Mary Bass is recovering from a procedure to extract two teeth. Joe Bine (Pat Rice’s brother) is recovering at home from surgery and a blood clot. Donna Burghy hurt her back. She is doing better, but still in a lot of pain. Carolyn Campbell fell last Tuesday, and was admitted to the hospital, where she is being treated for a mastoid infection. Faith Hilton is now staying with a foster family and would love to receive cards from us. Judy Kinemond (Mary Donna Wodarcyk’s daughter-in-law, cancer) was admitted to the hospital with blood clots in her lungs. Margaret Noling (John’s mother) has MRSA and is quarantined. Brad Poe (one of our former youth ministers) fell off of a roof last Saturday and broke his pelvis in 3 places. He is going to be okay but has a long road of recovery. Kristen Pierce-Rice (Bill Rice’s 17 year old great niece, suffering from Hodgkin’s Lymphoma) begins treatments Monday.
Please continue your prayers for those for whom prayer has been requested recently: Kate Bain, Karen Barbe (mobility problems), Gail Bigler (recovering from neck surgery), Mary Chesonis (mother-in-law of the sister of Sue Beisel & Joy Yontz’s), Amy Games (knee pain), Jay Graham (friend of Kay Sowinski), Sherman Hill family (friends of Bob Digiandomenico), Sherry Holt (friend of Sue Wirsing), Karen Jones (mother of Leslie Huffman’s co-worker, brain cancer), Arlene Kopyar, Danny McMillan (broken hip), Matthew Mead (John Burghy’s nephew) being treated for brain tumors, June Metcalf, Amy Games’ mother suffering from dementia, Ruth Ann Miller (Nancy Miller’s sister, Parkinson’s), Albert “Sonny” Phillips, Amy Gray’s brother (Heartland Nursing Home), Mia Rathe, a 3-year old friend of the Dukes), Mike Salatino (Terry Ehni’s step-sister’s husband, Sarah (Atkinson) Shuman (Angel Baker’s cousin, awaiting heart transplant, UAB HTICU-WP-P560, 619 19th St., South Birmingham AL 35249-6943), Peg Spielvogel, Rick Sowinski (John’s brother), Christine Starcher (John Burghy’s sister, heart attack), Fred Strauss (Jim’s father, heart attack, Barnesville Care Center) and Jennifer Wheeler (Amy Nestor’s mother).
Please continue to pray and encourage those who are no longer able to worship with us…Evelyn Barker, Ella Bell, Bill & Sue Daley, Mae Deller, Wilda Freeland, Bertha Kettlewell, Bill Kopyar, Joyce Orzolek, Alice Shunk, Leon & June Smith, Jim Thrash, Marlene Trisolene and Joanne Wallner.
Please continue to pray for those who are serving in the military…C.J. Arnold (Eddie’s brother, Afghanistan), Jason Harris (Bill & Pat Rice’s son-in-law), Chad Huggins, Bill Randolph (Matt’s father), Nathan Rodak (Jay & Rhonda’s son, in Afghanistan) and Joey Stenger (Joe & Karen’s son in Kenya).
The family of Kyle & Jessica Sowinski is celebrating their recent marriage by inviting the church family to a shower in their honor. It will be held in conjunction with our Monthly Fellowship in October. The Sowinskis will take care of the arrangements for the shower and Care Group C will be in charge of the arrangements for the Fellowship. If you would like to contribute to a money tree, see Kay or Juliana Sowinski.
Be sure to make plans to be at our Wednesday night Bible Study. Jay Rodak and Tim McKeen will be leading a study of I & II Corinthians.
Join us for worship this evening at 6pm, as our young men lead us through Scripture, prayer, and song. It is a great opportunity to not only encourage the young men, but also to be encouraged and challenged together. Be praying for them as they prepare.
Remember to save your loose change to help with the support of the children who reside at Potter’s Children Home in Bowling Green, KY. Take one of the cans available on the table in the hallway and begin saving your change in it. The deadline for returning the cans will be Nov. 10.
Your old eyeglasses (especially ones for reading) are needed for various mission points.
We are still collecting cartridges from Inkjets and Faxes to help with the support of the children who reside at the Shulz-Lewis Children’s Home.
“Box Tops for Education” and “Campbell’s Labels for Education” are needed by Mid-Western Children’s Home. Only the UPC label is necessary. To save time and shipping expense, please cut the label out before placing them in the box in the hallway.
If you want to help with any of these ongoing ministries, please bring the items and place them in the appropriate containers on the table in the hallway.
In the beginning God created male and female and united them as one, making the first family. God’s plan was for husband and wife to live together in a committed, married relationship for life.
Next week’s lesson by Phil Sanders is, “God’s Plan For Marriage”. The televised program can be seen locally every Sunday, 7:30a.m. on WTRF-TV, Ch. 7.