

Amy Gray has requested prayers for her brother-in-law (Harold) who had surgery Wednesday to remove a mass from his colon. As of Thursday, they were still waiting to hear results. Janie Judge (Jamie’s mother) was diagnosed with Stage 2 breast cancer. She will be having chemo treatments with surgery after the first of the year. Two of three test results may lead to a less aggressive treatment. Future tests will confirm. Jennifer Wheeler (Maureen McBride’s sister) is dealing with some personal problems. Danny McMillan spent a few days in the hospital due to heart rhythm problems… he came home Tuesday. Joan Reed (Jimmy Thrash’s neighbor’s mother) is very sick and in need of our prayers. Alex Sitar was recently in an ATV accident.

Please continue your prayers for those for whom prayer has been requested: Gavyn Adams-Helms, Hannah Baker (foot), Jim Bass, George Bartlett (Charlotte Patton’s brother-in-law), Charles Boger, Bob Digiandomenico, Paul Dangel (friend of Mary Clark, Darin Clark’s mom), Nancy Hendershot (Kay’s friend), Kyle Hope (leg braces), Kevin Kalany, Peggy Newell (friend of Darlene Baker), Pat Pendergrass (Sue Wirshing’s friend), & Jimmy Thrash.

Please continue to pray and encourage those who are no longer able to worship with us…Evelyn Barker, Ella Bell, Bill & Sue Daley, Mae Deller, Wilda Freeland, Joyce Orzolek, Alice Shunk, Leon & June Smith, Jim Thrash, Marlene Trisolene and Joanne Wallner.

Please keep our expectant mothers in your prayers: Leslie Huffman (Nov. 14th), Amy Higgins (Nov. 24th), Lindsay McKeen (February 14th) & Maizee Bunner (March).


Congratulations to Maizee and Chris Bunner, who are expecting their first child in March!


Please continue to pray for those who are serving in the military: Jason Harris (Bill & Pat Rice’s son-in-law), Chad Huggins, Bill Randolph (Matt’s father) and Joey Stenger (Joe & Karen’s son).  


Following evening worship tonight, we will be having a Trunk-or-Treat in the parking lot! Everyone should participate! (both children and adults). After worship, the children will dress up in the costumes while the adults decorate their trunks and pass out candy. Then following trunk-or-treating we will have finger foods in the fellowship hall, so please bring a finger food as well. It’s a great time to invite others!

You still have time to decorate your trunk! If you have any questions or want to help in anyway, please see Darla Gill.


The gleaner cans for Potter’s Children’s Home are due back by November 2nd. Even if yours are not yet full, please bring them back and place them in Brad’s office.


Thanks to everyone who has donated stuffed animals for Children’s Services! We’ve had a successful drive, and have collected above and beyond what we had hoped for. May the glory go to God!


There will be a shepherds-deacons-preachers meeting this afternoon at 4:30 in the multi-purpose room.


Mark your calendars for Nov. 14th-16th for the Fall Retreat. It’ll be here before you know it! As always, we will need chaperones, drivers, and others to help with behind the scenes preparations. Please see Brad to register or volunteer to help.


All the men and boys are invited to the monthly breakfast at Eat ‘N Park this coming Saturday at 8:30 a.m.


Jim Bass will be having vocational rehabilitation done sometime within the next four weeks. It will be 20 hours altogether over a period of a few days. He will need transportation to and from the job site. If anyone can help Jim with transportation, see Kay Sowinski.


The ladies’ bible study will continue on Tuesday at 6:00 at the building. The study will use “Giving for All It’s Worth.” If you have questions please contact Amy Games. The first meeting was a great night. Make plans to be part of what God is doing!


Don’t forget to memorize Philippians 2.1-4!


Don’t forget, our clocks are due to “fall back” at 2am on Sunday, November 2nd (next week)!


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