Henthorn, Scarlet James, Janie Judge, Kevin Kalany,
Bunky Loy, Charles & Peg Lucas, Brenda McCreary, Donna Morris, Geri
Nagy, Julie Nowakowski, Wayne Patton, Vera Perry, Clyde Price (home), Bill
& Pat Rice, Bill Saunders, Erin Shankle, Mike Slatt, John Sowinski, Juliana
Sowinski, Joyce Stimpert, Martha Wade, Brenda Wallner, Luretta Warrick, Bill
White, and Sue Wirsing.
In the Military: Joseph Glenn (friend of Janet Lallathin), C.J. Harding (Terry
Fitch’s step-son), Jason Harris (Bill & Pat Rice’s son-in-law), & Joey Stenger
(Joe & Karen’s son).
Our Shut-ins: Sam & Delores Burkhart, Carolyn Campbell, Bill & Sue Daley,
Joyce Orzolek, Pearl Roy & Marlene Trisolene.
News & Information
We extend our sympathy to Terry
Lively. His mother, Mary Lively, passed
away last Sunday. Her services were
held in Canton. Please remember Terry
and his family in your prayers.
The Lord’s Table Preparation
We still need help preparing the
Lord’s Supper for next year! We have
a few spots still open. There is a
sign-up sheet on the bulletin board
by the offices. If you can help for one
month in 2019, please sign up.
Ministry Meeting
There will be a ministry meeting for the
deacons, shepherds, and ministers
today at 4:30 in the conference room.
Hearing Assistance Devices
We have hearing assistance devices
available for those that may need
them. They are available in the back
hallway. See an usher for assistance.
Ladies Class
This Tuesday will be the last ladies
class of the year. They plan to
resume again in the Spring. All our
ladies are invited to participate in a
great night of fellowship, bible study,
and encouragement.
The Student Ministry will be heading to
Gatlinburg Tennessee for Winterfest on
February 15-17. If you are interested in
going see Keaton. We will also need
several adult chaperones. If you can
h e l p s e r v e o u r s t u d e n t s b y
chaperoning, see Keaton.
Student Christmas Party
The Student Ministry will be hosting a
Christmas party for all junior high and
high school students on Friday,
December 21 from 6-12pm at the
Children’s Ministry
Thank you to all of our teachers for
this quarter! We appreciate you and
your service!
Wednesday Night Classes
On Wednesday nights, we offer classes
for all ages at 7pm. Our kid’s ministry
has classes for each age group in the
classroom wing. The adults meet in the
auditorium to study the Scriptures
together. Wednesday nights are a great
way to get engaged with the church
family and grow in your faith. If you
haven’t already, make plans to join us
on Wednesdays at 7pm.
Get Involved
One of the best ways to grow
spiritually is to get involved serving the
church. There are all kinds of ways to
get involved! Get plugged in today!
• Pray for those who are sick and
hurting, and send cards to them.
• Take food or provide other
assistance to the sick or grieving.
• Go out of your way to welcome
guests in our worship gatherings.
December 2018 Calendar
December Assignment 2018
December 9, 2018 Bulletin
Prayer Requests & Updates
New requests and updates: Rece Hannahs is recovering from respiratory infection. Brenda McCreary has shingles. Ernie Pyatt (Lisa Chapman’s brother) had a heart catheterization this past Friday. Bill Rice has not been feeling well. Isabelle and Eliana Schrum have been sick. Mike Slatt had a biopsy done and received a cancer free result. He will have another check on his kidneys in the future.
On-going prayers needed: Rae Ann Beatty, Jack Bailey, Margaret Bailey, Jim Bass, Mary Bass, Jeff & Gail Bigler, Stephanie Bittinger, Ruth Borovich, Barbara Brewer, Scott Chapman, Blake Gaston, Joann Gaston, Caleb Hayes, Dorothy Heil, Wayne Henthorn, Scarlet James, Janie Judge, Kevin Kalany, Mary Lively, Bunky Loy, Charles & Peg Lucas, Donna Morris, Geri Nagy, Julie Nowakowski, Wayne Patton, Vera Perry, Clyde Prince (Forrest Hills-Room 303), Pat Rice, Bill Saunders, Erin Shankle, John Sowinski, Juliana Sowinski, Joyce Stimpert, Martha Wade, Brenda Wallner, Luretta Warrick, Bill White, and Sue Wirsing.
