

Pat Games’ (Brian’s dad) bladder surgery went well and he is recovering. Nancy Hendershot’s (Kay Sowinski’s cousin) brain cancer has returned and has spread to her eyes. Arlene Kopyar was in the hospital briefly last week due to severe dehydration. She will see a kidney specialist soon. Liam Manning (lawn mower accident) had knee surgery and is receiving physical therapy. He is scheduled for additional surgery August 18. Michael Slatt (Mike & Joyce’s son) is scheduled to see a cataract surgeon on August 29th. Jimmy Thrash has started chemotherapy.

Please continue your prayers for those for whom prayer has been requested: Jim Bass, Charles Boger,Bill Daley, Nick Felix (Nikki Vilano’s dad, lung cancer), Amy Games (recent tests), Darla Gill, Harold Hudson (back problems), Dutch Isiminger (Brenda McCreary’s dad, chemo therapy), Kevin Kalany, Bruce Lodge (Amber Hope’s dad, inoperable lung cancer), Bunky Loy, Dustin McMillan (summer internship), Bill Rodak, Adam Sambuco (in China), Bill Saunders (knee surgery), John Sowinski (recent procedure), Donna Sterling (Darla Yazombek’s aunt), & Jacob Walton.

Please continue to pray and encourage those who are no longer able to worship with us…Evelyn Barker, Ella Bell, Bill & Sue Daley, Mae Deller, Wilda Freeland, Joyce Orzolek, Alice Shunk, Leon & June Smith, Jim Thrash, Marlene Trisolene and Joanne Wallner.

Please keep our expectant mother(s) in your prayers: Amy Higgins (Nov. 24th), Leslie Huffman (Nov. 14th) and Lindsay McKeen (February 14th).


Please continue to pray for those who are serving in the military…C.J. Arnold (Eddie’s brother, Afghanistan), Jason Harris (Bill & Pat Rice’s son-in-law), Chad Huggins, Bill Randolph (Matt’s father) and Joey Stenger (Joe & Karen’s son).  


There will be an important shepherds, deacons, and preachers meeting today at 4:30 upstairs in the MP Room.


We are planning to meet (weather permitting) at our new property at the Reservoir Road address next Sunday night (August 17th) for an evening of worship, prayer, and fellowship. Bring chairs and hotdogs & other fixings for a hot dog roast.


If you or your child has received any camp awards, please let Joyce know by today. Thank you!


     The Summer Series on Wednesday night continues this week. The theme this year is “Blessed.” Jerry Moore will be teaching “Rich: How’s That?” from Ephesians 1.1-14.


On Sunday mornings at 9am and Wednesday nights at 7pm we have Bible classes for adults and children of all ages. These classes are a great opportunity for you and your family to grow in the knowledge and understanding of God’s word. We hope you’ll join us!


Your old eyeglasses (especially ones for reading) are needed for various mission points.

We are still collecting cartridges from Inkjets and Faxes to help with the church office supplies.

     We are continuing to collect the fronts of used greeting cards. (No Christmas Cards, please.)

     “Box Tops for Education” and “Campbell’s Labels for Education” are needed by Mid-Western Children’s Home. Only the UPC label is necessary. To save time and shipping expense, please cut the label out before placing them in the box in the hallway.

     If you want to help with any of these ongoing ministries, please bring the items and place them in the appropriate containers on the table in the hallway


There are gleaner cans available on the table in the back hallway to collect your loose change to help with the Potter’s Children’s Home.


What is the resurrection and when will we be raised? How will the resurrection affect me personally? What kind of body will we have in the resurrection? In this lesson, we’ll explore what the Bible says about resurrection.

Next week’s lesson by Phil Sanders is, “The Resurrection”. The program can be seen locally every Sunday, 7:30a.m. on WTRF-TV, Ch. 7.


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