February 4, 2018 Bulletin
New requests and updates: Jeff Bigler has a sinus infection. Bella Burchette (Wayne & Charolette Patton’s grand daughter) was sick. Ed Hirauk got a good report from Cleveland Clinic and will not be having more treatments at this time. Bill Rice is not feeling well.
On-going prayers needed: Jim Bass, Kristen Bass (back injury), Gail Bigler, Brady Bisbocci, Charles Boger, Barbara Brewer, Melissa Britton, Barry Bryson, Sam & Delores Burkhart, Mary Deigmiller (cancer), Bob Di Giandomenico, Alicia Estadt, Carol Frye, Joann Gaston, Dan Gray (Amy’s husband), Sue Green (Dennie Green’s sister, in Virginia), Clara Helms, Dorothy Heil, Micheala Hinkle, Chad Huntsman, Ted Huntsman, Elsie Isiminger, Scarlet James, Janie Judge, Jonas Judge, Kevin Kalany, Steve Lattocha, Mary Lively, Peg Lucas, Wally McCabe (back), Judy McMillan, Marty Morrison, Ruth Morrow, Vera Perry (cataract surgery), Pat Rice, Pearl Roy, Emily Schmidli, Francis Satterfield (Emerald Point Nursing Facility), Joyce Slatt, Pete Stephens, Joyce Stimpert, Mary Donna Wodarcyk (heart procedure).
Expectant Mothers: Rachel Stonebraker (April), Jessica Sowinski (June), Amanda Schrum (July).
In the Military: Joseph Glenn (friend of Janet Lallathin), C.J. Harding (Terry Fitch’s step-son), Jason Harris (Bill & Pat Rice’s son-in-law), & Joey Stenger (Joe & Karen’s son).
Our Shut-ins: Carolyn Campbell, Bill & Sue Daley, Joyce Orzolek, Marlene Trisolene, & Joanne Wallner.
Winter Series: The winter series in the adult class continues on Wednesday nights. We’ll be studying The Seven Beatitudes from the book of Revelation. Joe Stenger will be leading the discussion this week from Revelation 22v7.
New Adult Class: Beginning soon, we will be offering a new adult class in the Fireside Room on Sunday mornings. The class will be for young adults and families with young children, focusing on relationship and parenting issues. The class will be a laid back discussion, with plenty of time for encouragement, prayer, and time in the Scriptures. If you have any questions or want some more details, see Tim McKeen or Brad Schrum. If you are a young adult or family, make plans to participate!
New Series: The Sunday morning auditorium adult class is continuing in a new study of Paul’s letter to the Galatians. Now is a great time to get involved if you aren’t already!
Baby Shower: Kyle and Jessica Sowinski are expecting a baby girl in June. They are having a baby shower on April 28. If you plan to attend, sign the sheet on the bulletin board by February 25.
Ladies’ Class: The ladies’ will be resuming on Tuesday, March 6th at 6pm. They have chosen to study the book The Bible: Its Origin, Preservation, and Impact, a compelling case for the accuracy and reliability of the Bible. If you would like a copy of the book, place your name in the basket on the table by the bulletins.