In the Military: Joseph Glenn (friend of Janet Lallathin), C.J. Harding (Terry Fitch’s step-son), Jason Harris (Bill & Pat Rice’s son-in-law), & Joey Stenger (Joe & Karen’s son).
Our Shut-ins: Sam & Delores Burkhart, Carolyn Campbell, Bill & Sue Daley, Joyce Orzolek, Pearl Roy & Marlene Trisolene.
News & Information
We extend our sympathy to Alicia Estadt. Her biological brother, Squid Cuichta, passed away last week.
We also extend our sympathy to Kay Sowinski. Her cousin, Paul Bass II, passed away.
Please keep both families in your prayers.
Forest Hills Worship
We will be leading worship at Forest Hills today at 2:30. We always need help leading worship and encouraging the residents, so please make plans to be there to help us lead worship and be a blessing to the residents there.
The Lord’s Table Preparation
We still need help preparing the Lord’s Supper for next year! We have a few spots still open. There is a sign-up sheet on the bulletin board by the offices. If you can help for one month in 2019, please sign up.
Ministry Meeting
There will be a ministry meeting for the deacons, shepherds, and ministers next Sunday (December 16) at 4:30 in the conference room.
Hearing Assistance Devices
We have hearing assistance devices available for those that may need them. They are available in the back hallway. See an usher for assistance.
Children’s Ministry
Thank you to all of our teachers for this quarter! We appreciate you and your service!
Ladies Class
The Ladies class will be resuming on Tuesday at 6pm in the Fireside Room. All our ladies are invited to participate in a great night of fellowship, bible study, and encouragement.
The Student Ministry will be heading to Gatlinburg Tennessee for Winterfest on February 15-17. If you are interested in going, or can serve as a chaperone, talk with Keaton.
Get Involved
One of the best ways to grow spiritually is to get involved serving the church.
There are all kinds of ways to get involved! Get plugged in today!
- Pray for those who are sick and hurting, and send cards to them.
- Take food or provide other assistance to the sick or grieving.
- Go out of your way to welcome guests in our worship gatherings.
- Pass out invitation cards.
- Volunteer to teach or be a helper in a children’s class. All you need is a love of God and a desire to serve!
- Visit, call, and write our shut-ins.
- Come up with creative ways we can fulfill our mission to love God and to love people.
December 2, 2018 Bulletin
Prayer Requests & Updates
New requests and updates: Ruth Borovich (Tina Hayes’ mom) has been in
East Ohio Regional Hospital. Mike Slatt had a biopsy done and is waiting for
the results. John Sowinski is now home recuperating. Greg Vickers is
traveling in Houston. Vera White (family friend of Terry Lively & mother of Lisa
Swallie) passed away on Thanksgiving morning. Her funeral was this past
On-going prayers needed: Rae Ann Beatty (Bill & Pat Rice’s daughter),
Jack Bailey (Nettie Hartung & Greg Vicker’s step-dad), Margaret Bailey, Jim
Bass, Mary Bass, Jeff & Gail Bigler, Stephanie Bittinger, Ruth Borovich,
Barbara Brewer, Scott Chapman, Blake Gaston (Mike Gaston’s nephew’s
son), Joann Gaston, Caleb Hayes, Dorothy Heil, Wayne Henthorn, Scarlet
James, Janie Judge, Kevin Kalany, Mary Lively, Bunky Loy, Charles & Peg
Lucas, Brenda McCreary & family, Donna Morris, Geri Nagy, Julie
Nowakowski, Wayne Patton, Vera Perry, Clyde Prince (Forrest Hills-Room
303), Ernie Pyatt (Lisa Chapman’s brother), Bill & Pat Rice, Bill Saunders,
Erin Shankle, Juliana Sowinski, Joyce Stimpert, Martha Wade, Brenda
Wallner, Luretta Warrick, Bill White, and Sue Wirsing.
In the Military: Joseph Glenn (friend of Janet Lallathin), C.J. Harding (Terry
Fitch’s step-son), Jason Harris (Bill & Pat Rice’s son-in-law), & Joey Stenger
(Joe & Karen’s son).
