March 4, 2018 Bulletin
New requests and updates: Linda Fitch (friend of Janet Lallathin) is in the ICU at OVMC on a ventilator (this is not the Linda Fitch who is a member). Tyson Frye (Ben & Jena’s youngest son) had surgery to remove a small growth on his head. He is doing well. Martha Jean Main (wife of Bob Main, the preacher at the Minksville congregation) had a malignant mass that burst causing blindness (1738 Camp Road SE, Port Washington, OH 43837). Frances Satterfield is at Emerald Point.
On-going prayers needed: Jim Bass, Mary Bass, Gail Bigler, Brady Bisbocci, Charles Boger, Barbara Brewer, Melissa Britton, Sam & Delores Burkhart, Sue Daley (rehab Park Health), Mary Deigmiller, Bob Digiandomenico, Alicia Estadt, Joann Gaston, Sue Green, Dorothy Heil, Micheala Hinkle, Chad Huntsman, Ted Huntsman, Elsie Isiminger, Scarlet James, Janie Judge, Jonas Judge, Kevin Kalany, Steve Lattocha, Mary Lively, Wally McCabe, Vera Perry, Pat Rice, Pearl Roy, Pete Stephens & Joyce Stimpert.
Expectant Mothers: Rachel Stonebraker (April), Jessica Sowinski (June), Amanda Schrum (July).
In the Military: Joseph Glenn (friend of Janet Lallathin), C.J. Harding (Terry Fitch’s step-son), Jason Harris (Bill & Pat Rice’s son-in-law), & Joey Stenger (Joe & Karen’s son).
Our Shut-ins: Carolyn Campbell, Bill & Sue Daley, Joyce Orzolek, Marlene Trisolene, & Joanne Wallner.
God’s Girls: God’s Girls is on March 10 at the Holiday Park Church for all girls 6th grade and older. The theme is “The Price is Life.” T-shirts are $8-10 and registration is $5. Kay Sowinski is chaperoning. See her for details.
Daylight Savings Time: Get ready to spring your clock ahead!Daylight Savings Time starts Sunday, March 11, so be sure to set your clocks one hour ahead.
Forest Hills: We will be leading worship at the Forest Hill Nursing Home next Sunday, at 2:30 pm.
New Adult Class: Beginning today, we are offering a new adult class in the Fireside Room. The class will be for young adults and families with young children, focusing on relationship and parenting issues. The class will be a laid-back discussion, with plenty of time for encouragement, prayer and time in the Scriptures. If you have any questions or want more details, see Tim McKeen or Brad Schrum. If you are a young adult or family, make plans to participate!
Ladies’ Class: The ladies will be resuming on Tuesday, March 6th at 6pm. Make plans to participate!
Fellowship Meal: We will have a fellowship meal this evening to celebrate those with birthdays and anniversaries in March. Care Group B is in charge.
Recent Baptisms: We celebrate with Julie Nowakowski who was recently baptized on February 18. Her address is 52905 Sunny Lane, Dillonvale, OH 43917.
We also celebrate with Lucas Straub, who was baptized into Christ. His address is 64400 Shadylane Road, Bellaire, OH 43906. They will all be in Care Group A.
Be sure to welcome them into our family, and be praying for them on their new discipleship journey.
Grad School: Keaton is at Lipscomb for a grad school intensive until March 10.
MAGI PROJECT: Don’t forget about our collection for the MAGI project. We are helping to deliver 50 shoe boxes full of essential items for children in impoverished areas of Honduras and Reynosa, Mexico. There is sign up sheet on the bulletin board, and you can place items in the MP room. Items are due in May