2.21.16 Bulletin

Prayer Requests New requests & updates: Sam Burkhart recently had surgery. Mike Slatt had hip replacement surgery on Tuesday. He is in Belmont Community Hosptial for rehab. Sandy Stanford (Bruce’s sister-in-law) had to have a second surgery due to a blood clot. She is now home.

On-going prayers needed: Freddy Bahmer (student of Leah Hannahs), Evelyn Barker, Jim Bass, Charles Boger, Barbara Brewer, Sharon Fetzer, Chester Hainey (Park Health Nursing Home), Nancy Hendershot (Kay’s cousin), Steve Hildebrand (our contractor) Chad Huntsman, Janie Judge, Molly Leonard (Burkhart’s daughter), Katey Leonard (Molly’s Leonard’s daughter), Melissa Lott, Curtis McBride, Becky McCoy (Pat Rice’s daughter), Pat Rice, Matt Rodak, John Sambucco (back surgery),  Jimmy Thrash, Bryan Tinnel & family, Stephanie Tweedlie (Bruce Stanford’’s cousin), Lori Witchey (Barb Tetlow’s daughter), Sergio Vilano & Joan Wolfgong.

Please pray for those who are serving in the military: C.J. Harding (Terry Fitch’s step-son), Jason Harris (Bill & Pat Rice’s son-in-law), Joey Stenger (Joe & Karen’s son) and Tyrell Watson (Riley’s husband).

EXPECTANT MOTHER: Please keep Jena Frye in your prayers. She is due in March.

News & Notes
BAPTISMS: We celebrate with Keith & David Palmer, who were baptized into a new life with Christ on Friday.  They will likely worship with the St. Joe. Rd. church.

RELAY FOR LIFE: There will be a brief interest meeting following our Wednesday evening devotional this week (2-24) for anyone interested in helping with Relay for Life.

SPRING TEACHING QUARTER: The Spring Teaching Quarter begins in March, and we are still in need of several teachers. Please check the schedule on the bulletin board in the back and sign up.

WOMEN’S BIBLE STUDY: The Women’s Bible Study will be meeting on Tuesday, at 6pm. The discussion will begin to work through a study of Hebrews, using Perfected by Erynn Sprouse.

CONSTRUCTION PHOTOS Photos of the on-going construction are available on the church website. The link is in the top menu on the homepage. They are updated regularly.

THANK YOU: Brad and Amanda thanks everyone for all the prayers and support. Baby Schrum has a name as of this printing. Her name is Isabelle Grace. Everyone is doing well.

SHUT-INS: Please continue to pray for and encourage those who can no longer worship with us: Evelyn Barker, Ella Bell, Bill & Sue Daley, Mae Deller, Wilda Freeland, Joyce Orzolek, Leon Smith, Jim Thrash, Marlene Trisolene & Joanne Wallner.

WINTERFEST: Be sure to keep our teens & chaperones in your prayers as they travel back from Winterfest in Gatlinburg, TN today.

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