Our Shut-ins: Sam & Delores Burkhart, Carolyn Campbell, Bill & Sue Daley,
Joyce Orzolek, Pearl Roy & Marlene Trisolene.
News & Information
Children’s Ministry
Thank you to all of our teachers for
this quarter! We appreciate you and
your service. Material is available in
the Fireside Room.
Forest Hills Worship
We will be leading worship at Forest
Hills on December 9th at 2:30. We
always need help leading worship and
encouraging the residents, so please
keep that in your plans.
The Lord’s Table Preparation
We need help preparing the Lord’s
Supper for next year! There is a signup
sheet on the bulletin board by the
offices. If you can help for one month
in 2019, please sign up.
Fellowship Meal
Tonight following evening services,
we will have a fellowship meal to
honor those with birthdays and
anniversaries in December. Care
Group B is in charge of set-up and
clean up.
Hearing Assistance Devices
We have hearing assistance devices
available for those that may need
them. They are available in the back
hallway. See an usher for assistance.
Ladies Class
The Ladies class will be resuming on
Tuesday at 6pm in the Fireside
Room. All our ladies are invited to
participate in a great night of
fellowship , bible study, and
The Student Ministry will be heading to
Gatlinburg Tennessee for Winterfest on
February 15-17. If you are interested in
going, or can serve as a chaperone,
talk with Keaton.
Get Involved
One of the best ways to grow
spiritually is to get involved serving the
church. There are all kinds of ways to
get involved! Get plugged in today!
• Pray for those who are sick and
hurting, and send cards to them.
• Take food or provide other
assistance to the sick or grieving.
• Go out of your way to welcome
guests in our worship gatherings.
• Pass out invitation cards.
• Volunteer to teach or be a helper in
a children’s class. All you need is a
love of God and a desire to serve!
• Visit, call, and write our shut-ins.
• Help out in our nursery.
• Come up with creative ways we
can fulfill our mission to love God
and to love people.
• Be active in telling the good news,
and loving people in practical &
intentional ways.
• Participate and serve in our worship
gatherings and classes.
November 25, 2018 Bulletin
Prayer Requests & Updates
New requests and updates: Jeff Bigler is now home recuperating. Scott
Chapman recently found out he has prostate cancer. He had a PET scan done
this past Tuesday and it revealed there is not additional cancer. Julie
Nowakowski was taken to the hospital last week due to chest pains. Clyde
Prince (Cedar Avenue Church of Christ) is in Forrest Hills nursing home in room
303. He has colon cancer. Ernie Pyatt (Lisa Chapman’s brother) is in Wheeling
Hospital with heart problems. Mike Slatt has a small spot of cancer on his
bladder. He has surgery on Tuesday the 27th to remove the spot. John Sowinski
is now home recuperating.
On-going prayers needed: Rae Ann Beatty (Bill & Pat Rice’s daughter), Jack
Bailey (Nettie Hartung & Greg Vicker’s step-dad), Margaret Bailey, Jim Bass,
Mary Bass, Stephanie Bittinger, Ruth Borovich, Barbara Brewer, Blake Gaston
(Mike Gaston’s nephew’s son), Joann Gaston, Caleb Hayes, Dorothy Heil,
Wayne Henthorn, Scarlet James, Janie Judge, Kevin Kalany, Warren Lallathan,
Mary Lively, Bunky Loy, Charles & Peg Lucas, Judy McMillan, Donna Morris, Geri
Nagy, Wayne Patton, Vera Perry, Bill & Pat Rice, Bill Saunders, Erin Shankle,
Juliana Sowinski, Joyce Stimpert, Martha Wade, Brenda Wallner, Luretta
Warrick, Bill White, and Sue Wirsing.
In the Military: Joseph Glenn (friend of Janet Lallathin), C.J. Harding (Terry
Fitch’s step-son), Jason Harris (Bill & Pat Rice’s son-in-law), & Joey Stenger (Joe
& Karen’s son).
Our Shut-ins: Sam & Delores Burkhart, Carolyn Campbell, Bill & Sue Daley,
Joyce Orzolek, Pearl Roy & Marlene Trisolene.
News & Information
We extend our sympathy to Brenda
McCreary and the rest of her family.
Brenda’s mother, Elsie Isminger
passed away last week. Her services
w e r e h e l d i n W h e e l i n g o n
Wednesday. Please keep Brenda,
Aric, and the family in your prayers.
