

Pam Thrash is now in Park Health Care Center continuing treatment for cellulitis in both legs and undergoing physical therapy.  Sue Wirsing continues treatment for staph infection in her brain and  lungs.  Charlotte Mason, Mae Deller’s daughter, is awaiting cancer surgery in James Cancer Center in Columbus. Paul Moore, Brenda Sponhaltz’s brother-in-law, is now home. However, he will have to continue traveling to Columbus for treatments.    Nancy Hendershot, the wife of Kay Sowinski’s cousin, is in critical condition in OSU Hospital with a malignant brain tumor as well as recovering from a stroke which she experienced during the surgery.  Ben Hendershot, Kay’s cousin, continues to recover from the serious burns he experienced at the end of last year.  Roger Bennington, the father-in-law of Trina Bennington (the Slatts’ daughter), is in stage 4 of cancer.

Let’s continue to pray for those for whom our prayers have been requested recently…Ron Baker (Darlene’s husband), Evelyn Barker, Holly Bine (Pat Rice’s brother, cancer), Charles Boger, Hilda Eimer (Mary Donna Wodarcyk’s sister), Brian Games, Nelson Gaston (Mike’s father), Barbara Hores (John Noling’s cousin, bone cancer), Kevin Kalany, Judy Kinemond  (Mary Donna Wodarcyk’s daughter-in-law, cancer), Bill Kopyar, Nancy Miller, Elda Rubel (friend of the Greens, cancer), Jim Saus, Beverly Shaw  (friend of Dee Withers), Peg Spielvogel, Zachary Vickers and Bill White (Tina Hayes’ brother-in-law).

Those of our church family who are confined to their homes or nursing homes need our continued prayers…Bill & Sue Daley, Mae Deller, Wilda Freeland, Virginia Orrison, Joyce Orzolek, Alice Shunk (Leonard Bearup’s mother), Leon & June Smith, Vonda Swisher, Jim Thrash, Marlene Trisolene,, Joanne Wallner and Bill White.


Leslie & Jamie Judge need our continued prayers as they expect a new addition in December.


Those of our church family and extended church family who are serving in the military continue to need our prayers….Jason Harris (Bill & Pat Rice’s son-in-law), Bill Randolph (Matt’s father, in Afghanistan), Nathan Rodak (Jay & Rhonda’s son) and  Joey Stenger (Joe & Karen’s son).


Last Monday, Pat Hart (one of our former members and more recently a member of the National Rd. church in Wheeling) passed away.    Our prayers are with all of their family.


Last Sunday evening, Vera Perry responded to the invitation to request our prayers for help in making decisions which will always honor the Lord.


We rejoice with Kelley Westervelt, Jerry Hatcher’s fiancee, who was baptized into Christ last Monday afternoon.    She will be worshiping with the Westerville congregation.  Our prayer is that she will continue to grow and to serve the Lord for many years to come.


Lori Lachendro and David Morgan were united in marriage in Martins Ferry on August 10.  We pray that they will have a long life of serving the Lord together as husband and wife.  No address change.


Our summer series, “The Portraits of Christ in John,”  is rapidly coming to a close.  This coming Wednesday, Jeff Bigler will lead the class in a discussion of  “Jesus, The Light of The World” using John 9 as his text.


We are planning to meet for next Sunday evening’s worship service  at the Reservoir Road Property.  Be sure to come and bring your lawn chairs.  We will begin at our normal time of 6:00 p.m.


Matt Randolph returned to the University of Oklahoma last Thursday to continue his studies.  Juliana Sowinski is returning to OSU today.  Kyle Sowinski is to return to the University of Akron sometime this week.  However, he will be home most weekends.  Dustin McMillan will soon be leaving for Rochester College north of Detroit.

So we can stay in touch with all of our college students this coming year, please give their names and college addresses to Joyce Slatt.


All the shepherds, deacons and preachers will meet in the MP Room at 4:30 for their bi-monthly meeting.


For the past several years, we have had the opportunity of assisting with the support of the children who live at the Potter Children’s Home in Bowling Green, KY, via collecting our loose change.  If you would like to assist this year, take one of  the Gleaner Cans available on the table across from Everett’s office and save your loose change for the next 3-4 months.  The deadline for returning the cans will be Oct. 28.


Phil Sanders’ lesson for next week’s broadcast is “Worship In Song.”  Music is one of the most powerful influences in life. God desires our worship in song to glorify Him in spirit and in truth. How we worship God in song matters to God, and it should matter to us.   The program can be seen locally every Sunday at 7:30 a.m. on WTRF-TV, Ch. 7.




























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