

Esther Koerber, Cindy Goff’s mother, underwent a heart catheterization in Cleveland Clinic last Wednesday.  Virginia Orrison is in OVMC with an infection.  Pam Thrash was admitted to Wheeling Hospital last Wednesday for treatment of blood clots in her lungs and cellulitis in her legs.  Joe Schmidli spent a few days in EORH last week with kidney stones.  Vera Perry is waiting for the results of last Tuesday’s ultra sound on her hip.

     Frank Sponhaltz has been experiencing some difficulties recently associated with the recent execution of the man who killed his brother in 1989.    Paul Moore, Brenda Sponhaltz’s brother-in-law, continues to undergo chemotherapy and he is now experiencing kidney problems as well. Milinda Saffell, a friend of Donna Turley, recently severed an artery, nerves and tendons in her hand when she fell through a glass storm door placing her job at risk.   Alex Dobbs, the newborn son of friends of Rose Voscavitch, was lifeflighted to a hospital in Pittsburgh last Wednesday with a hole in his diaphragm.

It was so good to have Steve Lattocha back with us last Wednesday as he continues to recover from neck surgery.

The following continue to need our prayers…Mary Lee Applegarth (friend of Rose Voscavitch), Hunter Bearup, Sue Beisel, Charles Boger, Brian Games, Clara Helms, Nancy Hendershot (wife of Kay Sowinski’s cousin), Jennifer Jeffries, (the Kopyars’ daughter, up coming surgery), Ethel Kent (cancer), Judy Kinemond  (Mary Donna Wodarcyk’s daughter-in-law, cancer), Charlotte Mason (Mae Deller’s daughter, cancer), Tristan Price (Becky Groves’ grandson), Peg Spielvogel and Sue Wirsing.

    Leslie Judge received a good report regarding her blood platelets last week.  Their addition is expected in December.

Let’s continue to encourage those who are no longer able to worship with us regularly…Evelyn Barker, Bill & Sue Daley, Mae Deller, Wilda Freeland, Bill Kopyar, Joyce Orzolek, Harry Schrum, Alice Shunk, Leon & June Smith, Vonda Swisher, Jim  Thrash, Marlene Trisolene, Joanne Wallner and Bill White.

Those of our church family and extended church family who are serving in the military need our prayerful support…Jason Harris (Bill & Pat Rice’s son-in-law), Bill Randolph (Matt’s father, in Afghanistan), Nathan Rodak (Jay & Rhonda’s son) and  Joey Stenger (Joe & Karen’s son).


Following last Sunday morning’s worship service, Jim Strauss and two of his sons, Colten & Drew, were baptized into Christ by Ted Huntsman.  They are Jill’s husband and sons.  We rejoice with their decision and welcome them to the family.


Last Sunday morning, it was announced that  Dave & Cindy Conway have expressed their desire to serve with us under our shepherds’ oversight.  They have been worshipping with us for quite awhile and their address and phone number are in the church’s directory.  We welcome them into the StC church family.  They will be in Care Group B.


Since today is a “fifth-Sunday,” all of the contribution will go toward paying off the loan on the Reservoir Road property.


As discussed in our congregational meeting last Sunday evening, the shepherds are interested in borrowing money for our future expansion. The money will be paid back within approximately 2 years with an additional 3% interest. If you are interested, please contact one of the shepherds by Wednesday evening. —Thanks…Dennie, Rob & Skip.


Next week is our 20th Homecoming.  Be sure to check the Care Group Assignment lists to see how you can help and volunteer your services to assist in making next Sunday a great Homecoming.

Since our parking is becoming increasingly limited, it is requested that each family drive only one car next Sunday, if possible, and park toward the rear of our parking lots to reserve the closer spots for our guests.

Communion will  be served at 8:15 a.m. for those of Care Group C who will be in the MP Room during the 10:00 a.m. worship service preparing for lunch. Communion will also be served at 6:00 p.m. for those who are unable to be present during the 10:00 service.


Bill Miller has moved to Indiana to live with his son.  We will miss him and pray that he will be happy in his new home.


All the men and boys are invited to the Monthly Breakfast this coming Saturday at 8:30 a.m. at Eat ‘N Park.


If you are interested, as a song leader, in improving your leading skills or if you would like to learn how to lead singing, sign the list on the bulletin board for the Song Leaders Class to begin Wednesday, Oct. 10.  Contact Jerry Moore for additional information.


If you would like to contribute toward a “Money Tree” for the newlyweds, Aaron & Morgan Baker, give your money to Gail Bigler, Amy Games or Pam Moore by Wednesday, Oct. 10.  It will be presented to them during the Monthly Fellowship on Oct. 14.


To assure the safety of everyone in the parking lots, please drive slowly as you enter and exit our parking areas.


The deadline for returning the coin cans to help with the support of the children who live at Potter Children’s Home in Bowling Green, KY, is Nov. 4.


In next week’s lesson, “Miraculous Gifts Today?,” Phil Sanders will compare the gifts people claim today with the gifts Jesus and His disciples used.  The nationally televised program can be seen locally every Sunday at 7:30 a.m. on WTRF-TV, Ch. 7.





































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