Winter Quarter Teachers Needed
The winter teaching quarter in our
children’s ministry begins in
December. We are still in need of
several teachers. If you are willing to
serve as a teacher or if you would be
willing to assist, sign up on the
bulletin board by the offices.
The Lord’s Table Preparation
We need help preparing the Lord’s
Supper for next year! There is a signup
sheet on the bulletin board by the
offices. If you can help for one month
in 2019, please sign up.
Men’s Breakfast
All the men and boys are invited to
the Men’s Breakfast on Saturday at
Eat’n’Park in St. Clairsville at 8:30.
Fellowship Meal
Next Sunday, we will have a
fellowship meal to honor those with
birthdays and anniversaries in
December. Care Group B is in charge
of set-up and clean up.
Hearing Assistance Devices
We have hearing assistance devices
available for those that may need
them. They are available in the back
hallway. See an usher for assistance.
Ladies Class
The Ladies class will be resuming on
Tuesday at 6pm in the Fireside
Room. All our ladies are invited to
participate in a great night of
f e l l o w s h i p , b i b l e s t u d y, a n d
November 18, 2018 Bulletin
Prayer Requests & Updates
New requests and updates: Jeff & Gail Bigler have not been feeling well. Scott
Chapman recently found out he has prostate cancer. He will be having a PET
scan done Tuesday to check for more cancer. Ernie Pyatt (Lisa Chapman’s
brother) is in Wheeling Hospital with heart problems. Mike Slatt has a small spot
of cancer on his bladder. He has pre-op on the 21st and outpatient surgery to
remove the spot on the 27th. John Sowinski had open heart surgery this past
Monday. He is in Wheeling Medical Park.
On-going prayers needed: Rae Ann Beatty (Bill & Pat Rice’s daughter), Jack
Bailey (Nettie Hartung & Greg Vicker’s step-dad), Margaret Bailey, Jim Bass,
Mary Bass, Stephanie Bittinger, Ruth Borovich, Barbara Brewer, Blake Gaston
(Mike Gaston’s nephew’s son), Joann Gaston, Caleb Hayes, Dorothy Heil,
Wayne Henthorn, Elsie Isiminger, Scarlet James, Janie Judge, Kevin Kalany,
Warren Lallathan, Mary Lively, Bunky Loy, Charles & Peg Lucas, Judy McMillan,
Donna Morris, Geri Nagy, Wayne Patton, Vera Perry, Ernie Pyatt, Bill & Pat Rice,
Bill Saunders, Erin Shankle, Juliana Sowinski, Joyce Stimpert, Martha Wade,
Brenda Wallner, Luretta Warrick, Bill White, and Sue Wirsing.
In the Military: Joseph Glenn (friend of Janet Lallathin), C.J. Harding (Terry
Fitch’s step-son), Jason Harris (Bill & Pat Rice’s son-in-law), & Joey Stenger (Joe
& Karen’s son).
Our Shut-ins: Sam & Delores Burkhart, Carolyn Campbell, Bill & Sue Daley,
Joyce Orzolek, Pearl Roy & Marlene Trisolene.
News & Information
Winter Quarter Teachers Needed
The winter teaching quarter in our
children’s ministry begins in
December. We are still in need of
several teachers. If you are willing to
serve as a teacher or if you would be
willing to assist, sign up on the
bulletin board by the offices.
The Lord’s Table Preparation
We need help preparing the Lord’s
Supper for next year! There is a signup
sheet on the bulletin board
outside the offices. If you can help
for one month in 2019, please sign
Thanksgiving Devotional
We will have our annual Thanksgiving
D e v o t i o n a l t h i s We d n e s d a y,
November 21. There will be no
classes. We will meet together for a
brief devotional.
College Student Addresses
If you or someone in your family is a
college student, please give the
office your name, address, and the
school you are attending. We need
addresses for students attending
locally and those away from home.
Disaster Relief Effort
The Church of Christ Disaster Relief
Effort is a long-standing ministry
within Churches of Christ that help to
respond to natural disasters with
aide. Our shepherds have sent $5000
to help them in their work. You can
learn more about their ministry and
their work on their website at
Ladies Class
The Ladies class will be resuming on
Tuesday at 6pm in the Fireside
Room. All our ladies are invited to
participate in a great night of
f e l l o w s h i p , b i b l e s t u d y, a n d
Hearing Assistance Devices
We have hearing assistance devices
available for those that may need
them. They are available in the back
hallway. See an usher for assistance.
