Bulletin for January 3, 2016

Prayer Requests
New requests & updates:   Dave Archer (friend of the Rices) passed away. Bill & Arlene Koypar were both taken to the hospital last week (Arlene with dehydration, she is now home—and Bill with pneumonia). Becky McCoy (Pat Rice’s daughter) is in the hospital in Steubenville. Mike Slatt injured his back. Sandy Stanford (Bruce Stanford’s sister-in-law) will be having back surgery soon. On-going prayers needed: Jim Bass, Jimmy Thrash (tumor behind his eye), Mary Bass, Gail Bigler (shoulder surgery), Charles Boger, Barbara Brewer (Leslie Judge’s mother, brain lesions and lung surgery), Christine Butkus (friend of Wayne & Charlotte Patton), Bob Digiandomenico (cyst on liver and a nodule on his lungs). Nelly Garcyk (Carol Kovachic’s mother), Michaela Hinkle (emotional struggles), Leslie Huffman (neck), Chad Huntsman (Ted & Jackie’s son), Blaycen Jeffers (19 month old boy, has a neuroblastoma tumor), Janie Judge (Jamie’s mother), Melissa Lott (Bruce Stanford’s friend, breast & lung cancer), Steve Lattocha (back surgery), Lou Randolph (Bob’s brother), Pat Rice, Debbie Roach, Lori Witchey (Barb Tetlow’s daughter), & Joan Wolfgong’s (Rhonda Rodak’s mom, surgery 1.12.16).

Please pray for those who are serving in the military: C.J. Harding (Terry Fitch’s step-son), Jason Harris (Bill & Pat Rice’s son-in-law), Joey Stenger (Joe & Karen’s son) and Tyrell Watson (Riley’s husband).

Please keep our expectant mother(s) in your prayers: Amanda Schrum (Feb. 13th) and Jenna Frye (March).

The materials for the building have arrived, and the structure should be going up soon!

For the next several weeks, our staff will be working from home while construction is in progress. The office number should forward to Joyce’s line, and Keaton & Brad’s cell phone numbers are listed on the back of the bulletin. SYMPATHY Our sympathy is extended to Karen Lucas at the death of her aunt, Rosemary Schultz. The funeral was last Tuesday. 2016

Emergency Medical Release Forms for any youth participating in youth group activities are available in the teen room and at stcchurch.org/medform. CALLING CHAIN Calling Chain Lists are available on the table in the back (near the restrooms). Please make sure you have an up-to-date copy.

Winterfest is February 12-14th. forms are now available in the teen room. Costs is $100. Assistance is available to help pay the cost for those who need it. Forms and money are due Sunday, January 10th. See Keaton with questions.

There will be a congregational meeting after our evening worship gathering on January 10th.

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