

Clara Helms is at home recovering from her August 29th 5-way heart bypass surgery.  Virginia Orrison is doing well following the replacement of the batteries in her pacemaker. Linda Denney’s tests on her thyroid revealed no problems.  Steve Lattocha is to undergo surgery on a vertebrae in his back this coming Wednesday in Wheeling Hospital. Sue Wirsing is gradually gaining some strength after the staph infection has cleared. She is staying with her daughter in Murfreesboro, TN.

Nelson Gaston, Mike’s father, has been in Marietta Mermorial Hosp. being treated for fluid around his lungs.  Bill White, Tina Hayes’ brother-in-law, is improving after having 2 stents inserted into the arteries leading to his heart.   Jennifer Jeffries, the Kopyars’ daughter, is to undergo colon surgery the first part of October.  The tests for Roxanne Wilson’s possible pregnancy complications proved everything is okay. (She is a friend of Rob & Nancy Miller.) Ethel Kent’s initial cancer diagnosis continues to be monitored and tested. Paul Moore, Brenda Sponhaltz’s brother-in-law, continues to be treated for cancer in OSU James Cancer Center. Randy Bell, the husband of Stacie Bearup’s cousin, was hospitalized in Marietta Memorial a few days ago due to an enlarged heart and kidney failure.

We need to continue praying for those for whom our prayers have been requested…Judy Barrick (friend of Janet Lallathin), Sue Beisel, Joe Bine (Pat Rice’s brother), Charles Boger,  Brian Games, Randy Gates (Judy Hutson’s brother), Nancy Hendershot (wife of Kay Sowinski’s cousin), Judy Kinemond  (Mary Donna Wodarcyk’s daughter-in-law, cancer), Janet Lallathin, Ryan Leeka (15-year old stepson of Amanda Schrum’s cousin), Charlotte Mason (Mae Deller’s daughter, cancer), John Palimetakis (Elearnor’s husband) and Peg Spielvogel,

Let’s encourage our shut-ins as we continue praying for them…Evelyn Barker, Bill & Sue Daley, Mae Deller, Wilda Freeland, Bill Kopyar, Joyce Orzolek, Harry Schrum, Alice Shunk (Leonard Bearup’s mother), Leon & June Smith, Vonda Swisher, Jim Thrash, Marlene Trisolene, Joanne Wallner and Bill White.

   Leslie & Jamie Judge are anticipating another addition to their family in December.

Please continue praying for those who are serving in the military from our church family and extended church family….Jason Harris (Bill & Pat Rice’s son-in-law), Bill Randolph (Matt’s father, in Afghanistan), Nathan Rodak (Jay & Rhonda’s son) and  Joey Stenger (Joe & Karen’s son).


We extend our sympathy to Paula & Joe Schmidli in the death of Joe’s uncle, Gerald Madrid on Sept. 1, in Florida.


We rejoice with Sierra Schmidli who put  Christ on in baptism following last Wednesday’s Bible Study.  Sierra is Paula Schmidli’s stepdaughter.  We welcome her to the family and pray that she will serve the Lord enthusiastically for the rest of her life.


We will meet in the MP Room following this evening’s worship service for refreshments and additional fellowship as we honor those with Birthdays or Wedding Anniversaries in August and September.  Care Group B will be in charge of the preparations and cleanup.


We need everyone’s help to make our upcoming Homecoming on Oct. 7 a great success.  Please check the insert in today’s bulletin to see what your Care Group will be doing before and on that day to pitch in and help.


We are planning to have another evening worship service at our Reservoir Road next Sunday evening at 6:00.  For anyone who desires to stay, we will have a wiener roast after the worship service.  Bring wieners, buns, marshmallows (if desired), your own sticks and lawn chairs.  The rain date will be Sept. 23.  Photos from our Aug. 26th Sunday evening’s outdoor service are available on the internet at  Stcchurch.org/82612.


The Congregational Meeting originally scheduled for next Sunday, Sept. 16, will be postponed until Sunday, Sept. 23.  However, if the weather forces us to have next Sunday evening’s worship service here at the building instead at Reservoir Rd., we will have the Congregational Meeting then.


Everett will be out of the office this coming week as he takes a few days off.  He is planning to return on Monday, Sept. 17.


We invite everyone to meet at the Forest Hills Nursing Home this afternoon at 2:30 as we lead the worship service for the residents.


If you would like to participate in a Song Leading Class beginning Oct. 10, sign the list on the bulletin board in the foyer.


Anyone who is interested in becoming involved in making quilts for use in Eastern European Missions (EEM) is invited to an organizational meeting today at 4:00 in the MP Room.  Contact Mary Taylor for more details.


If you have not given the names and addresses of those attending college or a technical school from our church family, please give it to Joyce Slatt by Sept. 23.  We also would like to have the names of those who will be commuting from home.


There are still several cans remaining on the table across from Everett’s office for you to take and save your change and paper money for the children at the Potter Children’s Home. The deadline for returning the cans is Oct. 28.


In the continuing series on God’s Plan to bring man back to Him, Phil Sanders will discuss “Repentance”  in next week’s broadcast.  The broadcast can be seen every Sunday at 7:30 a.m. on WTRF-TV, Ch. 7.
































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