
Angel Baker is recovering from last Wednesday’s surgery on the septum in her nose. Debbie Roach cut part of her finger off in an accident at work a few days ago. The reattachment seems to be healing well. Vera Perry is to undergo more tests this week in preparation for her upcoming hip replacement surgery. It was great having Kevin Kalany home for a visit last weekend. He returned to Morgantown on Monday. Curtis Blake, Darlene Straub’s father, was transferred to Liza’s Place last Wednesday.
Kenneth Swisher’s heart surgery a few weeks ago was not successful and he is now waiting for a heart transplant. (He is Vonda’s stepson.)  Donna Morris, a good friend of Bunky Loy, had to go to the emergency room last Wednesday with an undetermined illness. Bill White, Tina Hayes’ brother-in-law, is improving after being hospitalized last week with a high fever.
Raymon Higgs, Brenda Sponhaltz’s father, is now home. Terry Caldwell, the preacher for the Jacobsburg congregation, is recovering from open-heart bypass surgery. Tyler Thornberry, Terry’s grandson who worships with us frequently along with his family, is recovering from strep throat and mononucleosis. He will undergo more tests at Columbus Children’s Hospital in the near future. Terry Ward, the wife of one of Brent Hatcher’s co-workers is suffering from leukemia.
Cailey Moore is traveling in Europe. Let’s pray for her safety.
Let’s continue our prayers for whom they have been requested recently… Jim Bass (Mary’s son), Kristin Davia (Union Local’s social worker), Linda Denney, Wanda Dunham (Becky Groves’ mother), Jonathan Gaston (Mike’s nephew), Shelli Glasgow, Faith Hilton (Bunky Loy’s granddaughter), Nancy Hudson, Joelle Jones, Brenda Mullen (Sowinskis’ neighbor), Randy Nolte, Charles Oberdick (Kim Clark’s cousin), Ray & Dana Ramsay, Edie Roberts, Joe Santini (Heather’s husband), Francis Satterfield (Terrie Gaston and Sally McDiffitt’s father), Peggy Sharpe (one of our former members), Peg Spielvogel and Lauren Symanek (Wayne Patton’s niece).
Our expectant mother, Leslie Huffman, continues to need our prayers (February).

Those of our church family and extended church family who are serving in the military need our continued prayers… Nathan Rodak (Bill & Joan’s grandson), Marc & Kristen Roy (Pearl Roy’s grandson & granddaughter), Joe Stenger and Dylan Usenick.

We want to congratulate Jerry Moore and Pam Butterworth who were united in marriage in a private ceremony yesterday afternoon here at the church building.

We congratulate Leah Miller on her recently becoming engaged to Brad Hannahs. A wedding date is yet to be determined.

The Thursday Night Devotional (TND) will be at Camp Concern this coming Thursday. Contact Brad for more details and transportation.

Some of our teens, ages 15-18, will be leaving this afternoon for a week at Camp Concern. The week for Ages 13 and 14 will begin next Sunday. Let’s keep all the youth and adults who will be participating in a Christian camp this summer in our prayers. Registration Forms are still available for Camp Concern on the table in the foyer.
If your child wins any awards at any Christian camp, please write the name of the camp, the week they attended and the awards they won on a card and give it to Joyce so they can be announced in a later bulletin.

Our annual VBS during which we will focus on “The Life of Moses” is less than one month away—Aug. 8-12. There will be classes for Ages 3-Grade 6 and Adults 6:30-8:30 each evening, Monday-Thursday, and the Closing Program will be on Friday at 7:00 p.m. If you would like to help in any way, please contact Dennie Green.

“Going…Can Be Dangerous Risky Work” will be the topic of Jerry Moore’s lesson during this coming Wednesday’s Adult Class. He will use Acts 9:11 as the basis of the discussion.

Everyone is encouraged to return this evening for our time of worship and for a period of informal fellowship afterwards during which we will honor those with Birthdays and Wedding Anniversaries in July. Care Group A will be in charge of the arrangements.

The shepherds would like to thank the following people for helping seal and paint the church’s parking lots: Alex Cannon, Caleb Hayes, Dustin McMillan, Ralph Roach, Harry Roberts, Brad Schrum and Kyle Sowinski as well as Mike Slatt and Nancy Miller for all the water and going and “fetching” everything else. We saved about $7,000.00 by doing it ourselves. Thanks again for your hard work.

“Is Marriage Obsolete?” is the announced topic of Phil Sanders’ lesson for next week’s broadcast. The program can be seen every Sunday at 7:30 a.m. on WTRF-TV, ch. 7.

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