

Bill Daley is struggling with depression, and may have Parkinson’s and is showing signs of Alzheimer’s. Pat Games (Brian’s Dad) is now home from bladder surgery. The pathology report indicated the cancer had grown into his bladder wall. It is in stage 2, which means it is very treatable. He has begun chemo therapy. June Metcalf (Amy Games’ mom) had what they think was a mini-stroke. They’ve contacted hospice. Amy Games’ brother-in-law has colorectal cancer. He will have surgery soon. Karen Lucas had surgery on an infected leg. Adam Sambuco is in Beijing, China, working for an architecture firm for three months. Jim Strauss had surgery to remove his gall bladder last week.

Please continue your prayers for those for whom prayer has been requested:Jim Bass, Judah Blackwell (Brenda McCreary’s 3 year old nephew), Charles Boger, Hobert Bunner (Chris’s dad, cancer),Harold Hudson, Kelly Hupp, Kevin Kalany,Charles Lucas (Mary Zink’s father, Park Health), Liam Manning & family (3 yr old from Bellaire, ran over by lawn mower), Becky McCoy (Pat Rice’s daughter), Jerry Moore, Hayden O’Donnell (Mary Donna Wodarcyk’s grandson, tonsils), Vera Perry, Clarence Rice (Bill’s brother, pneumonia), Pat Rice, Peg Spielvogel, Kay Sowinski, Jimmy Thrash, Jacob Walton and Autumn Wehr (18 month old, daughter of Brad & Leah Hannah’s friends, brain tumor).

Please continue to pray and encourage those who are no longer able to worship with us…Evelyn Barker, Ella Bell, Bill & Sue Daley, Mae Deller, Wilda Freeland, Joyce Orzolek,Alice Shunk, Leon & June Smith, Jim Thrash, Marlene Trisolene and Joanne Wallner.

Please keep our expectant mothers in your prayers:Jena Frye… (boy, May) & Amy Higgins (November 24th.)


Please continue to pray for those who are serving in the military…C.J. Arnold (Eddie’s brother, Afghanistan), Jason Harris (Bill & Pat Rice’s son-in-law), Chad Huggins, Bill Randolph (Matt’s father), Nathan Rodak (Jay & Rhonda’s son, in California) and Joey Stenger (Joe & Karen’s son).  


   We will be honoring the following High School Graduates in June: Linsly-Cailey Moore; St. Clairsville-Sarah Zink; Union Local-Caleb Hayes & Katie Gaston. If we have left anyone out, please let us know.

Please give Joyce a Graduation Announcement and Senior Picture for the bulletin board.

Please notify Joyce of anyone from our church family who is graduating from College or a Technical School this Spring. Write down their names, school’s name and the students degree.


The church family is invited to a “Come & Go” Birthday Party on Monday, May 26 (2-4 p.m.) in celebration of Mabel Hutson’s 100th Birthday. If you cannot attend and would like to send a card, send it to Everett & Judy’s address. See flyer on the bulletin board for more details. RSVP appreciated.


The directories are finished! The new directory inserts are available on the table across from Brad’s office. If you need a binder, we have some available.


We are beginning to collect pantry items to donate to the Potter’s Children Home. Items we will be collecting are individual bags of potato chips, bottled water, window cleaner, canned chicken, canned pineapple slices & crushed pineapple, 9 volt batteries, and yellow cake mixes. Mike Gaston is coordinating this effort. There will be a collection box in the back hallway and one by the teen room.


Camp Concern Brochures are available on the table by the entrance door. This is a life-changing opportunity!


In order to help us best serve the congregation’s prayer needs, we keep requests for members on the list as long as necessary. Requests we receive for friends and extended family stay on the list for about three weeks, unless we receive an update. This is to ensure we are stay up-to-date. Thank you so much for your commitment to praying for others!


If you are interested in hosting summer devotional for our teens, there is a sign-up sheet on the bulletin board by the water fountain. If you have questions, see Brad.


From time to time, all of us feel the need to re-enroll the school of prayer. Recently a friend asked me to help him learn to pray more effectively. As I thought about it, I realized I need to improve my prayer life.

Next week’s lesson by Phil Sanders is, “Ask, Seek, Knock”The program can be seen locally every Sunday, 7:30a.m. on WTRF-TV, Ch. 7.


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