A Real Boost
Last Sunday reminded me one more time as to why I feel so blessed and appreciative to be a part of the StC church family. During the morning worship service, we enjoyed worshiping with a crowd of 244 after seeing 147 in the 9:00 a.m. Bible Classes. In the evening, the 128 who were present at the future site of our new facility on Reservoir Road greatly benefited by being together outside in our Lord’s creation. The atmosphere during all of the services was uplifting, inspirational and encouraging. (We have received several positive and encouraging comments about last Sunday evening’s time at our new property and plans are underway for worshiping there again this year before cold weather.)
As I reflect on last Sunday as well as on the past several months of growth in so many of our ministries, I am encouraged and thrilled as I think of what the Lord is doing among us. That growth has also manifested itself in several public responses to the Lord’s invitation as well as in the baptisms of several more. We also have enjoyed several Christians from other areas who have expressed their desire to serve under our shepherds’ oversight in joining us on our spiritual journey. Rare it is to not have visitors during our services … most of whom are repeat visitors.
And the future looks even brighter. We have an awesome group of young people spanning from newborns to the twenties. Many of them are already actively involved in the life of the body of Christ as they continue to grow in their spiritual development and in using their abilities for the Lord.
And the wonderful thing is that the current growth is coupling itself with a united and peaceful atmosphere among the church family. One of our shepherds, Rob Miller, pointed out during last Sunday evening’s time of worshipping at the Reservoir Road property that one of the keys to our growth is that, as a congregation, we are staying focused on “Jesus Christ and Him crucified” and not becoming sidetracked by any “issue.” I am convinced that as long as this remains our focus, the Lord will continue to bless us.
We are anticipating a great Homecoming on Sunday, October 7, when Brad Poe, our very first youth minister, will be with us as well as many other former StC church family members and friends from the community.
It is truly a privilege to be serving as your preaching minister–as it has been for so many years. During all of those years, we have experienced many exciting times — as well as some difficult times. But I can think of very few times which match the encouraging times we are presently enjoying as a church family. Let’s continue to pray that the Lord will keep on blessing us and that we will continue to maintain our focus on His Son and Him crucified.