April 15, 2018 Bulletin
New requests and updates: Joe Bine (Pat Rice’s brother) had a heart attack. Freda Blake fell at home and broke her ankle. She is now in Peterson Rehabilitation Room 605B. She will be there for up to 2 months. Clyde Carpenter has been having severe nose bleeds. Jennie Harris (Bill Rice’s daughter) has a staph infection in her blood. Donna Hirauk has been having back problems. Matthew Schrum (Brad’s brother) is home from the hospital and is improving. John Sowinski has pneumonia. Darla Yazombek will be having kidney stone surgery on April 17.
On-going prayers needed: Jim Bass, Mary Bass, Gail Bigler, Brady Bisbocci, Stephanie Bittinger (Amy Nestor’s sister & Maureen McBride’s niece), Charles Boger, Barbara Brewer, Sam & Delores Burkhart, Mary Deigmiller, Bob Digiandomenico, Alicia Estadt, Joann Gaston, Sue Green, Dorothy Heil, Micheala Hinkle, Chad Huntsman, Elsie Isiminger, Scarlet James, Janie Judge, Kevin Kalany, Steve Lattocha, Mary Lively, Charles & Peg Lucas, Vera Perry (foot surgery), Pat Rice, Rhonda Rodak (carotid artery, 50563 Cindy Dr. #2, St. C.), Bill Saunders, Pete Stephens, Joyce Stimpert, Chris Tomer (Wayne Patton’s sister, 235 County Road 281, Sullivan, OH 44880), Sue Wirsing, Karen Zontini.
Expectant Mothers: Jessica Sowinski (June), Amanda Schrum (July), Mollie Wade (October). Our Shut-ins: Carolyn Campbell, Bill & Sue Daley, Joyce Orzolek, Pearl Roy, Marlene Trisolene, & Joanne Wallner.
In the Military: Joseph Glenn (friend of Janet Lallathin), C.J. Harding (Terry Fitch’s step-son), Jason Harris (Bill & Pat Rice’s son-in-law), & Joey Stenger (Joe & Karen’s son).
VBS Meeting: There will be an important VBS meeting today at 4:30 in the Fireside Room. Help us get ready for a great week of ministry for our children.
The Pray For Me Initiative: We are launching a new inter-generational church-wide prayer campaign. If you would be willing to commit to pray for a few others from the congregation, and to be prayed for yourself, please sign up on the bulletin board. You will be paired with others from the congregation of the same gender but of differing generations so that you might pray for them on a regular basis and they might pray for you. This is open to everyone of all ages. It will be a great way for us to grow together and to seek God’s blessing over our lives! We hope you’ll participate! Don’t forget to sign up your children if you want them to participate.
MAGI PROJECT: Update All items for the MAGI Project are due before April 29. On the 29th, we will have a “packing party” to put together the boxes. Our biggest need right now is clothing items. We have most of the educational supplies we need, except for coloring books. We still need hygiene items for young children (except tooth brushes & floss), and clothing for all ages. There are cards on the table listing all the needed items.
Ladies’ Class: The ladies class continues on Tuesday at 6pm. Make plans to participate! Invite your friends!
Clean-Up Day: Thanks to everyone who helped at our work and cleanup day yesterday!
College Student Care Packages: We will be collecting items for college student care packages. Items can be placed in the front of the MP room.
Family & Parent Class: Don’t forget about our family and parenting class for all young adults and young families. It meets on Sunday mornings at 9am in the Fireside Room