

    Ken Frye is recovering at home from his recent appendectomy.  Harry Schrum has been in Wheeling Hospital the past week where he remains in serious condition with problems with his blood sugar.  Danny McMillan is doing better after having to be hospitalized for an irregular heartbeat a few days ago. Charlotte Patton underwent a biopsy on her thyroid last Wednesday and is to undergo rotator cuff surgery this coming Wednesday.  John Burghy is to undergo cataract surgery this coming Thursday.

    Larry Barbe, Angel Baker’s father, fractured his arm a few weeks ago.  Daphne Huffman, Paul’s mother, was in OVMC last week with blood clots in her legs. Ethel Kent has been diagnosed with  brain cancer.

The doctors strongly suspect that the problems P.J. Blake, Freda Blake’s daughter-in-law, has been experiencing are related to leukemia. Marlin Workman, Jenna Conway’s father, is recovering following the installation of a pace maker a few days ago.  Julie Daley has requested our prayers for Slovakian friends of her brother-in-law, Dan Daley, who have a new baby with serious lung problems. Randy Bernard, a friend of Jimmy Thrash, has a staph infection.

It was great to have Ed Hirauk back with us last Wednesday after an extended illness.

The following for whom our prayers have been requested recently continue to need our prayers: Caden Blacker, Delores Burkhart, Brienda Dickey (Rich & Julie Daley’s daughter), Scott Greenlee (co-worker of several of our members), Faith Hilton (Bunky Loy’s granddaughter), Kevin Kalany, Judy Kinemond (Mary Donna Wodarcyk’s daughter-in-law, cancer), Charlotte Mason (Mae Deller’s daughter), Wayne Patton, Peg Spielvogel, Frank Sponhaltz, Terry Swisher (Pat Corder’s brother), Jennifer Wheeler (Amy Nestor’s mother), Sally Williams (Amber Hope’s grandmother in Forest Hills) and Connie Willison (one of Nancy Miller’s co-workers).

Let’s continue to encourage those who are no longer able to worship with us regularly with cards, visits, calls as well as by our prayers…Evelyn Barker, Ella Bell, Bill & Sue Daley, Mae Deller, Wilda Freeland  Bill Kopyar, Joyce Orzolek, Pearl Roy, Alice Shunk, Leon & June Smith, Jim  Thrash, Marlene Trisolene and Joanne Wallner.

Please continue to pray for those from our church family and extended church family who are serving in the military as well as their families…  Jason Harris (Bill & Pat Rice’s son-in-law), Chad Huggins (now stationed in South Korea), Bill Randolph (Matt’s father), Nathan Rodak (Jay & Rhonda’s son, is now in Afghanistan) and Joey Stenger (Joe & Karen’s son).


All the men and boys are invited to the Monthly Breakfast at Eat ‘N Park this coming Saturday at 8:30 a.m.


We rejoiced last Sunday as a letter from Bob Digiandomenico was read expressing his appreciation for the encouragement he has received  from the church family and apologizing to the Lord and to His body for not maintaining his relationship with the church during a difficult time in his life.  He also requested our prayers that the Lord would help him find his place in His church… “to do His work and spread His word, as the Lord wants each of us to do.”  We welcome Bob back and pray for him as he continues his spiritual journey.


In our church family, the following are to graduate from High School this Spring: Bridgeport:  Emily Nowakowski; Home School: Rebekah Dukes and Michaela Hinkle;  St. Clairsville: Paige Hashman; Union Local: Alicia Estadt, Riley McDiffitt, Sarah Shepherd and Chelsea Turner and from Wheeling Park: Gunner Usenick.  If we have omitted anyone from our church family who is graduating from High School, please contact Joyce Slatt.

We would also like to publish the names of those graduating from College or a Technical School. Please write their names on a card along with the school’s name and the student’s degree and give it to Joyce.

PICTORIAL DIRECTORY                    

Please sign the list on the bulletin board to have your family’s picture taken for our new Pictorial Directory, if you haven’t done so yet.   If you have any questions, please contact Brad Schrum, Joyce Slatt or Kay Sowinski who will be taking the photographs.


If you are willing to teach one of the lessons during this summer’s Wednesday Adult Series, please contact Brian Games for dates and topics.


Anyone who is interested in helping in any way with VBS this summer (Aug. 5-9) is encouraged to attend the planning meeting today at 4:30 in the MP Room.


Following next Sunday evening’s worship service, we will honor those with Birthdays or Wedding Anniversaries in May during our Monthly Fellowship.  Care Group B will be in charge of the arrangements.


The schedule for helping in our educational ministry is posted on the bulletin board across from Brad’s office.  If you are willing to teach anytime during the next year, please sign the list by the class you would like to teach.


We have been requested by the representatives from Potter Children’s Home to donate the following items this year to help with caring for the children who live there:  13 gallon kitchen trash bags; water; Spray & Shout Stain Remover; canned whole tomatoes and canned refried beans. They also need cash for fresh foods.  The deadline for bringing the items and the cash is May 12.   Please place the items on the table across from Everett’s office and give any cash to him by the same date.


People hunger for food and thirst for water, but there is a hunger of the soul that is just as necessary to life.  Only God can satisfy that hunger.  Phil Sanders will discuss how we can have that hunger satisfied in next week’s presentation “Hungering For Righteousness.”  The nationally televised program can be seen locally on Sundays at 7:30 a.m. on WTRF-TV, Ch. 7.


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