

    Riley McDiffitt is recovering from last Wednesday’s extraction of her wisdom teeth. Jennifer Wheeler, Amy Nestor’s mother, continues to experience severe facial pain. Genevieve Saunders, Dot’s mother-in-law, experienced a debilitating stroke last Monday.   Carson Anderson, a one-year old friend of the Bearups, is recovering in Children’s Hospital in Pittsburgh from surgery to remove blood from between his brain and his skull.   Joey Rankin, a friend of one of Carol Kovachic’s co-workers, has been diagnosed with 2 tumors on his brain.

Our prayers continue for those for whom they have been requested recently…Kate Bain, Karen Barbe (mobility problems), Harold Hudson, Judy Kinemond (Mary Donna Wodarcyk’s daughter-in-law), Charles Lucas  (father of Jodie Vickers and Mary Zink), Albert Phillips (Amy Gray’s brother),   Mia Rathe, a 3-year old friend of the Dukes) and Peg Spielvogel.

Please continue praying for and encouraging those who are no longer able to worship with us regularly…Evelyn Barker, Ella Bell, Bill & Sue Daley, Mae Deller,  Wilda Freeland, Bertha Kettlewell, Bill Kopyar, Joyce Orzolek, Alice Shunk, Leon & June Smith, Jim  Thrash, Jimmy Thrash , Marlene Trisolene and Joanne Wallner.

Those serving in the military need our continued prayers…Jason Harris (Bill & Pat Rice’s son-in-law), Chad Huggins, Bill Randolph (Matt’s father), Nathan Rodak (Jay & Rhonda’s son in Afghanistan) and Joey Stenger (Joe & Karen’s son in Kenya).  C.J. Arnold, Eddie’s brother, has recently been deployed to Afghanistan.


We are saddened by the death of Ernie Hickenbottom, one of former members, who died last Wednesday in Columbus.


We congratulate Wayne & Charlotte Patton on last Monday’s birth of their new grand-daughter, Kylie Patton, who was born to their son and daughter-in-law, David & Katherine Patton. She weighed 8 lbs. 8 oz. and measured 20 1/4 inches long.  All are home and doing well.


This summer’s theme “Hard Sayings and Neglected Commands of Jesus” has been a very encouraging and challenging one so far.  This coming Wednesday, Jamie Judge will lead the class in discussing the topic “Invite The Right Crowd” using Luke 14:12-14 as the basis of his lesson.


This summer’s VBS will begin in 3 weeks as we study the theme,  “Peter, A Fisher of Men.”  If you would like to help in any way, please contact Dennie Green.  The sessions will be each evening 6:30-8:30, for Ages 3-Grade 6 as well as a class for adults led by preachers from the area.  There are still Post Cards on the table in the foyer which you can use to invite your friends and family to come with you.

We will need help this coming Saturday at 9:00 a.m. to transport the construction materials to the church building.  We will also need help on Thursday and Friday evening as well as Saturday morning before VBS to construct the Centers.  On Aug. 10, help will be needed to remove and store the construction materials.  If you can help on any or all of these days, please sign the list on the bulletin board.

If you would like to donate money to help purchase food items for the VBS Bakery and refreshments, give the cash to Kathy Green by this coming Wednesday, July 24.

Tubes from toilet tissue and paper towels are needed for VBS. Please bring them and place them in the box on the table in the hallway.

PICTORIAL DIRECTORY                    

We need your photograph if you have not had it taken yet for our new Pictorial Directory.  Please sign the list on the bulletin board and then contact Brad Schrum, Joyce Slatt or Kay Sowinski to be photographed.


Weather permitting, we are planning to worship on the Reservoir Road property next Sunday evening at 6:00 after which we will have a wiener roast.


   Due to Brad and several of the youth being at Camp Concern, there will be no weekly devotional this week.  The TND will resume on Aug. 1 at Rich & Julie Daley’s.


The camping season at Camp Concern is entering its third week as the 11 & 12 year olds attend Intermediate Week.  Several of our church family will be serving on the staff.

So we can honor all those who win awards at a church camp this year, please write their names, the camp’s name and week in which they participated and any award(s) they won and give it to Everett or Joyce by Sunday, Aug. 11.  We are planning to publish them in the August 18th bulletin.


Your old eyeglasses, cartridges for Inkjets and Faxes, greeting card fronts (No Christmas cards, please), “Box Tops for Education” and “Campbell’s Labels for Education” are needed for areas of work.  Please bring them and place them in the appropriate bins on the table in the hallway.


The apostle Paul urged the church at Corinth not to go beyond the things that are written (1 Cor. 4:6).  In next week’s presentation, “Do Not Go Beyond,”  Phil Sanders will examine the necessity of staying without the bounds of the Scriptures.  The weekly television broadcast can be viewed every Sunday at 7:30 a.m. on WTRF-TV, Ch. 7.


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