Ray Ramsay is to go to Morgantown this coming Tuesday to have the metal removed from his injured leg. Bill Miller is to undergo thyroid surgery this coming Tuesday in EORH. Vera Perry will undergo hip-replacement surgery this coming Wednesday in New Albany, OH, if her health permits. Craig Herwick is recovering from last Tuesday’s eye cataract surgery. Eleanor Palimetakis is scheduled for cataract surgery tomorrow.
Virginia Orrison will remain in Forest Hills until she is well enough to be transferred to Beacon House. Shelli Glasgow is improving and her back pain has lessened considerably following her recent surgery. Joy Yontz will not be allowed to put any weight on her broken ankle for 3 more weeks at which time she is scheduled to have it put in a cast.
Louis Bain, Kate’s husband, is scheduled for a post-op exam on his eye tomorrow. Leslie Kutchel, Amanda Schrum’s aunt, is waiting to recover from her recent surgery before she undergoes additional hernia surgery. Becky McCoy, Pat Rice’s daughter, has been diagnosed as having cancer in both of her breasts. Patty Myers, a friend of Janet Eide, has a serious infection in her leg which is complicated by diabetes. Kathy Reynolds, Jodi Frye’s aunt, is recovering from last Monday’s hip surgery.
It was good to have Anna Witchey back with us last Sunday evening following recuperation from her recent fall.
Let’s continue our prayers for Evelyn Barker, Mary Bass, Hunter Bearup, (Stacey & Leonard’s son), Shelli Glasgow, Ed Hirauk (Donna Turley’s friend), Ethel Kent, Charlotte Mason (Mae Deller’s daughter), Harry Schrum, Peg Spielvogel, Cheryl Stefan, Brenda Stillion (Angel Baker’s cousin and Karen Barbe’s sister), Vonda Swisher, Jodie Tschappat (Elaine Sambuco’s sister-in-law), Jennifer Wheeler (Amy Nestor’s mother) and Tammy White (Tina Hayes’ sister).
Please pray for our expectant mothers…Leslie Huffman (February), Ashley McKeen (March), Terra Blacker (April) and Carrie Lucas (April).
Our Shut-ins need our continued prayers…Bill & Sue Daley, Mae Deller, Wilda Freeland, Lenny Hungerman, Dorothy Kimble, Bill Kopyar, Joyce Orzolek, Alice Shunk (Leonard Bearup’s mother), Leon & June Smith, Ed & Bea Stelmach, Jim Thrash, Marlene Trisoline, Joanne Wallner, Bill White and Anna Witchey.
Please continue your prayers for our military personnel… Nathan Rodak (Bill & Joan’s grandson), Kristen Roy (Pearl Roy’s granddaughter) and Joey Stenger (Joe & Karen’s son, Afghanistan).
Last Wednesday evening, Paula Farber responded to the invitation acknowledging she has allowed the world to distract her from following Christ the way He desires and asking for our prayers for strength.
We congratulate Sam Miller and Sarah Urante on being united in marriage in a private ceremony yesterday. We pray they will have a long and productive life in serving the Lord together.
To honor their being united in marriage, we are collecting money for a “Money Tree.” If you would like to contribute toward it, please give your money to Amy Games by Nov. 30. We will honor them during the December Monthly Fellowship.
Following next Sunday evening’s service, we will meet in the MP Room to honor those with Birthdays and Wedding Anniversaries in November. Care Group A will be in charge of the arrangements.
“The Missional Engagement Group” will meet Tuesday evening at 6:30. Everyone is invited to come to pray for and to discuss more effective ways of sharing the message of Christ with others. (Location: To Be Announced.)
All the men and boys are invited to the monthly breakfast this coming Saturday at 8:30 a.m. at Eat ‘N Park.
If you are in High School or a young adult, you are invited to participate in the Annual Youth Retreat at Grand Vue Park in Moundsville the weekend of Nov. 11-13. For more information or if you desire to participate, please contact Brad or Brian for more details.
Remember today is a “Fifth-Sunday” which means that all of our contribution will be applied to the purchase of the Reservoir Rd. property. Our goal is to decrease the loan’s balance to below $100,000 by the end of this year. The Lord has already blessed us in helping us to retire nearly 70% of the original debt in about 18 months.
Don’t forget to turn your clocks back one hour before going to bed this coming Saturday evening as we return to standard time.
If you are willing to prepare the Lord’s Supper for one month during 2012, please sign the list on the bulletin board. (If you have any questions, contact Linda Gooch.)
The deadline is rapidly approaching for the return of the Gleaner Cans in which we have been saving our coins and paper money to help with the support of the children who reside at Potter Children’s Home in Bowling Green, KY. The deadline is Nov. 13.
The East Main church in Barnesville is hosting a session with Dave Shelene of Vienna, WV, on “Internet Safety for Adults & Children” this coming Saturday, Nov. 5, from 4-6 p.m. @ the Barnesville Senior Center. (See the bulletin board for more details.)
“Preaching Jesus Christ” is the scheduled topic in next week’s broadcast which can be seen locally every Sunday on WTRF-TV, Ch. 7, at 7:30 a.m.