Bulletin for 11.22.15
New requests & updates:
Gail Bigler will be having rotator cuff surgery on Dec. 3rd. Amy Gray’s father will be having aortic valve replacement soon. Melanie Hannan was recently bitten by her dog and will be needing plastic surgery on her upper lip. Chad Huntsman (Ted & Jackie’s son) recently had surgery and is facing more treatments. Marie and George Patton (Wayne’s mother and brother) were in a car accident. Marie has a broken rib and a punctured lung. Bill Rice recently had two teeth pulled. Lori Witchey’s (Barb Tetlow’s daughter) cancer has returned after 8 years.
On-going prayers needed:
Jim Bass, Charles Boger, Barbara Brewer (Leslie Judge’s mother, brain lesions and lung surgery), Clyde Carpenter (back surgery), Riley Charnock (friend of Alicia Estadt, serious brain problems), Richie (Jenna Conway’s friend’s brother, cancer), Alicia Estadt, Willie Glasgow (knee), Michaela Hinkle (emotional struggles), Skip Gooch (knee surgery), Ed Hirauk, Nancy Hudson (eye problems), Janie Judge (Jamie’s mother), Bobby and Ashley Kniceley (baby died at birth), Molly Leonard (Sam & Delores Burkhart’s daughter, lung cancer), Leah McIntosh (Elaine Sambuco’s cousin, leukemia), Donna Morris, Bill Richards, Ralph Roach (back surgery Nov. 23rd), Frank Sponhaltz (Cumberland Pointe), John Wodarcyk, Mary Donna Wodarcyk, Joan Wolfgong (Rhonda Rodak’s mom, heart valve replacement Dec. 1st)
The ladies class is canceled for the next two weeks. It will (tentatively) resume on Dec 8th. IN NEED OF TEACHERS We need 4 teachers beginning in December. HOLIDAY ORNAMENT EXCHANGE Ladies of all ages (not 18 & over as previously published) are invited to an ornament exchange on Dec. 3rd, 5:30 p.m. at Mehlman’s Cafeteria. Please bring a $5-$10 wrapped ornament. There is a sign-up sheet on the board in the foyer. COMMUNION PREPARATION 2016 If you are able to prepare communion in 2016, please sign up on the bulletin board.
Our annual Thanksgiving Devotional will be next Wednesday, Nov. 25th. There will be no classes. BUILDING MOVE WORK DAY On Sunday November 29th, we will be having a work day to pack and move to the new building. Work will begin at 2pm. We will not be having our evening worship service, but we will have a communion service at 6pm. OLD BUILDING KEYS Please turn in your old building keys to Brad or Joyce by November 29th. PEWS & CHAIRS FOR SALE Please see Jason Baker about purchasing.
Having sold our current building, we will be moving to a temporary sanctuary at our new home, the old Woodbury building. Our last service here will be November 29. No Wednesday evening class for December 2. Our first service will be December 6 at 47694 Reservoir Rd. If you are able to help, please sign the list on the bulletin board. If you are able to make use of any of the materials from the craft room upstairs, you are encouraged to take what you can use. If you have a truck or trailer, please let Doug or Jamie know & write on the sign-up sheet.
Last Sunday at 190 Woodrow – November 29 All Church Work Day – November 29, 2pm No Wednesday Bible Class – December 2 First Worship at Reservoir Road – December 6 Offices Moved – Dec 21-24 Attention Bible Class Teachers We will be moving all of the classroom supplies, tables and chairs on Sunday November 29 at 2PM. If you are a Bible class teacher, please consider what supplies or other items we will need for the new building. If you are willing, please take supplies or other items home with you and store them temporarily. Otherwise, please place items that you would like to use in the new building in the marked boxes in the classrooms. If an item is too large for a box, please mark that you would like it moved. All items that are not either placed in boxes or specifically marked to be moved will be discarded.
There will be a ministry meeting for the shepherds, deacons, and ministers today at 4:30.