Some time ago an article appeared in the Ft. Worth Star Telegram telling about a man who brought 2,700 people to church. The man’s name is Kenneth Ritchell. His business — selling cars in the Dallas area. Brought 2,700 to church! Sounds incredible, doesn’t it? But it actually happened.
Mr. Ritchell took it upon himself to get more people to attend church services. He determined he would fill the building of the church for an evening service. He operated upon the conviction that almost everyone will attend church if properly invited.
What the one man determined soon became reality. He invited hundreds of people — entire clubs, a host of celebrities. Nearly everyone in Dallas heard of the one-man campaign. Newspapers, radio and television helped him spread the invitation. He used persuasion, personal letters and hundreds of personal invitations to get his friends out to the service.
As a result, 2,700 came.
We cannot help but admire this man with so much zeal and energy. It shows what one man can do when he sets his heart to something. His enthusiasm leaves the rest of us somewhat embarrassed. It reminds us that we can do something we aren’t doing.
You wouldn’t necessarily have to bring 2,700 to be an effective worker for Christ. But how long has it been since you invited just ONE person out to hear the gospel? We would all be surprised at what we could accomplish with a strong determination, faith in God and an energetic effort.
By Raymond C. Kelcy
“Andrew, Simon Peter’s brother, was one of the two who heard what John had said and who had followed Jesus. The first thing Andrew did was to find his brother Simon and tell him, “We have found the Messiah” (that is, the Christ). And he brought him to Jesus…”
—John 1.40-42 (NIV)