Congregational Meeting We will have a congregational meeting tonight after an abbreviated worship time. We will be discussing the progress of the building project.
Teen Thursday Night Devotionals There is a signup sheet to host the teen summer devotionals on the bulletin board in the back of the fellowship hall, by the nursery. There is one more spot!
Bible Classes Our bible classes are a great way to learn more about the Scriptures and to grow closer together as a church. If you are not currently involved, you are invited to join us! We have classes for all ages on Sundays at 9am and Wednesdays at 7pm. The adult class is studying the book of Hosea on Sunday morning and 2 Thessalonians on Wednesday. We hope you join us!
Graduates We will be honoring our graduates on May 29th. We will need the name, school, (and if applicable, degree) for all graduates (high school, university, technical school, etc). Please give that information to Joyce.
Summer Series We are preparing for our Wednesday Night Summer series in the adult class. The theme is “Encountering Jesus,” exploring various stories of people meeting Jesus in the Gospels. We need some of our men to volunteer to teach a class. If you would like to teach, see Jamie Judge.
Relay for Life We are going to put together a walking team and host a booth at Relay for Life on June 11th. If you would like to help in any capacity, please sign up by clicking here. We need people to help with all aspects of the event: fundraising, booth ideas and setup, and walking at the event. For more information email Keaton.
You can order luminaria to honor those who have struggled with cancer and help raise funds. Cost is $10. See Kay Sowinski or pick up a form.
There will be a planning meeting next Sunday (April 24th) at 4:30.
Every Monday evening in April, Denny’s Diner is having fundraiser nights for Relay for Life. If you are interested in financially supporting Relay for Life, pick up a flyer by the bulletins. For each flyer that is turned in with a check, Denny’s will donate 15% of the check. You must have the flyer with you to participate.
Women’s Bible Study The ladies class will be meeting at the building this Tuesday at 6pm.
Construction Photos Photos of the on-going construction are available on the church website.
Ways to Get Involved One of the best ways to grow in your faith is to get involved. Here are just a few ways you can get plugged in!
- Pray for those who are sick and hurting & writing cards for them.
- Take food or provide other assistance to the sick and those who are grieving.
- Go out of your way to welcome guests in our worship gatherings.
- Volunteer to teach or assist in our Children’s Ministry. No experience needed, just a willingness to serve
- Visit, call and write our shut-ins.
- Come up with creative ways we can fulfill our mission to love God and to love people.