5.22.16 Bulletin
Prayer Requests
New requests & updates:
Karen Dunfee is having complications from multiple blood clots. Charlotte Patton had a biopsy of her esophagus. She will get results later this week, but the doctor thought everything looked good. Lori Reeb (40 yr old from Colerain) has tumors on her spine. Jimmy Thrash received a good report that his tumor is shrinking. Jim Yontz’s dad is in the hospital with low hemoglobin. He was to receive a transfusion.
On-going prayers needed:
Jim Bass, Charles Boger, Barbara Brewer, Alicia Estadt, Ken Frye, Dave Games, Willie Glasgow, Chad Huntsman, Ted Huntsman, Janie Judge, Kevin Kalany, Scott Kalany, Misty Landefeld, Melissa Lott, Joe Maiorana (a friend of Joe Ham), RJ & Andrea Nolte’s sister-in-law (pregnancy complications), Pat Rice, Francis Satterfield, Dot Saunders, Mike Slatt, Cheryl Stefan, Joyce Stimpert, Ken Wiley (knee surgery) Lori Witchey.
In the Military:
Please pray for those who are serving in the military:
C.J. Harding (Terry Fitch’s step-son), Jason Harris (Bill & Pat Rice’s son-in-law), Joey Stenger (Joe & Karen’s son) & Tyrell Watson (Riley’s husband). Our Shut-ins: Evelyn Barker, Ella Bell, Bill & Sue Daley, Mae Deller, Wilda Freeland, Joyce Orzolek, Bill & Arlene Kopyar, Leon Smith, Jim Thrash, Marlene Trisolene & Joanne Wallner.
News & Notes
Last ladies class: The ladies class will be meeting at the building on Tuesday at 6 pm. This week is the last class before a break for the summer.
Honoring graduates
We will be honoring our graduating high school seniors next Sunday morning. Come show your love as they enter the next stage of life.
Youth led worship
Make plans to join us for a special time of worship next Sunday evening (6pm). Our teens will be leading us. This is a great opportunity to support our teens as they grow in leadership and to be encouraged in worship.
5th Sunday Contribution
Next Sunday is a 5th Sunday, which means our contribution will go toward the building project.
Graduation parties
The McDiffit’s are hosting a graduation party for Kaleb on Monday, May 30th from 5-8pm. If you plan to attend, please sign the sheet on the bulletin board.
The Strauss family is holding an open house for Colten on Saturday, June 4th from 4-8 at the Youth Center in Barnesville Memorial Park.
Teen devotionals
The first TND (Thursday Night Devotional) for the teens will be Thursday at Bakers’ at 7pm.
Relay for Life is June 11th from 11am-11pm. If you would like to help in any capacity, please sign up by filling out a form, or online at www.relayforlife.org/belmontcounty. You can order a luminary to honor those who have struggled with cancer. Forms are on the table in the hallway. Cost is $10. Team members will personalize the bags. You can provide a photo or a poem or short message to add to the bag. See Kay Sowinski for more info.
Friday Night Sing
7:00 pm – June 3, 2016
North Suburban Church of Christ
Carrollton, Ohio