August 5, 2018 Bulletin
New requests and updates: Karen Lucas requests prayers for her children, Amy Sheppard and Chip Lawson. Their father, David Lawson, passed away. Pat Rice hasn’t been feeling well. Eliana Schrum has not been gaining weight.
On-going prayers needed: Jack Bailey (Greg Vickers & Nettie Hartung’s step father, Park Health, stroke), Margaret Bailey, Jim Bass, Mary Bass, Joe Bine, Stephanie Bittinger, Freda Blake, Barbara Brewer, Sam & Delores Burkhart, Carolyn Campbell, Bob Digiandomenico, Ray Frye (Ken Frye’s brother, James Cancer Center), Joann Gaston, Lorie Grandy, Jax Harris, Dorothy Heil, Wayne Henthorn, Elsie Isiminger, Scarlet James, Janie Judge, Kevin Kalany, Arlene Kopyar, Mary Lively, Bunky Loy, Charles & Peg Lucas, Kim Markus (friend of Susan Beisel, pregnant with twins, bedrest), Curtis McBride, Donna Morris, Andrea Nolte, Pat Rice, Juliana Sowinski, Joyce Stimpert, Donna Taylor, Chris Tomer, Martha Wade, & Sue Wirsing.
Expectant Mother: Mollie Wade (October)
In the Military: Joseph Glenn (friend of Janet Lallathin), C.J. Harding (Terry Fitch’s step-son), Jason Harris (Bill & Pat Rice’s son-in-law), & Joey Stenger (Joe & Karen’s son).
Our Shut-ins: Carolyn Campbell, Bill & Sue Daley, Joyce Orzolek, Pearl Roy, Marlene Trisolene, & Joanne Wallner.
VBS Planning: VBS begins tonight and continues through Wednesday, from 6-8pm each night. There will be classes, crafts, refreshments, and activities for kids Age 3 – 6th Grade, plus an adult class. There will be a brief communion service at the beginning of the adult class this evening. On Wednesday night the VBS schedule will be condensed, followed by a brief recap, slide show, & ice cream social. Brian Games will be speaking in the adult class on Sunday. Mark Tonkery will be speaking on Monday. Ryan Parsons will be speaking on Tuesday and Scott Judge will be speaking on Wednesday.
If you are interested in helping or if you have questions, see Keaton, Dennie, or Brad.
Parking Lot Contribution: Two of our neighbors—Chuck Bell (47695 Sanctuary Dr., STC) and Charlotte Thomas (67770 Brokaw Rd., STC.) have each donated $25,000 for a total of $50,000 to our paving project! We praise God for His providence and their generosity. Let’s show our appreciation by sending them thank you cards and notes.
New Address: Jason & Carrie Lucas & family have moved. Their new address is 63530 N. Johnson Rd., Bethesda, OH 43719. Please add them to your directories.
Paving Delayed: Due to a sickness on the paving crew, the parking lot paving has been delayed. We will keep you updated as we learn more.
Summer Series: We will be continuing our summer series in our Wednesday night Bible class. This is a great opportunity to get involved in deeper Bible study with your church family as we talk about who we are as a church, and why we believe what we elieve. Make plans to join us! Invite your friends to come learn with us too!
Hearing Assist Devices: We are updating our hearing assist system. If you need your own personal receiver, the cost will be $100. If you would like one, please see one of the shepherds or Brad by August 15th.
Bonfire & Hotdog Roast: Weather permitting, we are planning a bonfire and hotdog roast for next Sunday following evening services.