Bible Classes
Our bible classes are a great way to learn more about the Scriptures and to grow closer together as a church. If you are not currently involved, you are invited to join us! We have classes for all ages on Sundays at 9am and Wednesdays at 7pm. The adult class is studying the book of Hosea on Sunday morning and 2 Thessalonians on Wednesday. We hope you join us!
We will be honoring our graduates on May 29th. We will need the name, school, (and if applicable, degree) for all graduates (high school, university, technical school, etc). Please give that information to Joyce.
Summer Series
We are preparing for our Wednesday Night Summer series in the adult class. The theme is “Encountering Jesus,” exploring various stories of people meeting Jesus in the Gospels. We need some of our men to volunteer to teach a class.
Calendar Correction
Brooke Frye’s birthday of April 10th was missed from the April calendar. Please add her to your calendar
Relay for Life
We are going to put together a walking team and host a booth at Relay for Life on June 11th. If you would like to help in any capacity, please sign up. We need people to help with all aspects of the event: fundraising, booth ideas and setup, and walking at the event. For more information email Keaton.
God’s Girls Youth Rally
God’s Girls is Saturday, April 9th. Sign-up sheets are in the teen room. If you have any questions or would like to chaperone, contact Kay Sowinski
They are also collecting items for a service project. Items need brought to Kay Sowinski as soon as possible.
The needed items are:
*Stretchy gloves
*Power bars
*Peanut butter or cheese sandwich crackers
*Individual sized boxes of raisins
*Small (8oz) water bottles
*Chapstick /Lip balm
*Deodorant (travel or regular size)
*Toothpaste (travel or regular size )
*Toothbrushes (multi-pack or individual )
Women’s Bible Study
The ladies class will be meeting at the building this week.
Construction Photos
Photos of the on-going construction are available on the church website.
Grand Central Junior Youth Rally

The Grand Central Junior Youth Rally for grades 3-6 will be held on Saturday April 16th from 8:30 – 3:30. The theme is Prayer Wars: The Force Awakens.The day will be filled with games, creative stations, drama, classes, pizza, and a whole lot more. It will be a great opportunity for our younger students. If you or your children are interested in going, talk with Keaton to get a registration form. We will need drivers. Cost is $15 and the deadline is April 6th.
Teen Spring Retreat
The youth group will be going on a Spring Retreat from April 29th-May 1st. Sign up is due by April 3rd.
Teen Thursday Night Devotionals
There is a signup sheet to host the teen summer devotionals on the bulletin board in the back of the fellowship hall, by the nursery. |