

Pam Thrash was hospitalized over night early last week for blood clots and cellulitis. Jimmy Thrash is to consult with his doctor in Columbus tomorrow regarding the tumor inside his head. Harold Hudson was to have several teeth pulled last week.  Wilda Freeland is undergoing physical therapy to strengthen her legs. We’re thankful for Brian Games having completed his physical therapy last Tuesday. Jeff Bigler is undergoing treatment for his persistent back pain.

Justin Glasgow is at home recovering from surgery to remove a piece of glass from his foot. Mary Zink consulted with a specialist in Cleveland Clinic a few days ago for the problems she has been experiencing with the circulation in her legs.

Tom Denney, Homer & Linda’s son, is in Bellaire Hospital.  Ryan Higgins, Amy’s husband, will not have to undergo surgery on his knee.  Sue Wirsing’s lesions in her head have all disappeared and she is doing much better. She is still in Nashville with her daughter.

Paul Moore, Brenda Sponhaltz’s brother-in-law, had to return to the OSU Hospital early last week due to his recurring health problems.  Jerry Yost, the preacher for the church of Christ in Duffy, OH, is in serious condition in the WVU Hospital in Morgantown.

We were sorry to hear of last Monday’s death of Megan Burgy, an 8-year old student at St. C. elementary, after being hospitalized for a couple of weeks following being found face down in a bathtub.

Kyle Digiandomenico left yesterday for a  mission trip to Guatemala.  He is to return home this coming Saturday.

Let’s continue praying for John Baker (Darlene’s brother-in-law, mobile home fire),  Clyde Carpenter, Susan Foy (Bill Rice’s niece, cancer), Jim Higgins (Amy’s father-in-law), Faith Hilton (Bunky Loy’s granddaughter), Judy Kinemond  (Mary Donna Wodarcyk’s daughter-in-law, cancer), Steve Lattocha, Brenda McCreary, Charlotte Mason (Mae Deller’s daughter, cancer), Peg Spielvogel, Lyn Pacifico (Kay Sowinski’s cousin) and Jill Zatezalo.

Please continue to pray for Leslie Judge as her delivery time draws nearer.

Please continue praying and encouraging our shut-ins…Evelyn Barker, Bill & Sue Daley, Mae Deller, Wilda Freeland, Bill Kopyar, Joyce Orzolek, Harry Schrum, Alice Shunk, Leon & June Smith, Vonda Swisher, Jim  Thrash, Marlene Trisolene and Joanne Wallner.


Teams 1 & 5 will lead our Ministry of Encouragement for the next two weeks.


Those men from our church family and extended church family who are serving in the armed forces continue to need our prayers…Jason Harris (Bill & Pat Rice’s son-in-law), Bill Randolph (Matt’s father—to return to the states from Afghanistan within a few days), Nathan Rodak (Jay & Rhonda’s son) and  Joey Stenger (Joe & Karen’s son).


We rejoice in the baptism of Melissa McClelland into Christ on Nov. 9 here at the building.  Melissa is Sandy Devore’s granddaughter and lives with her husband, Rich, and 3 children in Cadiz.  She will be worshipping with the Freeport congregation.


We congratulate Breck & Ken Roth on last Monday’s arrival of their second daughter, Lakelyn Loure.  She weighed 6 lbs. 1 oz. and measured 18 inches long.  All are home and doing well.


This coming Wednesday evening, we will spend our time together in remembering and celebrating God’s working in our lives.  Everyone will meet in the auditorium for our annual Wednesday evening  “Thanksgiving Devotional.”  There will be no individual classes.


If you would like to donate some cash toward the Money-Tree for Jerry & Kelly Hatcher who were recently married,  please give the money to Gail Bigler, Amy Games or Pam Moore by Wednesday, Nov. 28.  The tree will be presented to them during the Bridal Shower to be held in conjunction with the December Fellowship on Dec. 2.


Donations are still being accepted by Julie Daley for the fund for Samantha Gooch whose mother recently passed away.  Please make checks payable to “Adam Gooch.”


Due to Thanksgiving Day being this week, the Quilting Ministry will not meet. They will resume meeting on Thursday, Nov. 29, at 10:00 a.m. in the MP Room.


If you are willing to substitute in teaching the 3rd & 4th Grade Class or the 4,5&K class, please contact Angel Baker.


Please sign the list on the bulletin board  if you are willing to prepare the Lord’s Supper for one month during 2013.  If you have any questions, please ask Linda Gooch or Judy Hutson.


We have only two more weeks to fill the Gleaner Cans to help support the children at Potter Children’s Home.  Please bring the cans by Sunday, Dec. 2, and put them in the box across from Everett’s office.  If you have not been using the Cans to save your loose change and would still like to help the children, you can give your cash or check to Everett by the same date.  Please make the checks payable to “Potter Children’s Home.”


According to Will Durant, the greatest question of our day or any day is whether man can bear to live without God. We need the God of heaven, whether we know it or not.  In next week’s presentation, Phil Sanders will discuss our need for God in more detail in the lesson, “Do We Need God?”  The nationally televised program can be viewed every Sunday at 7:30 a.m. on WTRF-TV, Ch. 7.




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