Bulletin 12.20.15
Mary Bass has been having a lot of hip pain and will be undergoing an MRI soon. Bob Digiandomenico has a cyst on his liver and a nodule on his lungs. Leslie Huffman has 2 herniated discs and a tear in her neck. She will be seeing a neurologist. Steve Lattocha’s back surgery went well. Jimmy Thrash has a tumor behind his eye.
On-going prayers needed: Jim Bass, Gail Bigler (shoulder surgery), Charles Boger, Barbara Brewer (Leslie Judge’s mother, brain lesions and lung surgery), Christine Butkus (friend of Wayne & Charolette Patton), Maureen Dippel (friend of Joe Stenger, heart attack), Nelly Garcyk (Carol Kovachic’s mother), Jeanette Hale (friend of Lisa Johnson, seizure), Michaela Hinkle (emotional struggles), Leandra Hostetler (fractured fibula), Skip Gooch (knee surgery), Chad Huntsman (Ted & Jackie’s son), Janie Judge (Jamie’s mother), Mark Kinemond (Mary Donna Wodarcyk’s son, emotional difficulties), Melissa Lott (Bruce Stanford’s friend, breast & lung cancer), Leah McIntosh (Elaine Sambuco’s cousin, leukemia), Donna Morris, Bill Richards, Debbie Roach, Lori Witchey (Barb Tetlow’s daughter), & Joan Wolfgong’s (Rhonda Rodak’s mom, surgery 1.12.16).
OLD BUILDING SOLD As of this past Wednesday, we have officially signed the papers to finalize the sale of the old building.
CONSTRUCTION Please be cautious around the construction equipment, both inside and outside the building.
SONG BOOKS & BIBLES Song books and bibles are available on the shelf to the right of the fellowship hall. Feel free to take one to use during worship.
WIFI Our phone and internet are scheduled to be installed this coming week. Wifi will be available once those services are up and running. We apologize for the inconvenience.
CHURCH OFFICES For the next several weeks, our staff will be working from home while construction is in progress. The office number should forward to Joyce’s line, and Keaton & Brad’s cell phone numbers are listed on the back of the bulletin.
MICROSOFT PUBLISHER CD The church office is missing a copy of Microsoft Publisher. If you have the CD, please return it to Joyce or Brad.
2016 EMERGENCY MEDICAL FORMS Emergency Medical Release Forms for any youth participating in youth group activities are available in the teen room and at stcchurch.org/medform.
CALLING CHAIN This time of year, it is important that we have everyone’s up-to-date contact information in case we need to cancel services. There are green copies of the current calling chain on the table in the back. Please check to make sure your contact information is listed and up-to-date.
COMMUNION PREPARATION 2016 We are still in need of someone to prepare communion for July in 2016. If you are able to help, please sign up on the bulletin board in back hallway (out the doors near the restrooms).
WINTERFEST Winterfest is February 12-14th. forms are now available in the teen room. Costs is $100. Assistance is available to help pay the cost for those need it. Forms and money are due Sunday, January 10th. See Keaton with questions.
WOMEN’S BIBLE STUDY The women’s bible study will not be meeting until after the holidays.
HEARING ASSISTANCE DEVICES We have hearing assistance devices available to help hear what is being said over the PA system. If you would like to try one, see one of the ushers. They are in the back of the fellowship hall.
GROWING IN FAITH One of the best ways to grow in your faith is to get involved. Here are just a few ways you can get plugged in! Praying for those who are sick and hurting & writing cards for them. Take food or provide other assistance to the sick and those who are grieving. Go out of your way to welcome guests. in our worship gatherings. Volunteer to teach or assist in our Children’s Ministry. No experience needed, just a willingness to serve! Visit our shut-ins to encourage them. Come up with creative ways we can fulfill our mission to love God and to love people. Be active in telling the good news and loving people in tangible ways as you go through your normal rhythm of life. Participate in the Ministry of Encouragement. Give old eye glasses, ink cartridges, greeting cards, “Box Tops & Campbell’s Labels for Education, for various ministries.