4.19.2015 Bulletin
Carolyn Campbell has been sick. Randy Gallagher was sick last week. Ira Gaston (Mike’s dad) is having continued health problems. Harold Hudson has been moved to Peterson Rehabilitation in Wheeling. He was doing much better on Wednesday. Patricia Massey (related to Clyde Carpenter’s niece) has bone cancer. She had surgery last week on her broken arm. Pat Rice fainted last week and was taken to the hospital, but she is home and doing better. Paul Tomer (Wayne Patton’s brother-in-law) is in the hospital with heart problems and is on dialysis.
Please continue your prayers for those who need our continued prayers: Jim Bass, Delores Burkhart, Leslie Chunney (a friend of Bob Digiandomenico), Bob Digiandomenco, Hines Ford, Ruth Frye (Doug’s mom), Jane Hardy, (Bill Rice’s sister, brain tumor), Janie Judge (Jamie’s mom, cancer), Kevin Kalany, David Pyle (Chris Davis’ uncle, cancer), Ashley Sands (Amanda Schrum’s sister, pregnancy), Nancy Stonebraker (Kathy Green’s mom) Raymond Tyler (a friend of Vera Perry), & Jimmy Thrash.
Please continue to pray and encourage those who are no longer able to worship with us…Evelyn Barker, Ella Bell, Bill & Sue Daley, Mae Deller, Wilda Freeland, Joyce Orzolek, Alice Shunk, Leon & June Smith, Jim Thrash, Marlene Trisolene and Joanne Wallner.
Please continue to pray for those who are serving in the military: Jason Harris (Bill & Pat Rice’s son-in-law) and Joey Stenger (Joe & Karen’s son).
It was announced Sunday night at our meeting that we have been approved for our loan for the new building project, and we will be entering the construction phase soon! Be praying for the project and our mission as a church. And be sure to look at the drawing in the foyer!
The weekend of May 2-3, Keaton Forsythe, a potential youth minister, will be coming to spend time with the teens and the congregation. He will be leading a teen devotional on Saturday night (we will need a family to host), leading a class for teens and parents on Saturday, and will be presenting the Sunday night message. Please be praying for Keaton and this process.
We would like to publish the names of those graduating from high school and from college or a technical school. Please write the names on a card along with the school’s name and give it to Joyce. If you have a wallet sized photos and a graduation announcement, we will need those for the bulletin board (to be returned to you). Those we have listed as graduating from high school are: Logan Cannon & Quentin Clark from St. Clairsville and Julie Nowakowski from Bridgeport.
There will be a money tree shower in conjunction with our May fellowship for Matt and Juliana Randolph. You may give your money to Linda Gooch or Joyce Slatt.
The ladies class will continue to meet on Tuesday at 6pm, upstairs in the MP room.
We welcome Kristen Bass to our family here in St.C. She has transferred her membership from the Marysville church. She will be in Care Group A.
Congratulations to Sam & Delores Burkhart at the birth of their 8th Great Grandchild. Locklyn Rae Brown was born April 8. Prayers are requested for her mother, Alyson Brown.
From now until May 17 we will be collecting commodities for Potter Children’s Home. Needed items are: 30 gallon trash bags, spray & wash, bathroom tissue, bottled water, olive oil, chocolate pudding mix, and snack crackers.
There is a sign-up sheet on the bulletin board in the back hallway for anyone interested in receiving a complimentary subscription to The Christian Chronicle (a brotherhood newspaper).
And Jesus, aware of this, said to them, “Why are you discussing the fact that you have no bread? Do you not yet perceive or understand? Are your hearts hardened? Having eyes do you not see, and having ears do you not hear? And do you not remember? (Mark 8:17-18 ESV)
Jesus chastised the disciples for “discussing the fact that you have no bread.” Is he calling them to and expecting them to have rock solid faith or something else? What might have been a better response for the disciples facing the fact they were facing? How should we appropriately respond to our difficult facts in life?