Wayne Patton is home after being hospitalized early last week for a blood clot in his lung . Pat Rice is improving at home after being hospitalized four days last week for a stomach virus. Charlotte Patton is improving from bronchitis and is waiting for the scheduling of rotator cuff surgery. Carleen Wheeler is better after being hospitalized last weekend with chest pains.
Joyce Moore is now under Hospice Care at Shadyside Care Center. Jimmy Thrash’s doctors told him the tumor in his head remains unchanged from his last check-up. He is to see a doctor for his back tomorrow. Judy Hutson is improving after an extended bout with a virus. Kay Sowinski has requested our prayers that the holes in her ear drum heal without surgery. Delores Burkhart who has been worshipping with us since last Fall has been experiencing some health problems which has required recent hospitalizations.
Caleb Games, Brian’s nephew, is facing possible surgery in Wheeling Hospital for a lip abscess. Ron Wilson, a neighbor of Vera Perry & Jimmy Thrash, is experiencing some serious health issues. Marietta Forest, one of Sue Beisel’s co-workers, has been diagnosed with an advanced stage of cancer of the esophagus. Christina Stephens, the fiancée of one of Julie Daley’s nephews, has requested our prayers for her 3-year old nephew, Devos, who will undergo surgery to remove his tonsils and adenoids in the near future. Kirstin Wallace, one of Kay Sowinski’s co-workers, is to undergo double hip replacement surgery sometime this summer.
Please continue praying for the following for whom our prayers have been requested: Caden Blacker, Clyde Carpenter, Scott Greenlee (co-worker of Darlene Baker, Karen Digiandomenico and Jan Ehni), Faith Hilton (Bunky Loy’s granddaughter), Donna Hirauk, Lee Hoffman, Kevin Kalany, Herb Keys (father of Jessica Harris’ brothers), Judy Kinemond (Mary Donna Wodarcyk’s daughter-in-law, cancer), Charlotte Mason (Mae Deller’s daughter, declining health due to cancer), Margaret Noling (John’s mother, shingles), Peg Spielvogel, Frank Sponhaltz, Darlene Straub, Jennifer Wheeler (Amy Nestor’s mother) and Connie Willison (one of Nancy Miller’s co-workers).
Please continue your prayers and encouragement for those who are no longer able to worship with us regularly… Evelyn Barker, Ella Bell, Bill & Sue Daley, Mae Deller, Wilda Freeland, Bill Kopyar, Joyce Orzolek, Pearl Roy, Harry Schrum, Alice Shunk, Leon & June Smith, Jim Thrash, Marlene Trisolene and Joanne Wallner.
Those serving in the military from our church family and extended church family need our continued prayers…Jason Harris (Bill & Pat Rice’s son-in-law), Chad Huggins, Bill Randolph (Matt’s father), Nathan Rodak (Jay & Rhonda’s son, is to be deployed to Afghanistan again in the near future) and Joey Stenger (Joe & Karen’s son).
We will meet in the MP Room following this evening’s service for refreshments and some informal fellowship as we honor those with Birthdays or Wedding Anniversaries during April. Care Group A will be in charge of the preparations and cleanup.
The bi-monthly meeting of the shepherds, deacons and preachers will be Sunday, April 21, at 4:30 p.m. in the MP Room.
The 8th Annual “God’s Girls’ Youth Rally” hosted by the Holiday Park church in Pittsburgh is coming up April 20 (9:45-5:45 p.m.). All girls who are in Sixth Grade through College Age are invited to participate. (See the Bulletin board across from Brad’s office for more details.)
Today is the deadline for signing up for the Junior Youth Rally hosted by the Grand Central congregation in Vienna, WV, to be held on Saturday, April 20 (9:00-3:30). If you want a T-shirt, your registration must be received by them by tomorrow. (More details and the sign-up list are on the Youth Bulletin Board across from Brad’s office. If you are planning to go, please sign the list and provide your T-shirt size.)
We are in the process of collecting items which Potter Children’s Home has requested we contribute this year. They are asking us to donate the following items: 13 gallon kitchen trash bags; water; Spray & Shout Stain Remover; canned whole tomatoes and canned refried beans. Cash for fresh foods is also needed. The deadline is May 12.
Teams 2,3&5 will lead our Ministry of Encouragement for the next two weeks.
“Box Tops for Education,” “Campbell’s Labels for Education,” used eyeglasses, ink cartridges from printers and greeting card fronts (no Christmas cards, please) are all being collected to help others. Please bring any of the items and place them in the appropriate containers in the hallway.
Did you know that you can be a Christian involved in a church without being a member of any denomination? That is what Phil Sanders will be discussing in his sermon presentation next week — “Just A Christian.” The program can be seen Sundays at 7:30 a.m. on WTRF-TV, Ch. 7.