8.14.16 Bulletin News

Prayer requests & updates:
Kristen Bass had to be taken to the ER due to high blood pressure. She is doing better. Randy Gallagher has ulcers on the bottom of his left foot. Rylind Higgins had a hernia repaired. Rob Miller had a good check up and continues to improve. Bill Rice has been having some neck and shoulder pain and had a test performed. Jimmy Thrash’s brain seizures have stopped, but his tumor has grown double in size. They also placed a tube in his head to help drain some fluid. Ray Yontz (Jim’s dad) is in hospice care.

On-going prayers needed:
Jim Bass, Andy Benham, Bryan Biesel, Charles Boger, Barbara Brewer, Alicia Estadt, Joann Gaston, Willie Glasgow, Dorothy Heil & Judi Heil (sisters-in-law of Darla Yazombek), Jenny Harris (Bill Rice’s daughter), Kyle Hope, Chad Huntsman, Ted Huntsman, Janie Judge, Kevin Kalany, Scott Kalany, the Kidder’s uncle, Misty Landefeld, Donna Morris, Frank Nagy, Natalie Pendergrass, Tim Powell (Cory Powell’s dad), Cheryl Stefan, Joyce Stimpert, Pat Rice, Pearl Roy, Lori Witchey & Jennifer Wheeler.

In the Military:
C.J. Harding (Terry Fitch’s step-son), Jason Harris (Bill & Pat Rice’s son-in-law), Joey Stenger (Joe & Karen’s son), Colt Thomas (Karen Thomas’ step-son), & Tyrell Watson (Riley’s husband).

Our Shut-ins:
Evelyn Barker, Ella Bell, Bill & Sue Daley, Mae Deller, Wilda Freeland, Joyce Orzolek, Arlene Kopyar, Leon Smith, Jim Thrash, Marlene Trisolene & Joanne Wallner.

News & Notes: Outdoor Worship & Hot-Dog Roast:
Next Sunday night (August 21) we will have an outdoor devotional and hotdog roast (weather permitting). Bring chairs and hot dog fixings.

Teachers Needed: The new teaching quarter begins in September. We are still in need of teachers. Teaching is one of the best ways not only to serve God & the congregation, but also to grow in your own discipleship. All the teaching material will be provided, so all you need is a desire to serve and to grow. If you have questions, talk with one of the shepherds, education deacons, or Brad. If you can teach this quarter, sign up on the bulletin board.

Nursery help: We are in need of more volunteers to help in the nursery & kids class for Sunday morning on a rotating basis. Talk with the shepherds to help.

We celebrate with Aaron Barnhouse, who was baptized into Christ last week. He and his family live in Saudi Arabia. Keep him in your prayers as he begins his discipleship to Jesus!

Ladies Class: The ladies are invited for an evening of fellowship and planning for the Ladies bible study on Tuesday, August 23 at 6pm here at the building.

Encountering Jesus: Encountering Jesus continues on Wednesday!
Scott Mcdiffitt will be teaching Jesus’ encounter with a blind man from John 9v1-33.

Elder Selection Process:
We are wrapping up our discussion of the elders today. Our first step is to pray for God’s guidance in this process and God’s blessing in our work as a church. Spend time reflecting on what we have discussed, and prayerfully consider the men whom you think could serve our congregation well as shepherds. We will be providing our next steps soon.

Building project:
Things are progressing quickly in our building project. Many of the items previously listed have been accounted for through your private donations. A final report will be presented at the end of the project. A new pew is at the end of our fellowship hall. We hope you like it. The remaining cost of our pews is $43,078. The average pew is 12 feet long and cost approximately $1140. If you could help in purchasing a pew, it would be greatly appreciated. Please mark and give the funds to one of the shepherds.   —Thank You

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