

Ethel Kent is recovering from last Tuesday’s successful colon cancer surgery. Once she is released from the hospital, she will undergo physical rehabilitation in a nursing home for about 2 weeks. Chelsea Turner had a pin inserted in her elbow which she broke in an automobile accident Monday morning.  Gail Bigler is now home after being hospitalized again last week with her recurring stomach problems. Bill Daley is also home after last weekend’s hospitalization with problems with his blood count and possible diverticulitis.  Caden Blacker is to have a mole surgically removed from his head this coming Thursday.  Bill Miller is undergoing tests on a mass on his thyroid.  Mike Vilano, Sr., has been experiencing severe back pain for the past few days.  Shelli Glasgow is scheduled to undergo back surgery Sept. 26.  Vera Perry will undergo hip replacement surgery on Sept. 28 in Columbus.    Dee Adams, one of our former members, underwent knee replacement surgery last Monday.

Please continue praying for Louis Bain (Kate’s husband), Callan Caldwell (newborn son of friends of Janet Lallathin), Joseph Gray (premature son of one of Rose Voscavitch’s friends), Craig Herwick, Faith Hilton (Bunky Loy’s granddaughter), Ed Hirauk (friend of Donna Turley), Kevin Kalany, Elmer LaRue (one of our former shepherds), Charlotte Mason (Mae Deller’s daughter), Darrell Newland (Paul Huffman’s uncle), Ray Ramsay, Tom Russell (Greg Nestor’s grandfather), Peg Spielvogel, Brenda Stillion (Angel Baker’s cousin and Karen Barbe’s sister), David Swann (Donna Turley’s brother) and Lauren Symanek (Wayne Patton’s niece).

Let’s continue our prayers for our expectant mothers…Leslie Huffman (She has learned she is going to have a boy in February.); Ashley McKeen (March) and Terra Blacker (April).  We congratulate Jason & Carrie Lucas on the news that they will become parents for the second time next April.


Please continue to encourage our shut-ins with cards and visits as well as supporting them with your prayers…Curtis Blake, Sue Daley, Mae Deller, Wilda Freeland, Lenny Hungerman, Dorothy Kimble, Bill Kopyar, Virginia Orrison, Joyce Orzolek, Alice Shunk (Leonard Bearup’s mother), Leon & June Smith, Ed & Bea Stelmach, Jim Thrash, Marlene Trisoline, Joanne Wallner and Bill White.


Our prayers continue to be needed for those of our church family and extended church family who are serving in the military… Nathan Rodak (Bill & Joan’s grandson) and Kristen Roy (Pearl Roy’s granddaughter).  Joey Stenger, Joe & Karen’s son, left for a 6-month deployment in Afghanistan last Wednesday.


Last Tuesday afternoon, Adam Sambuco, one of the sons of John & Elaine, was baptized into Christ. We rejoice with him in his decision to commit his life to Christ and we welcome him to the family.  He left last Wednesday to begin classes at the University of Cincinnati.


Following an abbreviated worship service next Sunday evening, our shepherds will be leading a meeting of the congregation during which they will provide updates about our ongoing ministries and plans as well as provide the church family an opportunity for input into the work of the congregation.


As a required part of his Master’s Program, Brad Schrum will be in class in Minneapolis, MN, this week.


So we can stay in touch with and encourage our college students throughout the school year, please write their names and college addresses on a card and give it to Joyce Slatt by Oct. 2 so they can be published in the bulletin.  We would also like a list of all those who are commuting to local colleges or technical schools.


There will be a meeting in the MP Room next Sunday at 4:30 to discuss this past summer’s VBS and to begin making plans for next year’s program. Everyone’s input to make this a more effective ministry is welcomed and encouraged.


There are still a few cans  on the table in the foyer for you to use to collect your loose change for the children who live at Potter Children’s Home in Bowling Green, KY.  The deadline for returning the full cans is Nov. 13.


Brian Games is trying to arrange a time for everyone who is interested in getting together for prayer and discussion about making our outreach more effective.  If you would like to be involved, please let him know.


Several of our youth and chaperones will be participating in the Youth Rally sponsored by the North Hills congregation in Pittsburgh this coming Friday evening and Saturday.


If you can help Jimmie Thrash’s parents move today at 12:00, please let him know.   They are moving to Bethesda.


In the second of the two-part series on “Baptism,”   Phil Sanders will explore what the Bible teaches about baptism from the epistles and Revelation as well as address some questions from the TV audience.  The program can be seen Sundays on WTRF-TV, Ch. 7, at 7:30 a.m.









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