Bulletin News for 3.6.16
Prayer Requests:
Brooke Frye had an allergic reaction to medication, but is now doing better. Anne Haverty (principal at Bridgeport) will be having serious brain surgery on March 8th. The biopsy for Joyce Stimpert (Jodi Frye’s mom) came back negative. This is great news! Pat Rice is still in need of prayer. She is on a new medication. A lot of people are fighting various colds and viruses. On-going prayers needed: Freddy Bahmer, Evelyn Barker, Jim Bass, Charles Boger, Barbara Brewer, Sam Burkhart, Chester Hainey (Park Health), Nancy Hendershot, Steve Hildebrand, Chad Huntsman, Janie Judge, Misty Landefeld (Jodi Frye’s cousin), Molly Leonard, Katey Leonard, Melissa Lott, Curtis McBride, Becky McCoy, Pat Rice, John Sambucco, Mike Slatt, Sandy Stanford (Bruce’s sister-in-law), Jimmy Thrash, Bryan Tinnel & family, Lori Witchey (Barb Tetlow’s daughter) & Joan Wolfgong.
Please pray for those who are serving in the military: C.J. Harding (Terry Fitch’s step-son), Jason Harris (Bill & Pat Rice’s son-in-law), Joey Stenger (Joe & Karen’s son) & Tyrell Watson (Riley’s husband).
EXPECTANT MOTHER Please keep Jena Frye in your prayers. She is due in March.
Corrections :
We mis-published the address number for Nicky Mavrikas who was baptized on Thursday, Feb. 25th. Her address is 50800 Jacobsburg Key Rd., Jacobsburg, OH 43933.
Joe Schmidli’s birthday is March 9th. Please add him to your calendar.
RELAY FOR LIFE: We are planning to put together a walking team and host a booth at Relay for Life on June 11th. Be praying! Talk with Keaton for details.
DAYLIGHT SAVING TIME begins Sunday morning, March 13th, at 2am. Be sure to set your clocks ahead of time.
FOREST HILLS: We will be leading worship for the Forest Hills Nursing Home on March 13th at 2:30pm. This is a great opportunity to serve the community.
MINISTRY MEETING: There will be a ministry meeting for the shepherds, deacons, and ministers today at 4:30. College care packages We are beginning to collect items for care packages for our college students. Any items that will help student through the end of the semester can be placed on the table in the hallway.
WOMEN’S BIBLE STUDY: The Women’s Bible Study will be meeting on Tuesday at 6pm.
Junior youth Rally: The Grand Central Junior Youth Rally for grades 3-6 will be held on Saturday April 16th from 8:30 – 3:30. The theme is Prayer Wars: The Force Awakens. The day will be filled with games, creative stations, drama, classes, pizza, and a whole lot more. It will be a great opportunity for some of our younger students. If you or your children are interested in going, talk with Keaton to get a registration form. We will need drivers. Cost is $15 and the deadline is April 6th.