

Judah Blackwell’s (Brenda McCreary’s 3 year old nephew) surgery went very well, and was not as major as they were expecting.  Kelly Hupp (Kay Sowinski’s friend, breast cancer) is suffering complications from chemotherapy.  Pat Games (Brian Games’ dad) has a large potentially cancerous and aggressive mass in his bladder. He is scheduled for surgery May 8th.  Autumn Wehr is an 18 month old girl (the daughter of Brad & Leah Hannah’s friends) who has recently been diagnosed with Ocular glioma (brain tumor). She has undergone surgery to remove part of the tumor, and will have radiation to continue to treat it.

Please continue your prayers for those for whom prayer has been requested: Michael Baldwin’s father (heart transplant), Jim Bass, Charles Boger, Hobert Bunner (Chris’s dad, cancer), Ryan Denham, Tom Denney (Homer & Linda’s son), Randy Gallagher, Ed Hirauk, Harold Hudson, Kevin Kalany, Scott Kalany (Kevin’s cousin, leukemia in remission), Nelson Gaston (Mike’s dad), Charles Lucas (Mary Zink’s father, Park Health), Becky McCoy (Pat Rice’s daughter), June Metcalf (Amy Games’ mother), Helen Miller (Randy Nolte’s mother), Jerry Moore, Vera Perry, Pat Rice, Jamie Rohr (Christian Burghy’s mother). Christian is John & Donna Burghy’s grandson. Peg Spielvogel, Kay Sowinski, Donna Sterling (Darla Yazombek’s aunt, stroke), Jimmy Thrash, Bill Visnic, (Charlotte Patton’s neighbor, shingles), Jacob Walton & Mary Donna Wodarcyk .

Please continue to pray and encourage those who are no longer able to worship with us…Evelyn Barker, Ella Bell, Bill & Sue Daley, Mae Deller, Wilda Freeland, Joyce Orzolek,Alice Shunk, Leon & June Smith, Jim Thrash, Marlene Trisolene and Joanne Wallner.

Please keep our expectant mothers in your prayers:Jena Frye… (boy, May) & Amy Higgins (November 24th.)


Please continue to pray for those who are serving in the military…C.J. Arnold (Eddie’s brother, Afghanistan), Jason Harris (Bill & Pat Rice’s son-in-law), Chad Huggins, Bill Randolph (Matt’s father), Nathan Rodak (Jay & Rhonda’s son, in California) and Joey Stenger (Joe & Karen’s son).  


The church family is invited to a “Come & Go” Birthday Party on Monday, May 26 (2-4 p.m.) in celebration of Mabel Hutson’s 100th Birthday. If you cannot attend and would like to send a card, send it to Everett & Judy’s address. See flyer on the bulletin board for more details. RSVP appreciated.


The directories are finished! The new directory inserts are available on the table across from Brad’s office. If you need a binder, we have some available.


     We inadvertently listed Joey Vilano as pictured in the directory, but it should read Tony instead. Joey was not pictured. Please make note of the correction in your directory, and sorry for the inconvenience!


We extend our sympathy to Terrie Gaston at the passing of her aunt Alberta Rine last Sunday morning.

We also extend our sympathy to Karen Lucas at the passing of her cousin Ruth Johnson on Monday.


Congratulations to Amy and Ryan Higgins! They are expecting their second child, due November 24th.


Jena and Ben Frye are expecting their first child soon. If you would like to give money toward a gift card for them and their new baby, please give it to Joyce or Linda Gooch by next Sunday, May 4th.


All the men and boys are invited to the monthly breakfast at Eat ‘N Park this coming Saturday at 8:30 a.m.


We will gather for a fellowship meal after our evening worship time next Sunday to honor those with birthdays and anniversaries in April. Care group C will be in charge.


We are beginning to collect pantry items to donate to the Potter’s Children Home. Items we will be collecting are individual bags of potato chips, bottled water, window cleaner, canned chicken, canned pineapple slices & crushed pineapple, 9 volt batteries, and yellow cake mixes. Mike Gaston is coordinating this effort. There will be a collection box in the back hallway and one by the teen room.


There will be an important VBS planning meeting this afternoon (April 27th), at 4:30 in the multi-purpose room. All interested in helping with VBS are encouraged to come.


If you or your children are graduating from high school, college, or technical school, please write it down and give it to Joyce or Brad.


Next week’s lesson by Phil Sanders is, “Salvation In Christ”The program can be seen locally every Sunday, 7:30a.m. on WTRF-TV, Ch. 7.


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