Bulletin 11.29.15

Prayer Requests:

Charles Boger has been experiencing serious health problems in Florida, and may need surgery. Bob Digiandomenico recently underwent testing and is awaiting results. Mark Kinemond (Mary Donna Wodarcyk’s son) is experiencing some emotional difficulties right now. Bill Kopyar has been in the hospital with pneumonia. Molly Leonard’s (Sam Burkhart’s daughter) cancer is in remission. On-going prayers needed: Jim Bass, Gail Bigler (rotator cuff surgery, Dec. 3rd), Barbara Brewer (Leslie Judge’s mother, brain lesions and lung surgery), Richie (Jenna Conway’s friend’s brother, cancer), Alicia Estadt, Amy Gray’s father (aortic valve replacement), Michaela Hinkle (emotional struggles), Skip Gooch (knee surgery), Melanie Hannan, Ed Hirauk, Nancy Hudson (eye problems), Chad Huntsman (Ted & Jackie’s son), Janie Judge (Jamie’s mother), Leah McIntosh (Elaine Sambuco’s cousin, leukemia), Donna Morris, Marie and George Patton (Wayne’s mother and brother), Bill Richards, Ralph Roach (back surgery), Frank Sponhaltz, Lori Witchey’s (Barb Tetlow’s daughter), John Wodarcyk, Mary Donna Wodarcyk, Joan Wolfgong (Rhonda Rodak’s mom, heart valve replacement Dec. 1st)


Today is an exciting day in the life of our church. It is our last time to gather to worship here at 190 Woodrow Avenue. God has blessed us immensely over the years, and we are anticipating a great future at our new location at 47694 Reservoir Rd beginning next Sunday! DIRECTIONS TO NEW BUILDING From I-70, take Exit 215 and go West on Rt 40. Take Reservoir Rd (First left past the interstate exchange). The church building is immediately on the right, next to Kuester’s John Deere.


The ladies class is canceled. It will (tentatively) resume on Dec 8th. IN NEED OF TEACHERS We urgently need teachers beginning in December. HOLIDAY ORNAMENT EXCHANGE Ladies of all ages (not 18 & over as previously published) are invited to an ornament exchange on Dec. 3rd, 5:30 p.m. at Mehlman’s Cafeteria. Please bring a $5-$10 wrapped ornament. There is a sign-up sheet on the board in the foyer.

COMMUNION PREPARATION 2016 If you are able to prepare communion in 2016, please sign up on the bulletin board.

BUILDING MOVE WORK DAY Today is a church-wide work day for anyone who can help with the move. Even if you can only help direct traffic or encourage others, there’s something for you to do! Work will begin at 2pm. We will not be having our evening worship service, but we will offer communion at 6pm.


Please turn in your old building keys to Brad or Joyce by November 29th.


Please see Jason Baker about purchasing.


We will not be meeting this Wednesday for our bible classes or devotional. If you are interested in helping move, be sure to sign your name on the bulletin board.


We officially welcome Dee Bigler to our family here. She has transferred her membership from the St. Joe congregation.


This time of year, it is important that we have everyone’s up-to-date contact information in case we need to cancel services. There are green copies of the current calling chain on the bulletin board. Please check to make sure your contact information is listed and up-to-date.

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