

   Clara Helms continues to recuperate at home from recent heart surgery.  Steve Lattocha is recovering from last Wednesday’s surgery on his vertebrae.

    Nelson Gaston, Mike’s father, is home but will need dialysis 3 days a week. Arlene Kopyar has not been well this past week. Hanna Robison’s father, Andy Robison is now home  from the hospital.  Hannah is Hunter Hoffman’s friend who has been attending.  Bill White, Tina Hayes’ brother-in-law, continues to improve from the recent insertion of stents in his arteries.  Mary Lee Applegarth, the mother of Robin Shanks (Rose Voscavitch’s friend) was admitted to Cumberland Pointe after suffering a mini stroke.

Please continue your prayers for those for whom our prayers have been requested recently…Sue Beisel, Randy Bell (husband of Stacie Bearup’s cousin), Joe Bine (Pat Rice’s brother), Charles Boger,  Brian Games, Randy Gates (Judy Hutson’s brother), Nancy Hendershot (wife of Kay Sowinski’s cousin), Jennifer Jeffries, (the Kopyars’ daughter, up coming surgery),  Ethel Kent, Judy Kinemond  (Mary Donna Wodarcyk’s daughter-in-law, cancer), Janet Lallathin, Ryan Leeka (15-year old stepson of Amanda Schrum’s cousin), Charlotte Mason (Mae Deller’s daughter, cancer), Paul Moore, Brenda Sponhaltz’s brother-in-law, cancer), John Palimetakis (Eleanor’s husband), Peg Spielvogel, Roxanne Wilson (The Rob Millers’ friend) and Sue Wirsing

Those who are confined to their homes or nursing homes need our continued prayers…Evelyn Barker, Bill & Sue Daley, Mae Deller, Wilda Freeland, Bill Kopyar, Virginia Orrison, Joyce Orzolek, Harry Schrum, Alice Shunk (Leonard Bearup’s mother), Leon & June Smith, Vonda Swisher, Jim Thrash, Marlene Trisolene,, Joanne Wallner and Bill White.

    Leslie & Jamie Judge need our prayerful support as they anticipate an addition in December.

Let’s continue praying for those who are serving in the military from our church family and extended church family….Jason Harris (Bill & Pat Rice’s son-in-law), Bill Randolph (Matt’s father, in Afghanistan), Nathan Rodak (Jay & Rhonda’s son) and  Joey Stenger (Joe & Karen’s son).


Everett has been on vacation for the past week.  He is planning to be back in the office tomorrow morning.


During the Oct. 14th Monthly Fellowship, we will honor Aaron Baker & Morgan Freeman on their upcoming marriage.  If you would like to contribute toward a money tree, give your money to Gail Bigler, Amy Games or Pam Moore by Oct. 10.


We want to encourage everyone to join us for an evening of outdoor worship at our Reservoir Road property today at 6:00 p.m.  For everyone who desires, there will be a wiener roast following the worship service.  Bring wieners, buns, condiments, marshmallows (if desired), your own sticks and lawn chairs.  The rain date will be Sept. 23.  Photos from our Aug. 26th Sunday evening’s outdoor service are available on the internet at  Stcchurch.org/82612.


The Congregational Meeting originally scheduled for this evening will be postponed until next Sunday, Sept. 23, unless it rains this evening.  In that case, the Congregational Meeting will be conducted this evening.


Last Sunday morning Marti Lyons publicly responded to the invitation to express her appreciation for the prayers, cards and support from her StC church family during the past several months which have been filled with a series of health problems.  Let’s continue encouraging Marti as she continues to improve.


Be sure to check with your Care Group Leaders to see how you can help prepare for our upcoming Oct. 7th Homecoming.  The assignments were in last Sunday’s bulletin.


If you would like to participate in a Song Leading Class beginning Oct. 10, sign the list on the bulletin board in the foyer. Contact Jerry Moore for additional information.


If you are interested in attending the North Hills Youth Rally Sept. 28 & 29, contact Brad Schrum for details.


So we can stay in touch with our college and technical school students throughout this school year, we are planning to publish their addresses in the Sept. 30th bulletin.  Please give their to Joyce Slatt by Sept. 26.  We also want the names of those who will be commuting from home.


It’s still not too late to take one of the Coin Cans to use in helping support the children at Potter Children’s Home.  A few cans are still available on the table across from Everett’s office.  The deadline for returning the cans is Oct. 28.


It is one thing to believe in Jesus Christ, but it is another to confess Him before others. Confessing Jesus Christ as the Son of God is not a private matter. Faith in Christ is something to be shared with everyone.   In next week’s broadcast, Phil Sanders will present the lesson “Confessing Christ.”  The televised program can be seen Sundays at 7:30 a.m. on WTRF-TV, Ch. 7.



































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