

Bill Kopyar is recovering at home from last Monday’s successful cataract surgery. Harry Schrum remains in Cumberland Pointe where he is recovering from recent falls.  Pat Rice is to undergo surgery in the University of Virginia on June 11 to help correct her double vision. Jocelyn Davis is recovering from last Wednesday’s hernia surgery. It was great to have Charles Boger back with us last Sunday for the first time since his illness began Feb. 2nd.  Susan Foy, Ethel Kent’s daughter, has been diagnosed with a return of her cancer.  She will undergo chemotherapy and radiation treatments. Grace Randolph, Matt’s grandmother, had a pace maker installed a few days ago and is doing well at home.  Mike Tribbie, one of our former members who now worships with the St. Joe congregation, is recovering from the recent removal of one of his kidneys.  He was hoping to return home the latter part of last week. Tammy Baker, a friend of Mary Donna Wodarcyk, was to begin treatments last week in OSU Hospital for a benign brain tumor.  Tammy’s mother, Mildred Donley, is now home recovering from a recent stroke.

Your prayers are still needed for Louis Bain (Kate’s husband), Evelyn Barker, Holly Bine (Pat Rice’s brother, cancer), Frankie Carnes, (Amanda Schrum’s grandmother), Clyde Carpenter, Brian Games, Libby Gregory (Stacie Bearup’s mother), Harold Hudson, Kevin Kalany, Gina Marinnuci (Rich Daley’s cousin), Vera Perry and Peg Spielvogel.

Our shut-ins need your continued prayers…Bill & Sue Daley, Mae Deller, Wilda Freeland, Virginia Orrison, Joyce Orzolek, Bill Richards, Leon & June Smith, Vonda Swisher, Jim & Pam Thrash, Marlene Trisolene, Joanne Wallner and Bill White.

We were happy to learn last Sunday that Jamie, Leslie and Camden Judge are expecting an addition to their family in December.  Tim & Lindsay McKeen are in need of our prayers as they draw nearer to becoming parents for the first time in July.

Please pray for our military personnel…Nathan Rodak (Jay & Rhonda’s son) and  Joey Stenger (Joe & Karen’s son).   Jason Harris, Bill & Pat Rice’s son-in-law, will leave for Afghanistan in September.


Our genuine sympathy is extended to the family of Dorothy Kimble in her death last Monday.  Her funeral was Thursday.  She will truly be missed by her StC church family.

We sympathize with Brenda Sponhaltz and her family in last Tuesday’s death of her father, Ramon Higgs.  His funeral was Friday.

We extend our sympathy to Dave Conway in last Monday’s death of his father, Rawley Conway, who was a member of the Bethesda congregation. His funeral was Friday.

Our deepest sympathy is extended to Amber Hope in the May 25th death of her step-mother, Deborah Lodge, after a long battle with Lou Gehrig’s Disease.

We also extend our deepest sympathy to Pam Moore in the recent death of her uncle, John Benesh. His funeral was last Tuesday in Bellaire.

We extend our genuine sympathy to Jesse Blacker in the accidental death of his cousin, Jason Hupp a few days ago.


We congratulate the following who will be graduating from OSU this spring:  Justin Gallagher (Material Science & Engineering; Minor in Business), Jerry Hatcher (Agriculture) and his fiancée, Kelley Westervelt (Horticulture).  Becky Bigler graduates from OUE with a degree in Education. We congratulate all of them on their accomplishments.


The church family is invited to a Graduation Party in honor of Dustin McMillan’s graduation at the Beach Shelter at Barkcamp State Park, June 9, 1:00-8:00 p.m.

Ashley Gaston’s family will be hosting a Graduation Party for her on July 14, 1-4 p.m., at their house.

The family of Emily Vickers invites everyone to her Graduation Party on Monday, June 11, at their home.  Please sign the list on the bulletin board, if you are planning to attend.


The second of the summer Thursday Night Devotionals (TND’s) will be at the McDiffitts’ this coming Thursday, 7-9 p.m.  A complete schedule of Youth Activities for the summer is on the bulletin board.


There will be an afternoon of activities and devotionals for those in Grades 1-6 today from 1:00 to 3:00 here at the church building.  Contact Brad for more details.


Following this evening’s worship service, everyone is invited to meet in the MP Room for the Monthly Fellowship  during which those with Birthdays or Wedding Anniversaries in June will be honored.  In conjunction, we will also be honoring Leah Miller & Brad Hannahs in their upcoming wedding.  Care Group B will be in charge of the Fellowship and Group C will be in charge of the Shower.


Our Summer Adult Bible Study Series on “The Portraits of Christ in John” started last Wednesday.  This coming Wednesday, Mike Vilano will present the lesson “Jesus, The Encourager” using John 14 as his text.


Wayne & Carleen Wheeler’s new phone number is 740-296-5232.


Our Summer Quarter Bible Classes begins this morning.  Only the teachers will change classes.  The students won’t change classes until September.


We are scheduled to lead the worship service for the residents at Forest Hills at 2:30 next Sunday afternoon.


Teams 2,3&5 will lead our ministry of encouragement for the next two weeks.


Everyone is invited to the celebration of Alice Riley’s 100th Birthday this coming Saturday, June 9 (1-3 p.m.), in the Fellowship Hall of the Wheeling Congregation.  Alice is Edie Roberts’ mother and a long-time member of the Wheeling church.


Next week’s lesson topic is “Living With Faith.” The program can be seen at 7:30 a.m. every Sunday on WTRF-TV, Ch. 7.
















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