November 11, 2018 Bulletin
Prayer Requests & Updates
New requests and updates: Rae Ann Beatty (Bill & Pat Rice’s daughter) is
home recovering from surgery. Jack Bailey (Nettie Hartung & Greg Vicker’s stepdad)
is in Country Club Nursing Home in Bellaire. He will be having open heart
surgery on his aortic valve. His tests revealed he also has several blockages. He
is also having issues with brain stem and is having on-going mini-strokes. Scott
Chapman will be going to Morgantown for further treatment. Blake Gaston (son
of Mike Gaston’s nephew Jonathan Gaston) is suffering from Christensen’s
Disease—a neurological disorder that causes seizures and fever. He is in
Cleveland Clinic. Wayne Patton has an upper respiratory infection. A friend of
Rob Miller is in need of a kidney—see Rob for details.
On-going prayers needed: Margaret Bailey, Jim Bass, Mary Bass, Stephanie
Bittinger, Ruth Borovich, Barbara Brewer, Joann Gaston, Caleb Hayes, Dorothy
Heil, Wayne Henthorn, Elsie Isiminger, Scarlet James, Janie Judge, Kevin Kalany,
Warren Lallathan, Mary Lively, Bunky Loy, Charles & Peg Lucas, Judy McMillan,
Donna Morris, Geri Nagy, Vera Perry, Ernie Pyatt, Bill & Pat Rice, Bill Saunders,
Erin Shankle, Juliana Sowinski, Joyce Stimpert, Martha Wade, Brenda Wallner,
Luretta Warrick, Bill White, and Sue Wirsing.
In the Military: Joseph Glenn (friend of Janet Lallathin), C.J. Harding (Terry
Fitch’s step-son), Jason Harris (Bill & Pat Rice’s son-in-law), & Joey Stenger (Joe
& Karen’s son).
Our Shut-ins: Sam & Delores Burkhart, Carolyn Campbell, Bill & Sue Daley,
Joyce Orzolek, Pearl Roy & Marlene Trisolene.
News & Information
Winter Quarter Teachers Needed
The winter teaching quarter in our
children’s ministry begins in December.
We are still in need of several teachers.
If you are willing to serve as a teacher
or if you would be willing to assist, sign
up on the bulletin board by the offices.
Orphans Lifeline International
We were glad to have Kelvin Hoover
with us last week to present
information about Orphans Lifeline
International—a ministry of churches of
Christ that cares for orphans. Our
shepherds have sent them $1000 to
help with their work. There are some
packets on the table that include
information about the ministry and
ways you can be involved financially
and in prayer.
Fall Retreat
The student ministry will be returning
from their Fall Retreat today. Please
take some time to pray for the students
and the student ministry over the
coming days and weeks.
College Student Addresses
If you or someone in your family is a
college student, please give the office
your name, address, and the school
you are attending. We need addresses
for students attending locally and
those away from home.
Ladies Class
The Ladies class will be resuming on
Tuesday at 6pm in the Fireside Room.
All our ladies are invited to participate
in a great night of fellowship, bible
study, and encouragement.
Disaster Relief Effort
The Church of Christ Disaster Relief
Effort is a long-standing ministry within
Churches of Christ that help to
respond to natural disasters with aide.
Our shepherds have sent $5000 to help
them in their work. You can learn more
about their ministry and their work on
their website at
Hearing Assistance Devices
We have hearing assistance devices
available for those that may need them.
They are available in the back hallway.
See an usher for assistance.
The Lord’s Table Preparation
We need help preparing the Lord’s
Supper for next year! There is a signup
sheet on the bulletin board outside
the offices. If you can help for one
month in 2019, please sign up.
Thanksgiving Devotional
We will have our annual Thanksgiving
Devotional on Wednesday, November
21. There will be no classes. We will
meet together for a brief devotional.
Family & Parent Class
Don’t forget about our family and
parenting class for all young adults and
young families. It meets on Sunday
mornings at 9am in the Fireside Room.
It’s a great opportunity to learn and
fellowship together.