

Gail Bigler is having stomach problems. Harold Hudson is now back at Carriage Inn in Cadiz. He has the mumps. Marie Patton (Wayne’s mother) was released from the hospital. Tests are inconclusive as to the possibility of her having a heart attack. June Smith is not doing well. Linda Workman (Jenna Conway’s mother) was transferred to a Pittsburgh hospital last week after suffering a stroke.

Please continue your prayers for those who need our continued prayers: Jim Bass, Tom Fath (Donna Hirauk’s neighbor), Bonnie Gosset, Ira Gaston, Janie Judge (Jamie’s mother), Kevin Kalany, Pat Rice, Ashley Sands, Paul Tomer, Raymond Tyler, Jimmy Thrash & Sue Wirsing.

Please continue to pray and encourage those who are no longer able to worship with us…Evelyn Barker, Ella Bell, Bill & Sue Daley, Mae Deller, Wilda Freeland, Joyce Orzolek, Alice Shunk, Leon & June Smith, Jim Thrash, Marlene Trisolene and Joanne Wallner.


Please continue to pray for those who are serving in the military: Jason Harris (Bill & Pat Rice’s son-in-law) and Joey Stenger (Joe & Karen’s son).


Kyle Digiandomenico and Emily Nowakowski are in Taiwan for a mission trip.


     We are excited to have Rick Shur from the World Bible School with us this evening. He will be speaking about their work around the world and about local outreach opportunities.


We would like to honor those graduating from high school and from college or technical school. Please write the names on a card along with the school’s name and give it to Joyce. If you have a wallet sized photo and a graduation announcement, we will need those for the bulletin board (to be returned to you). Those we have listed as graduating from high school are: Logan Cannon, Jonathan Hostetler, Julie Nowakowski & Quentin Clark. Those graduating from college are: Kyle Digiandomenico, Jessica Sowinski, Adam Sambuco, & Jacob Zink.


Beginning June 7th, we will have an attended nursery to begin after class, during the worship gathering for 1-5 year olds. We are still in need of volunteers, so if you can help, see one of the shepherds. The schedule of volunteers is as follows: June 7 – Darla Gill & Lexi Johnson; June 14 – Dot Saunders & Kristen Bass; June 21 – Stacie Cannon & Rebekah Dukes; June 28 – Lori Miller & Paula Schmidli. Michael Games and Katie Gaston will be alternates.


Today is the last day to drop off commodities for Potter Children’s Home. Items are: 30 gallon trash bags, spray & wash, bathroom tissue, bottled water, olive oil, chocolate pudding mix, and snack crackers.


Please sign up to teach the next year’s Bible classes on the bulletin board across the hall from the youth minister’s office – the quicker you sign up, the better chance of getting your top choice class. If you have questions or needs, please see Brian Games. Thanks in advance for helping with this important work!

Also, current teachers please call or text Sally McDiffitt THIS WEEK if you have classroom supplies (markers, glue, pencils, etc.) that need replenished.


The ladies class will be meeting at 6:30 instead of 6:00 each Tuesday. The class should conclude around 7:30.


The church family is invited to an Open House Graduation Party for Quentin Clark at Bunky Loy’s Cabin on Saturday, May 23rd from 1-5 p.m. RSVP by signing the sheet on the bulletin board.


     And calling the crowd to him with his disciples, he said to them, “If anyone would come after me, let him deny himself and take up his cross and follow me. For whoever would save his life will lose it, but whoever loses his life for my sake and the gospel’s will save it. For what does it profit a man to gain the whole world and forfeit his soul? (Mark 8:34-36 ESV)

What does it mean in your life to “deny” yourself? What is involved when you take your cross up daily (as a parallel passage says) and follow Jesus?


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